a new and convenient way to connect the HOPE community

November 22, 2019

Important Dates


22nd ~ IB November Exams End

30th ~ ISSAPP Cross Country @ISPP (AM)


4th ~ YAPP G3-5 Track & Field- all morning @ISPP 

6th ~ First Performance of 'The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe' at 6:30pm

7th ~ Second Performance of 'The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe' at 1:30pm and 6:30pm

10th ~ No School - International Human Rights Day

11th ~ Volunteer Celebration

14th ~ High School Formal 

16th ~ Christmas Celebration 

19th ~ Last day of Semester 1 - finishes at 12pm


8th ~ 2nd Semester start

17th ~ Mocks start

17th ~ ISSAPP Track & Field Sec. @ISPP

30th ~ Mocks end

31st ~ Sports Day 

A message from our Parent Council Board Rep.

Change, Lament, Hope

According to statistics, the average turnover for teachers at international schools is about 2 years.  HOPE sits at 2.6 years and that is definitely something to celebrate. But when we look at the list of beloved teachers who will be exiting this school year, it doesn’t feel that way.  

And unfortunately, this year is not that different from previous years. It seems like every year we are saying goodbye to teachers and then agonizing over who will take their place.  As a community it feels like we have struggled with the issue of teacher staffing because the truth is we have.  This causes stress not only for our children but for parents and those amazing teachers who decide to stay.  

Now my point is not to write a depressing noticeboard.  My point is this - What do we do with these feelings of loss and frustration which can easily turn into worry and despair.  As a community of faith, is that our best response? God knew we would be tempted to hopelessness in looking at the circumstances in the world around us and so through the poetic books of Psalms and Lamentations God shows us a better way - Lament.  

Lament doesn’t shy away from the truth - we do not yet have enough teachers.  True.  

But lament isn’t despair.  

Lament is a way of looking at the reality of our situation while recognizing that we have hope - not a pollyanna, rose colored, wishful thinking, baseless kind of hope but a hope that is grounded in the power of the resurrection, a hope that is a result of knowing a Risen Savior.

Now that may sound a bit dramatic for something as ordinary and earthy as international school staffing but I would argue that it isn’t.  If we can lament with hope then we can pray and work as we wait on Jehovah Jireh. Yes, we pray - for God to provide for the educational needs of our children and we also work - to explore all the options before us to find new teachers.  And we celebrate those teachers who have lovingly poured into our children, whether 2 years or 10, and who have stood shoulder to shoulder with us in God’s work in Cambodia.  

Next week those of us from the US will be celebrating Thanksgiving.  I encourage you to include HOPE School in your prayers of thanksgiving.   I encourage you to even be thankful for the way God draws us into deeper trust as we walk along a path that to us seems uncertain.  And if you’re not celebrating Thanksgiving I still encourage you to hope and pray for the staffing needs at HOPE.  


Melissa Mora


Congratulations to the following students who have won full and partial scholarships to attend the Harvard World Model United Nations (WORLDMUN 29) Conference in Tokyo next year. This is a great achievement by our HOPE students and is wonderful opportunity to engage in this program. 

Congratulations also to Mrs Jovelyn Delos Santos for spearheading this program. 

Parents of Primary!

We are still lacking in volunteers to help celebrate our teachers' birthdays and Christmas parties! Please click on the specific link to find your child's class and sign up soon. December is right around the corner and that means Christmas parties are coming right along with it, not to mention there are a few teachers who have December birthdays as well. 

Preschool 1 - Preschool 2 - Kindergarten - Year 1 - Year 2 - Year 3 - Year 4 - Year 5 

Thanks for serving and loving on Hope School's incredible teachers!

Middle School Parents

You are invited to a meeting on Tuesday 10th December at 3pm in the hall. Mr Emery will be presenting information about the pathway between the middle school curriculum and high school exam choices. This is purely to explain the structure of the school system, more detailed information about year 8 choices will be given out at the end of January. 

Dress up Fun in November

Enjoy the chance to have some fun and do something a bit different. Student council have set the last week in November as Dress up week. Dates and themes are as follows:

It's that time of the year again folks! Parents, children and everyone in between, you have been invited to Hope International School's Christmas play! We present to you, the most exquisite, the incomparable..... (Drum roll please) ...... 


Our very talented thespians will be performing on the 6th and the 7th of December. It will be held in the Drama Hall where you can enjoy the magnificent air conditioning and be one with our very own actors and actresses in the one and only Narnia.

We hope to see you there. God Bless. 

- Proverbs 3:5-6 -

Sport Updates

For the Season 2 games schedule, please view the school calendar or click on this link.

Inter-school Cross Country

Thanks to those students who have nominated themselves to represent HOPE at the inter-school event (Saturday 30th of November at ISPP). Permission forms have been sent home to the runners. Please contact Mrs Kime if you need a form or more information. 


Register with BRIGHT MINDS now to join a free parent talk.


Greetings from the Graduating Class of 2032 … Kindergartens!