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February 28, 2020
Important Dates
2nd - 6th ~ "Reading is my Secret Power" - Book WEEK
10th - 11th ~ IGCSE ART Exam
13th ~ IGCSE ART Exam
9th - 20th ~ Read-a-Thon
6th - 17th ~ No School - Khmer New Year
29th ~ PSAT 10 Testing (enrolled applicants only)
1st ~ No School - Labour Day
1st ~ IB Exams Begin
4th ~ IGCSE Exams Begin
8th ~ Year 5 Transition Day
14th - 15th ~ No School - King’s Birthday
22nd ~ IB Exams End
A message from our Board Chair
In the Midst of Difficult Times: Believe, Rely on and Trust in God (Daniel 6)
The Bible tells us about a young leader named Daniel who had been taken by force from his country to a country he did not know and to food he did not want to eat and to a life he never planned to live. He was an unwilling expat. However, Daniel refused to deny who he really was and chose to continue to grow in His relationship with God even though his God was not the god of the land to which he was taken. God chose to bless Daniel with amazing wisdom and knowledge and soon the King of the land recognized and admired Daniel and put him in a position of leadership. However, a situation came up where Daniel had to decide whether he would follow the command of the local King if it would mean Daniel would disobey his God. Daniel chose to trust in, obey and honor his God. The result: the King, that Daniel thought liked him, ordered Daniel be put into a den with lions. That night Daniel was thrown in the den. The King felt bad, but cared more about his position and power than he cared about Daniel.
God loves to take situations like this and work through them to reveal that He is the powerful, true, loving and real God. The King went to the den in the morning to see what happened to Daniel. The King called out, “Daniel, has your God been able to rescue you from the lions?” Daniel answered, “Oh King, live forever! My God sent His angel, and he shut the mouths of the lions. They have not hurt me.” Daniel was not bitter, angry or wounded. Daniel was focused on his God. “Then the king was greatly pleased and ordered that Daniel be taken out of the den. So, Daniel was taken out of the den, and no injury whatever was found on him, because he believed in and relied on and trusted in his God.”
This seems to be a time when many of us we are faced with situations that are beyond our understanding and control. Sometimes we don’t understand the behaviors of people around us who have cultural or faith or family differences that are strange to us. We experience unexpected, unusual responses or circumstances that challenge us to make a choice. Do I trust in my God in the midst of this or do I compromise? Do I trust in God or challenge and confront those involved to prove I am right, and become wounded? The lesson Daniel teaches us is “no injury whatever was found on him, because he believed in and relied on and trusted in his God.” When we believe, rely on and trust God He guides us to the right response; there is protection from hurt for us and God is honored. The protection of the Lord that comes as we trust and rely on Him is so good for us, and in a greater way, our trust reveals the greatness of God to those around us.
“Then Darius the king wrote to all the peoples, nations, and speakers of every language who were living in all the land: 'May peace abound to you! I issue a decree that in all the dominion of my kingdom men are to [reverently] fear and tremble before the God of Daniel, for He is the living God, enduring and steadfast forever,… He who has rescued Daniel from the power of the lions.'” May our belief, reliance and trust in God provide wholeness and freedom for us, and profoundly reveal the Lord to those around us.
Ann Greve
Parent Teacher Interviews
Thursday 27th Feb 2020 Thank you to all the staff for preparing so diligently for this weeks’ parent teacher interviews.
Thank you to our parents who made the effort to attend these meetings with teachers to support your child’s progress and the work of the school.
School Spirit House Event
Friday 28th Feb 2020 The Athletics Council ran activities/games for Primary and Secondary classes.
Everyone enjoyed the activities before the weekend.
Workshops for Cross-Cultural Families
One day only – March 21st, 2020 Tanya Crossman
Tanya Crossman will be returning to Cambodia in March 2020 and holding both a morning seminar, and also a longer afternoon workshop with more interactive content. You can register for the morning or the afternoon – or both! Discounted prepaid registration is available, including group rates. All written materials will be bilingual (English/Mandarin Chinese).
Seminar Details can be found here. Online booking is available.