a new and convenient way to connect the HOPE community

February 7, 2020

Important Dates


17th - 19th ~ No School - Mid-term Break

27th ~ Parent Teacher Interviews

28th ~ Afternoon School Spirit Activities 


2nd - 6th ~ "Reading is my Super Power" - Book WEEK

4th ~ YAPP Dodgeball & Capture the Flag @NISC

4th ~ FRIDAY Timetable

10th - 11th ~ IGCSE ART exam 

13th ~ IGCSE ART exam 

16th - 20th ~ ACSI Accreditation

26th - 31st ~ Read-a-thon


6th - 17th ~ No School - Khmer New Year

29th ~ PSAT 10 Testing  (enrolled applicants only)

A message from our Primary Principal

Welcome parents and caregivers,

My name is Damien Gainsford and I am the new Primary Principal at HOPE.  I, and my wife Leisa, have eight children with five of these attending HOPE this year, and another to join in the 2020/2021 school year. I am very excited to be part of the HOPE Community and am enjoying the fantastic start to the semester we have had. It was wonderful to meet so many of our families at the Sports Day,  at Primary Assemblies and around the playground area.

‘Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary.’ – Galatians 6:9. During the past few weeks, our Primary students have been completing many tasks at school, while in the midst of the response of  families, school, country and the world to the virus situation. As Paul was commenting in the above-mentioned scripture, I have seen similar determination and commitment by our students and staff in the completion of their daily routine. We need to always have our eyes on the bigger picture but never take our attention off the small details that God provides for us daily.

Last Friday, I had the pleasure of participating, as the starter, in HOPE Sports Day. At HOPE, our Primary students are blessed in that they have many varied experiences throughout the school year. I believe that it is a poignant time to thank all the staff who spent countless hours in the planning of these activities. The Sports Day had been carefully and meticulously put together by Mrs Bec Kime (and her PE Staff), with support from the school’s maintenance staff and other staff members (when packing away and setting up). I am most humbled by the efforts of all involved and I would like to take this opportunity to publicly thank Bec for her servant heart.

‘For this very reason, make every effort to supplement your faith with virtue, and virtue with knowledge,’ 2 Peter 1:5. Over the past four Primary Assemblies, we have presented many Superkid Awards. These students are consistently displaying positive values and behaviours in all aspects of their daily educational life at HOPE.

Finally, as the warmer weather is almost upon us, I would like to remind families to follow the guidelines of the school regarding hydration and skin protection. In Primary, students are to wear appropriate shirts to cover their arms, hats whenever possible and drink lots of water throughout the day.

My door is always open, and I am regularly around the Primary classrooms of an afternoon, so take these opportunities to seek me out; introduce yourself and have a conversation. You can always email me at principal.pri@hope.edu.kh. I am here to serve our families.

Have a blessed weekend,

Mr Damien Gainsford


Staff vs Student Basketball

Thursday, 6 February 12:00 – 12:30 pm

Change of Learning Arrangements for Year 12 Students.

We would like to inform you that 

Year 12 have classes as normal in the week commencing 10th February.

Note: last school day prior to SWOT (Study with-out Teachers) commencing is Monday 20th April.

No Whole school Assembly Monday 10th February

10th -14th ‘it’s not camp week... but we’ll still have fun’

Staff have planned some treats and fun activities for our students who are missing camp next week.

These will ‘pop up’ at different times. 

Learning Hub News 

A new way…!

We’ve introduced a new way to help keep our shelves in order!


When you come in to search for books, simply grab a Shelby from the holder, and use it as a placeholder on the shelf whilst you peruse the book. If you don’t like it, replace the book and take Shelby on to the next spot. Return it to the front desk when you’ve made your selection. Easy! And you are really helping keep the library organised.

Sophal is modelling how to use it!



January 31, 2020