a new and convenient way to connect the HOPE community
August 23, 2019
Important Dates
16-20th ~ FLAG Week
21st ~ Final Deadline for November IGCSE (retakes)
23-27th ~ School Closed
2nd October ~ YAPP 4on4 Basketball @NISC
3rd ~ Parent Teacher Interviews
4th ~ International Teacher Day
11th ~ IGCSE Certificate Ceremony
15th ~ IGCSE Exams Begin
17th ~ School Photos
23rd ~ No School - Paris Peace Agreement Day
29th ~ No School - King’s Coronation Day - Family Carnival
1st ~ IB November Exams Begin
11-12th ~ School Closed - Water Festival
14th ~ IGCSE Exams End
14th ~ TUESDAY Timetable
22nd ~ IB November Exams End
A message from our Campus Principal
It is my great pleasure to add my welcome to that offered by David last week.
I would love to introduce our new staff.
Jinyoung An (Secondary Korean)
Charleen Caput (Year 1)
Eslendy Gonzalez (commenced last semester, 2019 Secondary Spanish and Primary drama)
Sarah Kennedy (Year 3)
Grace Paran (English and ELL)
Miriam Wing (Math and Science Middle school)
Ben Van Dijk (History and SOSE)
Rupert Ray (Business Studies)
We also welcome back our continuing staff. I was reminded by a comment made by Jenna Manfred (school captain) this week about the invaluable contribution and input our staff make, whatever their term of service.
Equally, as I have encouraged the students to do for new students, I invite parents to take the time to make those who are new to the HOPE ‘family’( be they staff or parents), welcome in the coming weeks.
Please consider joining us Monday morning for our whole campus assembly, or Friday afternoon if you are Primary parent for the Primary assembly.
For those of us who follow Jesus, he sets a wonderful example. He welcomes us unconditionally; by grace with no judgement; by going above and beyond; through his love and availability and with open arms - really wide!
For our students I pray that this is a year where they will come to know Jesus at a personal level. Several staff did some online training over the last couple of weeks (yes, teachers are learners too) and I just want to share two thoughts for parents to consider in the role of spiritual formation.
When children are very young we have a wonderful opportunity to instruct them in such a way that we are effectively telling them what to believe, but as they grow to be teenagers we need to change our tone from authority to influence. We need to ‘draw faith out, rather than hammer it in.’ We also must make a conversation about Jesus a ‘welcome conversation’.
Cheryl Flight
A Notice from the Academic Resource Centre (ARC)
Dear HOPE families,
The learning support room (S5) is now called the Academic Resource Centre (ARC). If you have any psychology reports or important academic support documents about the needs and accommodations for your child(ren) - please email me directly or bring them directly to ARC. I am eager and honored to be coordinator of this department along with my amazing team of ELL teachers and volunteers. Contact Sumi Leonard for any questions or concerns.
Email: sumita.leonard@hope.edu.kh
Extracurricular- We need you!
Do you have a skill or a talent or a passion that you would like to share with our HOPE students? We are looking for parent volunteers to be involved in our extracurricular clubs. Clubs can be as creative as you want it to be and our students will benefit from your contribution.
Previously we have clubs in areas such as: Art, Dance, Instrument Ensemble, Running and Taekwondo. If you can't think of a club, we would love to hear from parents who are willing to work in a team or support others..
Please contact Elizabeth Shin at elizabeth.shin@hope.edu.kh for more information regarding extracurricular club parent volunteer.
Extracurricular clubs will run from September 9th to November 28th, once a week from 2:45 to 3:45pm.
A Note for Parents and Students
Personally owned laptops and tablets may be used in the classroom by students in year levels 9-12, and/or learning support students and according to guidelines set by the teacher.
Students must first bring their device to the IT department to be registered and connected to our system, and they must also sign page 4 of their diary to indicate they have read and are aware of the HOPE School ICT policy.
The full policy can be found here .
HOPE Koupreys
High School Volleyball
Due to timetable changes the training afternoons have been moved to Mondays and Thursdays 2:45-4:15pm.
Middle School Basketball
The boys team will train on Tuesdays and Wednesdays and the girls will train on Tuesdays and Fridays
Primary Football
There are Primary Football teams coming soon! Training will be on Thursdays (girls) and Fridays (boys). More information will be sent home next week.
If you have experience in Basketball, Football (soccer) or Volleyball please contact Bec Kime for more information on how you can serve HOPE through Sport.
Sarah Kennedy
Passport Country: USA
How did you learn about HOPE?
Our family came to HOPE 10 years ago for Mr. K to teach Maths. Now I get a opportunity to join in!
What are you teaching?
I am teaching Year 3, on Thursdays and Fridays.
What do you like about Cambodia?
I like the Cambodian people who always have time for a conversation or a smile. I also love the amazing and tasty fruit, and the fact that it's so easy to find a wonderful coffee!
Gracia Paran
Passport Country: Philippines
What are you teaching?
I am English/ ELL teacher.
What are your experiences?
I have extensive experience in teaching English internationally in Japan, China, Malaysia and the Philippines. I have also taught in a Christian school in the Philippines and am motivated to nurturing and mentoring students as future Christian leaders.
Gerben Willem van Dijk
Passport Country: The Netherlands
How did you learn about HOPE?
A good friend and former HOPE teacher, Mark McKnight, invited me to teach one of his TOK classes around 6 years ago.
What are you teaching?
The subject I teach is History. However, I hope I am teaching my students to think critically, to ask questions and to be empathetic.
What do you like about Cambodia?
I really admire the Cambodian hospitality, creativity and ingenuity. I also love how Cambodia has been a place where I have gotten to try out so many new things, ranging from foods, sports and teaching styles.
Rupert Ray
Passport Country: UK
How did you learn about HOPE?
I am a friend of Malcolm and Becs Pirie! Becs let me know about vacancies and encouraged me to join HOPE, even for a short stint.
What are you teaching?
As a short term teacher, I'll most likely end up teaching a bit of everything. However, at the moment I'm teaching Business Studies.
What do you like about Cambodia?
The motorbiking is great fun. Evading ferocious dogs and other bikes is an invigorating way to start every day! The food is great and the people are so kind and welcoming.
Jinyoung An
Passport Country: Korea
How did you learn about HOPE?
My two children are HOPE School students. And I heard about this position through Mrs. Sarah Moon.
What are you teaching?
I am teaching Middle School Korean.
What do you like about Cambodia?
What I like the most about Cambodia is a beautiful sunset.
And I like the smiles of Cambodian people.
Miriam Wing
Passport Country: Canada
How did you learn about HOPE?
TeachBeyond, the missions organization I am with, had HOPE listed on their job opportunity board.
What are you teaching?
I am teaching Middle School Maths and Science as well as Year 5 Integrated Studies.
What do you like about Cambodia?
I am enjoying the fruit and the friendliness of people whom I have met.
Charleen Caput
Passport Country: Philippines
How did you learn about HOPE?
I have some church mates whose kids study at HOPE.
What are you teaching?
I am teaching Year 1.
What do you like about Cambodia?
The people are so warm and food is awesome.