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February 21, 2020
Important Dates
27th ~ Parent Teacher Interviews
27th ~ Primary Afternoon School Spirit Activities
28th ~ Secondary Afternoon School Spirit Activities
2nd - 6th ~ "Reading is my Secret Power" - Book WEEK
10th - 11th ~ IGCSE ART exam
13th ~ IGCSE ART exam
16th - 20th ~ ACSI Accreditation
26th - 31st ~ Read-a-Thon
6th - 17th ~ No School - Khmer New Year
29th ~ PSAT 10 Testing (enrolled applicants only)
A message from our High School Deputy Principal
HOPE students will have Biblical Understanding through Inquiry and Reflection
HOPE students will be able to Apply their Knowledge by Challenge, Lifelong Learning and being Knowledgeable
HOPE students will have the potential to impact the world for Christ
One of the joys that I have in being a teacher is the privilege of working with teenagers and young people. I’m not a parent myself, but I have developed some idea of what it must be like, and I think one of the hardest but most important parts is as they start to develop their own understanding of the world separate, though certainly influenced by, from parental values. Sometimes this can be a jarring process, especially when they begin to question values that have been instilled in them from a young age, and calls for great wisdom from parents on how to manage this. Yet, as I reflect on my own life, this is an incredibly important process as it forces us to become independent, and, especially for us as Christians, gives us an individual faith not a second-hand faith based on others experience rather than our own. I am so grateful that as a secondary teacher I get to be involved in this process.
An important part of this process is allowing students to honestly approach the Bible, to think for themselves what individual passages and themes are saying, to ask difficult questions, and to implement Biblical concepts into their lives. We do our best to help students inquire and reflect so that this may happen, so that our students will leave here fully confident in the Word and in the Gospel.
My wish now is that all the students that I have taught and have met over the past few years take hold of all that they have learnt and experienced and use this to impact those around them with the message of the Gospel. Indeed, it has been great when alumni come back into school and we are able to hear some of how this is already happening in a number of their lives. My prayer will always be that this generation takes the Gospel into the general darkness that is our world, not only to see their generation won for Christ but to also to teach and inspire the generation after them.
Finally, it has been a pleasure serving at HOPE these past seven years (and getting to write these noticeboard messages for the past few years). I am so thankful that I have been able to have a small input into your child’s lives and the delight that it has been to have this opportunity, as well as interacting with you in the wider Hope community. You have all been a blessing. Thank you so much!
Michael Emery
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