a new and convenient way to connect the HOPE community

August 16, 2019

Important Dates


16th ~ First Deadline for November IGCSE Entries (non-resit)

29th ~ Primary School Open Classrooms


16-20th ~ FLAG Week

21st ~  Final Deadline for November IGCSE (retakes)

23-27th ~ School Closed 


2nd October ~ YAPP 4on4 Basketball @NISC  

3rd ~ Parent Teacher Interviews

4th ~ International Teacher Day 

11th ~ IGCSE Certificate Ceremony

15th ~ IGCSE Exams Begin

17th ~ School Photos Day

23rd ~ No School - Paris Peace Agreement Day

29th ~ No School - King’s Coronation Day 

A message from our Director

Welcome to our new school year, welcome to our new families and welcome back to our returning families.  

Last week we had all the staff from both our Siem Reap and Phnom Penh campuses together - One HOPE, Two Campuses. It was a real blessing to be able to worship and share together as a group. It was great seeing the level of collaboration take place not only between teachers but also our admin, cleaning and facilities staff. 

The theme of our staff devotions this year is ordinary people, extraordinary God.  Last week we looked at the first three Judges of Israel and saw that God used Othniel’s strengths and abilities, Ehud’s limitations and possibly even disability and Shamgar, God used what was at hand. Three  different and ordinary people but used by God in an extraordinary way. In many ways this reflects HOPE School, ordinary people being used by God in extraordinary ways. He uses our strengths, abilities, limitations and even our disabilities and He uses what is at hand. 

We give thanks to God for the full staffing in Siem Reap with Mark and Carrie Twine returning after three years to take up the position of Principal and Secondary English teacher. We are thankful for the new staff here in Phnom Penh with three more anticipated to be arriving soon. Mrs Flight will be taking up the responsibility of Campus Principal with Mr Kime, Deputy Primary. We are currently interviewing applicants for the Principal position and would value your prayers in this process. 

While at a Christian School’s Conference recently one of the presenters highlighted that Christian community occurs at the intersection of Loving God and Loving people. We trust that HOPE School is one of those intersections where we do love God and love each other. 

In an effort to continue to improve Noticeboard communication with you as parents we are moving away from maintaining a mailchimp email group and using a web-based page for our Noticeboard. It can always be found at connect.hope.edu.kh .This should solve the issues of the Noticeboard emails not being received or ending up in your spam.

Thank you for the privilege we have in serving you, our families, in the education of your children. I look forward to this year for what God has in store for us. 

Together in His Service

David Ware



Access to the HOPE Campus

Dear all,

As of next week Hope School is changing the security around entrance to the school campus. These changes are responding to needs within the community and our own duty of care to provide a secure and safe environment for our children and staff. The following listed below will be posted at the gate in multiple languages and will be implemented by the MPA Guard and Mr Flight and Mr Ware. For some of you might find it a little problematic but we are confident we can ensure better protection for all at HOPE School. Next week we will commence these changes with full effect being by Monday the 26-8-2019.

As well as changes to ID, moto's and cars will not be permitted to enter into school for drop offs or visiting. Moto's will have a place to park out the front of the school with the guard ensuring their security. Only staff and students will be able to park on the school property. This is to prevent internal traffic issues as well as providing  a safer environment for all.

The return of lunch coupons and the end of Sycamore ordering

Dear HOPE Families,

HOPE School will be returning to operating the lunch program the same way we did before 2018-19.  HOPE is now selling lunch coupons and we are not requiring ordering through Sycamore.  Starting now, you can buy the coupons (as many as you need) at the Cashiers office.  The Cashier's office will be open Monday through Friday from 7:45am to 3:00pm and the lunch prices for 2019-20 are the same as the pre ordering prices from last year:

$3.00 for a large meal (children in year 3 and older)

$2.20 for a small meal (children in year 2 and younger)

You do not need to place your orders in Sycamore anymore.  Each morning the teachers will ask the students who will be eating the Hagar lunch that day.  Also, Hagar will continue to sell snacks at break times which will need to be paid in cash directly to Hagar.  Please email front.office@hope.edu.kh if you have any questions about this process.

A Note for Parents and Students

Personally owned laptops and tablets may be used in the classroom by students in year levels 9-12, and/or learning support students and according to guidelines set by the teacher. 

Students must first bring their device to the IT department to be registered and connected to our system, and they must also sign page 4 of their diary to indicate they have read and are aware of the HOPE School ICT policy. 

The full policy can be found here .

Extracurricular- We need you!  

Do you have a skill or a talent or a passion that you would like to share with our HOPE students?  We are looking for parent volunteers to be involved in our extracurricular clubs.   Clubs can be as creative as you want it to be and our students will benefit from your contribution.

Previously we have clubs in areas such as: Art, Dance, Instrument Ensemble, Running and Taekwondo.  If you can't think of a club, we would love to hear from parents who are willing to work in a team or support others..

Please contact Elizabeth Shin at elizabeth.shin@hope.edu.kh for more information regarding extracurricular club parent volunteer.  

Extracurricular clubs will run from September 9th to November 28th, once a week from 2:45 to 3:45pm.      

Sports at HOPE

This season we have 4 teams starting up! (August-October).

High School Girls Volleyball 

High School Boys Volleyball

Middle School Girls Basketball

Middle School Boys Basketball

The Volleyball teams have begun training already on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 2:45-4:15pm. If you would like to join these teams please speak to Mrs Kime or Mr Tim Krenz.

The Middle School Basketball teams start training Monday, Week 2. A sign up form has been emailed to all Middle School Students. Please complete this before attending training. 

MS Girls Basketball will train Monday & Friday 2:45-4:15pm

MS Boys Basketball will train Monday & Wednesday 2:45-4:15pm.

Permission forms with game and tournament dates will be emailed to parents and students soon. Please ensure that HOPE has your correct email address.

Sports Leadership

Mrs Kime is accepting applications for Student Coaches for this year. If you are in High School and would like to coach a Middle School or Primary team, please come to the PE office to collect an application form.

Athletic Council: if you are interested in learning how to officiate and run a sports tournament or carnival, scoring or umpiring, or being a House Captain, please consider joining the new Athletic Council. Representatives may nominate themselves to Mrs Kime via email. rebecca.kime@hope.edu.kh 

This team will be made up of students from Year 8-12.

10 Student-Tested Chrome Extensions

Many teachers and students use Google Chrome, and it’s easy to customize with these extensions that really benefit students.

By Kathryn Nieves

July 30, 2019

Starting a new school year means new students, new supplies, a newly cleaned and organized classroom—and new technology tools for students. After I spend some time getting to know my students each year, I typically take a day to add several extensions to their Google Chrome browser accounts—my students spend most of their computer time using that browser. (for details of useful extensions for students go to this link)


Playground under construction

Swing Time

Break Time

One-leg Balancing

Some  more new lockers for secondary students