a new and convenient way to connect the HOPE community
November 15, 2019
Important Dates
1st ~ IB November Exams Begin
11-12th ~ School Closed - Water Festival
14th ~ IGCSE Exams End
14th ~ TUESDAY Timetable
22nd ~ Cross Country 8.00 - 10.00 AM
22nd ~ IB November Exams End
30th ~ ISSAPP Cross Country @ISPP (AM)
6th ~ First Performance of 'The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe' at 6:30pm
7th ~ Second Performance of 'The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe' at 1:30pm and 6:30pm
10th ~ No School - International Human Rights Day
11th ~ Volunteer Celebration
14th ~ High School Formal
16th ~ Christmas Celebration
19th ~ Last day of Semester 1 - finishes at 12pm
8th ~ 2nd Semester start
17th ~ Mocks start
17th ~ ISSAPP Track & Field Sec. @ISPP
30th ~ Mocks end
A message from our Deputy Principal
Every year HOPE puts on a performance, a musical or a play. This year’s creative offering is an adaptation of The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe by C. S. Lewis.
The Chronicles of Narnia, the set of books from which this book is the main story, were read and reread by me as a child. Although at the time I had not yet made that decision to follow God, the Christian message in the stories was clear and understandable and I was drawn to their message.
Lewis committed his life to Christ at age 32 and used his skills and talents as a Fellow of English Literature at Oxford University to publish many books on the theme of Christianity. He was one of the most influential writers of his time and used this influence to deliver the gospel to many. Written with a younger audience in mind than usual, The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe gives us a wonderful, fantastical adventure which takes us on a journey of Jesus’ story. We can identify with Edmund and his betrayal of his siblings or with Lucy and her adoration of Aslan. Ultimately we marvel at the deep mystery of sacrifice, redemption and restoration.
I am sure that our HOPE retelling of this ancient story will leave you with a message; every time I read the book I would see a new aspect of the gospel in there. I hope that you will come to celebrate our students’ talents, enjoy some excellent entertainment and go home pondering the beauty of the Creator’s rescue plan.
Don’t forget our Soiree this Saturday 3-5pm in the Primary building. Come along and enjoy a selection of musical and poetic offerings by our students and staff.
Cath Kershaw
Dear Parents
Here are a few updates from the recent Board planning day and last board meeting
Key issues covered were
1. A review of the Strategic map and some minor changes/ additions made.
The 2014-2018 Future Directions document has been reviewed. The board agreed that this document (with some updates) still serves us well but agreed that it needs a full stakeholder engagement review with the new director in place. Realistically this will be in 2021.
2. Registration with MOE and MOC. The board wishes to acknowledge the huge amount of additional work that has been required to meet the requirements of these government departments. Special thanks to Mr Ware and the staff team along with Mrs Maria Thyda Rath.
3. Financial Position. The school is in a sound financial position as we come towards the end of the first semester.
4. ACSI Accreditation. The board again acknowledges the huge effort that has gone into preparing for the pre-survey visit this week. Thanks to all involved. The accreditation officer who visited this week spoke briefly with the board and was encouraged by the spiritual climate he observed in the school. This is our point of distinction as a Christian school. He also spoke of the academic levels required to meet ACSI standards and how this accreditation serves to identify schools who are prepared to undergo the rigors of audit.
5. An Encouragement. One board member shared a story she heard recently from a Khmer former student who described HOPE's role in presenting to him a Christian worldview and this was a formative experience him. Praise God that His light does shine through the ministry of HOPE in our community.
6. Parent Council. It was encouraging to hear of the three new people who have offered to serve on this committee in PP. The board is exploring ways in which to re-establish a parent group in SR. Mr Richard Smith has been asked to present options for consideration. We are keen to keep developing the One school - two campus approach.
7. Director Recruitment. The search committee has presented the board with a candidate. This person will be in country for an interview with the full board on Friday 22nd November. Please pray for us as we discern God's will in this matter.
Lastly the board wishes to thank you all for your resilience in the face of ongoing road access challenges. The level of communication during this time has been really appreciated. Thanks Mr Ware and your team.
In December the board will meet in Siem Reap. We look forward to this opportunity to again meet with SR parents,
Helen Blaxland
Board Chair
Next Friday at 8am! Make sure you dress in your house colours, wear shoes that can get a little muddy and bring your water bottle.
Races will start at 8:20am on the field and will conclude by 10am.
Sport Updates
The Middle School Football and High School Basketball seasons are about to begin. For the Season 2 games schedule, please view the school calendar or click on this link.
Inter-school Cross Country
Thanks to those students who have nominated themselves to represent HOPE at the inter-school event (Saturday 30th of November at ISPP). Permission forms have been sent home to the runners. Please contact Mrs Kime if you need a form or more information.
Parent Council
We are happy to announce that we have had 3 volunteers for Parent Council. The following people are being considered to serve on the Parent Council are:
Emily Prichard
Crystal McMaster
Youmi Kim
Please address any comments or concerns to Anders Myrens @ anders.myrene@gmail.com by Nov 22, 2019.
Looking forward to next school year (2020-2021), we will be losing 4 members and we would really like to see parent representation from Cambodia, the Pacific region and Europe. Please prayerfully consider the possibility of serving the Hope community in this way for the next school year.