a new and convenient way to connect the HOPE community
December 6, 2019
Important Dates
6th ~ First Performance of 'The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe' at 6:30pm
7th ~ Second Performance of 'The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe' at 1:30pm and 6:30pm
10th ~ No School - International Human Rights Day
11th ~ Volunteer Celebration
12th ~ Middle School Parents Meeting with Mr. Emery
14th ~ High School Formal
16th ~ Christmas Celebration at 3pm
19th ~ Last day of Semester 1 - finishes at 12pm
8th ~ 2nd Semester start
13th - 17th ~ Lower Primary Camp Week
16th ~ Year 10 Camp Meeting at 2.45 pm @HOPE
NOTE: parents and students are invited to the meeting
17th ~ Mocks start
17th ~ ISSAPP Track & Field Sec. @ISPP
30th ~ Mocks end
31st ~ Sports Day
10th - 14th ~ CAMP WEEK
17th - 19th ~ No School
27th ~ Parent Teacher interviews
A message from our Director
To whom do you give thanks?
Last Thursday was a special day for our staff and families from the USA - it was Thanksgiving Day. A few weeks earlier our Canadian staff and families celebrated their Thanksgiving Day. I spoke last Friday at Primary Assembly on being thankful and used the example of the 10 lepers being healed by Jesus but only one (a Samaritan) returned to thank Jesus for his healing. Jesus commended him for his faith.
Why is being thankful so important? Albert Mohler says of thanskgiving that it is important for us to recognize that there is no more radical, there is no more fundamental Christian act than thanksgiving. In this sense, Thanksgiving is itself the most deeply theological act we can imagine. This is a big statement but why is being thankful deeply theological? It is because of ‘who we are giving thanks too’. As Christians we recognise our position before God and the position that He has brought us into as His children and our response is one of gratitude. That gratitude then becomes our worship.
The one returning leper recognised Jesus for who He was and returned to give Him thanks which is why it was an act of faith. We worship God when we are thankful. We can be thankful for our families, our co-workers or our ministry opportunities which is appropriate. We can also teach our children to be thankful and grateful and that too is appropriate but ultimately we each need to understand that thankfulness is must also be vertical - towards God.
As we approach this Christmas season, we approach it gratefully because it reminds us of Jesus’ birth. But this is not an isolated festive event, it is also about His life, death and resurrection and what that means for us His children. This holiday break let the first line of a chorus: ‘give thanks with a grateful heart’ be on our lips as we give thanks to the one who is worthy of our grateful responses.
Psalm 136:3 & 4 Give thanks to the Lord of Lords: His love endures forever. To him who alone does great wonders, His love endures forever.
David Ware
This is the proposed calendar and that at times circumstances are beyond our control that will require us to adjust, modify and change the calendar. We have attempted to manage both Cambodian requirements and the educational needs of the school.
Tickets are sold out for the Friday performance of "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe." Don't miss out, you can catch it at 1:30pm and 6:30pm on Saturday, December 7th!
Middle School Parents - Changed date to 12th December as the 10th is a public holiday
You are invited to a meeting on Thursday 12th December at 3pm in the hall. Mr Emery will be presenting information about the pathway between the middle school curriculum and high school exam-based subject choices. This meeting is to explain the structure of the school system, more detailed information about Year 8 choices will be given out at the end of January.
Baked goods for the bake sale can be left at the Hagar Kitchen area, after school on Monday, December 16.
Middle School Football
27.4.19 vs CIA
Both teams played their first games of the season. A team had strong performance with Davis in goals making a lot of saves, Thomas, Arjun and Jasper all scoring great goals. One unlucky goal against was the only difference- boys going down 4-3
Many of the B team players were playing their first game for HOPE and they played well considering this-Reuben scoring a long range goal, and Seung Yeon playing a great game in defence. Emmanuel the best player on the park in goals, who saved at least 4 certain goals. Final score 3-1
4.12.19 vs Logos.
After strong performances last week, the team were fired up to play Logos. "A team" started strong, and only a minor lapse in defence saw us go one goal down. But a sensational effort from that point saw 6 unanswered goals: Thomas 4, Arjun and Jasper 1 each. Some passages of play saw Logos seemingly chasing their tails, as the passing links were beautiful to watch.
Shaleem and Giryeong playing great games in defence. 6-1 the final score, and a modest celebration with the hope of more wins to come.
B team also enjoyed their first win. A strong start saw Mono scoring one and a cross from him also ended up in the back of the net in a Logos own goal got us off to a great start. Toby followed suit shortly after, silkily placing the ball in the bottom corner for his first goal for HOPE. Elijah played a great game in defence in the first half, and Seung Yeon, Jihwan and Theo also played extremely well in defence. EJ made some excellent passes forward and great clearing headers. The second half saw Em come out goals and create lots of opportunities, but it was another long range pass/shot from Reuben that saw him score for the second week running. The match was sealed by Chashin pouncing on a ball in the goal box and scoring. Final score 5-3- an enjoyable win.
The Track and Field
There were twelve events at the track and field at ISPP. The first event my group did was the long jump where you had to sprint then jump and see where you landed. After that my group did the sack race there were five lines one for each school. Next we went to the animal throw. At the animal through we threw toy chickens. There was a gold, silver and bronze that were about 2-3 meters away from each other. The next event was the 3-legged race. In the 3-legged race they had a potato sack where you and your buddy put your legs in. After that was a high jump. There were three different levels you could go to silver bronze and gold each of them were about 2-5 inches higher than each other. Next was the water relay. At the water relay you get a sponge and fill the bucket next to you. Next was the sprint where you run as fast as you can, if you want you can keep racing. Next was the rocket throw were you throw a rocket and see how far it goes. At standing long jump we stood and jumped as far as we could. Then we went to space hoppers were you jump on giant bouncy balls. After that four people from each class did the relay and then we left.
By Mark Brand, Year 5
Sports Day at ISPP- A recount"- by Harry
When we’ve arrived to ISPP, we were very late (about 20 mins) so, I began at the long jump. I only tried once but got gold in the long jump. After that, we did a chicken throw. When I heard that we are going to throw a chicken, I asked the manager if it is alive or not because I did not want to throw a chicken that is alive or dead. The manager parried the question and showed me a chicken doll that made a squeaky noise when you pressure it. So, I threw as far as I can, and I proved that chickens can fly like eagles. I only got silver but that was satisfying. Next, we did this game that was simply like this: you get a sponge and fill your bucket, and the team with the most water is the winner. However, there was a problem, there was a woman filling up her bucket with a hose, sometimes she sprayed water to the students. Oh no, there was another problem; Mr Kime told her to make us wet. I dodged all the water like in matrix and filled up the bucket. However, my shoes were muddy, my friend who could not dodge the water wanted to make Mr Kime wet as well.
A section from "Sports Day at ISPP- A recount"- by Harry Chang (Year 5)
Sport Updates
For the Season 2 games schedule, please view the school calendar or click on this link.