a new and convenient way to connect the HOPE community
January 10, 2020
Important Dates
13th - 17th ~ Lower Primary Camp Week
16th ~ Year 10 Camp Meeting at 2:45 pm @HOPE
NOTE: parents and students are invited to the meeting
17th - 30th ~ Mocks exam
17th ~ ISSAPP Track & Field Sec. @ISPP
31st ~ Sports Day
10th - 14th ~ CAMP WEEK
17th - 19th ~ No School
27th ~ Parent Teacher Interviews
4th ~ FRIDAY Timetable
26th - 31st ~ Read-a-thon
A message from our Director
Welcome to 2020
I was thinking about this year being 2020 and how it is similar to an expression we use for the clarity of our eyesight. We say that we have 20/20 vision, meaning we have good, clear eyesight. I was in Indonesia when I was about 40 and I was preaching at nighttime in a room with a 60watt lightbulb, reading from a travel Bible with a small font, when I realised I could not read the text. My eyesight was no longer 20/20 and was deteriorating. I now wear glasses to compensate for this. This analogy of 2020 and vision is a good way for us to begin this new calendar year and a new decade. How is your vision? Not your physical vision but your spiritual vision. Heb 12:1 & 2 (NLT) reminds that we are to run with endurance the race God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. Our spiritual vision should be the opposite of our physical vision in that it should improve with maturity. We keep this sharp spiritual vision by keeping our eyes on Jesus and in doing so we are given the endurance to be able to run the race that God has called each of us too.
Blessings for 2020
David Ware
The team from Wollongong Baptist Church have left Sydney. They will be at HOPE next week to lead the lower primary camp.
Year 10 and 12 Practise Exams
Here is the timetable for the upcoming Practise Exams for the Year 10 and 12 students, starting on Friday January 17th until Thursday January 30th. If you have any questions or queries, please contact michael.emery@hope.edu.kh
New Drawstring bags
We have new drawstring bags available for purchase from the front office.
The bags are $5 each.
This month there is a promotion for members of the High School Basketball and Middle School Football teams! For Basketball and Football players the bag will only cost $3 (this discount is only available for the month of January).
Come and get yours now!
Y 8/10 OPTIONS MEETING Thursday 28th January, 3pm in the hall.
Dear parents of year 8 and year 10 students, you and your child are warmly invited to a presentation about the IGCSE and IB courses available for your children when they enter year 9 or year 11 respectively.
There will be a presentation about the structure of the courses and which subjects are available. Detailed information about each course will be emailed out before the meeting for you to familiarise yourself with the course material and requirements.
Students will have until the end of February to make their course choices.
There will be an opportunity for you to discuss personal recommendations with the subject teachers at the meeting.
We look forward to seeing you then,
Cath Kershaw, Michael Emery.
Welcome to HOPE
Name: Destinee Sauve
Passport Country: Canada
How did you hear about HOPE?
I learned about HOPE through an alumni, Janelle Krenz. But that was only the beginning. My journey to HOPE has been through a lot of prompting and leading by God. He has spent many years preparing my heart to move overseas, and I know after being here only a couple of weeks that He has also come ahead and prepared a place for me here.
What will you be doing at HOPE?
I will be teaching P.E
What do you like about Cambodia?
So far I am really enjoying all the tropical fruit that is available in such a wide variety and quantity. I am also really enjoying the community I have gotten to know so far and seeing how God has brought all of them to Cambodia in many different ways.
Name: Kate Chhin
Passport Country: New Zealand
How did you learn about HOPE?
I first came to HOPE in 2008 and taught in the primary school for four years. HOPE will always hold a special place in my heart as it is where I met my husband, Retdy, 11 years ago! It is a privilege to be back here in Cambodia with my husband and three children, serving at HOPE again.
What will you be doing at HOPE?
This semester I am teaching Year 3. My family and I will be moving up to the Siem Reap Campus for the new school year beginning in August 2020.
What do you like about Cambodia?
The people! I love how friendly and welcoming everyone is. I love how I can walk down the street and have many conversations as I pass people by.
Name: Damien Gainsford
Passport Country: Australia
How did you learn about HOPE?
My wife, Leisa, has wanted to do mission work since she was 6 years old and she has been the driving force in our search to fulfill God's plan for us. Initially, I was searching for overseas Christian school jobs and HOPE International came up on the ACSI website. Additionally, I met David Ware at the ACS Teachers Conference at Mueller College in 2019 and he was recruiting for Hope. Working at Hope allows me to utilise my teaching and organisational gifts that God blessed me with in a mission environment.
What will you be doing at HOPE?
I have been blessed with the position of Primary Principal at HOPE. I will be teaching Year 5 Integrated Studies (Social Studies) to the split class and will be assisting the Primary teachers throughout the year.
What do you like about Cambodia?
Whilst only being in country for a couple of weeks, I love the way in which we have been welcomed by the staff and community of HOPE and Phnom Penh. The calm and helpful nature of the Khmer people is a blessing as my family has transitioned into another culture and way of life.
Name: Grant Cuthbert
Passport Country: Australia
How did you learn about HOPE?
Cambodia has been on my heart for a few years now but I really didn't have any plans about coming here. I recently moved on from the school where I had been teaching for over 22 years as I was looking for a change of direction. I have only ever worked in a state (or government) school so it is a real joy to be working with Christians!
I first learnt about HOPE from my friend Mel Waters who was at Siem Reap. She used to go to my church. My good friend and twin brother to Brent Wilsmore also spoke very highly of HOPE. I've had a few conversations with Brent who really convinced me that HOPE is an excellent school with Godly staff and principles.
I visited here in November and was drawn to the place. Whilst in-country, I applied for a job at HOPE and was also invited for an interview. The leadership team made it clear that they didn't have anything that would suit me at present but would keep me in mind should a position arise. They also asked if I would be interested in short-term vacancies, which I agreed to consider. I stayed here for two weeks and really enjoyed Phnom Penh. After I returned home, I prayed that God would open up a position somewhere in Cambodia if it was His will. Then out of the blue David Ware rang and offered me a six month contract in the Library! I soon accepted and here I am!
What do you like about Cambodia?
I have found it easy to get around (Grab is a Godsend for me!) the food is good and the variety is excellent. The locals are very friendly and the staff at HOPE are fabulous!
I'm looking forward to getting a moto so I can be even more independent. I feel so blessed to be here. God has opened so many doors and smoothed the way completely. He is indeed a good, good God!