a new and convenient way to connect the HOPE community
December 13, 2019
Important Dates
14th ~ High School Formal at 5.30 - 10.00pm @Hotel Cambodiana
16th ~ Christmas Celebration at 3pm
19th ~ Last day of Semester 1 - finishes at 12pm
8th ~ 2nd Semester start
13th - 17th ~ Lower Primary Camp Week
16th ~ Year 10 Camp Meeting at 2.45 pm @HOPE
NOTE: parents and students are invited to the meeting
17th ~ Mocks start
17th ~ ISSAPP Track & Field Sec. @ISPP
30th ~ Mocks end
31st ~ Sports Day
10th - 14th ~ CAMP WEEK
17th - 19th ~ No School
27th ~ Parent Teacher Interviews
A message from our Board Chair
I'm challenged once again as Christmas approaches . Do I have the same expectation that the shepherds and wise men had of "Beholding "Jesus.
I am challenged about my longing for the return of Christ.
I do not have frankincense and myrrh to bring but are my heart attitudes and desires worthy of bringing to the Saviour. Do I display the fruit of His Spirit?
One fruit is Gratitude - and Mr Ware has spoken about this recently.
As I will be returning to NZ in January, I want to take this opportunity to express my gratitude for the HOPE community over the past four years .
Our family has not only benefited from the excellent educational opportunity Ezra had by spending his final two and half years of High school here, but I have had the privilege of getting to see behind the scenes and witness God and work in many and varied ways.
May you all continue to shine the LIGHT of Christ in this corner of His world and keep your eyes focus on Him.
Peace and Joy for this season and the years to come
Helen Blaxland
PS. We wish to extend our sincere thanks and appreciation to Helen for her gift of service to the HOPE community as Board Chair. God blessings as you head back to New Zealand in January.
Ann Greve will be stepping in as Board Chair. Thank you Ann for your continued support of HOPE in addition to your many other responsibilities.
School Bus Notice for Monday 16th December (NO change to morning bus arrangements)
Due to the Christmas concert happening in the afternoon on Monday 16th the following arrangements have been made.
- Bus A1 and A2 will be combined to one 25-seater bus
- Bus B1 and B2 will be combined to one 25-seater bus
- Bus C will remain the same
This will only affect afternoon bus ride home. The morning schedule will remain the same.
Important Note: Primary Students will stay after school for the Christmas Concert. Parents will be responsible for their transportation home.
Contact front.office@hope.edu.kh if you have any questions.
Christmas and Art Shows
(Dec 16-18)
Don't miss out! Scroll across for details of our end of semester event and shows
Library closing early
Due to the short day on Thursday, the Library will be closed for the semester at 1pm on Thursday, December 19th. Sorry for any inconvenience.
This is the proposed calendar. At times circumstances are beyond our control that will require us to adjust, modify or change the calendar. We have attempted to manage both Cambodian requirements and the educational needs of the school.
ISSAPP Track and Field
We are sending a small team of students (no more than 4 per age group) to represent HOPE at the ISSAPP Track and Field event.
The event will be on Friday the 17th of January at ISPP starting at 4:30pm and finishing at 8:30pm.
Events will be:
100m Sprint, 200m Sprint, Hurdles, Shot Put and Long Jump.
The age groups for each event are: Under 13, Under 15, Under 17 and Under 19. You are to compete in the age group according to your age on the day (17th January, 2020).
Training sessions will be offered to those who are interested. We are only allowed to take a maximum of 4 students per event/per age group, so trials will be held to select the team if needed.
Please complete this form to register your interest before Monday the 16th of December.
ISSAPP Cross Country
Last Saturday the HOPE Cross Country team competed at the first ISSAPP (International School Sports Association Phnom Penh) Cross Country event at ISPP.
180 students from 6 International Schools competed in Year 4-5, Year 6-8 and Year 9-12 events.
The high school events were first, and the yellow HOPE uniforms stood out at the front of the pack! Jacob Hodges easily took first position with his team members Aditya Mathew, Josiah Teece and Jabez Lim not far behind. The High school boys team took first place in the teams event!
The team event took the finishing place of the top 4 runners from each school and added their numbers together. The school that had the lowest total score for 4 runners won.
Inae Suh earned the silver medal in the High School girl's event, with Maria Norman not far behind in 4th place.
Elijah Hodges ran a hard 3km and was rewarded with third place. Ethan Hodges also competed against some tough competition and finished third.
Vivienne Kenedy ran a smart and quick race and was also rewarded for her run with the bronze medal.
Along with our excellent individual results, the Middle School boys team, Middle School girls team and Primary School Boys team placed 2nd in the team events.
Congratulation to all the runners, and thank you to Paul Hodges for training the running club on Monday mornings this year.
Mrs Kime
The Middle School football teams travelled to NISC for our first away matches of the season.
Boys A had a tough game against a strong NISC outfit. They played a solid second half, but couldn't find the net. Final score 2-1
Girls Team have been training really hard and putting together strong performances on the field, linking the ball well between forwards and backs. They didn't have their best performance, and went down 2-0, but are getting better every week. Thanks to the wonderful coaches Sean and Shaun for all their hard work as well.
Boys B team had their second win of the year, winning 2-0. Away wins at NISC in particular are difficult. Goals went to Toby, who had a sensation game forward, and Chashin, who will be missed as he leaves HOPE for the year.
We also said farewell to Reuben Piper, who has been instrumental in both wins. He will be missed. Robert was solid as a rock in defense, allowing nothing past him all day, and Vaino continued to give his all playing the pivotal attacking defender role. Thanks to Jake Bennet and Osei for their help in coaching.
Above: boys B team after their win against NISC 2-0.