a new and convenient way to connect the HOPE community
November 29, 2019
Important Dates
30th ~ ISSAPP Cross Country @ISPP (AM)
4th ~ YAPP G3-5 Track & Field- all morning @ISPP
6th ~ First Performance of 'The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe' at 6:30pm
7th ~ Second Performance of 'The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe' at 1:30pm and 6:30pm
10th ~ No School - International Human Rights Day
11th ~ Volunteer Celebration
14th ~ High School Formal
16th ~ Christmas Celebration
19th ~ Last day of Semester 1 - finishes at 12pm
8th ~ 2nd Semester start
17th ~ Mocks start
17th ~ ISSAPP Track & Field Sec. @ISPP
30th ~ Mocks end
31st ~ Sports Day
A message from our Deputy Principal
In my previous Noticeboard introduction, I talked about our recently developed School Outcomes (which you can view on the school website). These are statements that have been developed by the School Board as a guideline for both staff, students and parents to the qualities that we hope to develop in our students over the time that they are in our Hope community.
For this piece I will be briefly reflecting on two of those statements
HOPE students will be Global-minded by, and reflecting on International-mindedness and Intercultural Understanding and Respect
Here at Hope we live in a community with many people from different countries and cultures and in one sense we are very global-minded because of these interactions. We have many opportunities to develop an understanding of others and broaden our minds. What I think is great here though is that although we come from different places and cultures, the majority of our students and teachers here are followers of Christ so, despite all our differences, we have a common identity in Him. It is refreshing to realize the Gospel is not limited to a particular group of people or a particular place but has the power to impact everybody.
HOPE students will be Servant-Leaders by Active Involvement and being Caring and Compassionate
From my experiences here at Hope, this is one area that our students excel in. Many are actively involved in the life of the school such as Sports Day and cross country, assemblies and the worship team; as well as extracurricular activities such as the upcoming play, sports clubs, the prom and athletic committees, student council, teaching at Grace School and fundraising. They also get involved in many different and varied within their church community, and within Cambodian society itself. Students here increasingly caring and compassionate towards each other and to others that they come across. They are good at celebrating milestones with and supporting each other during difficult times. This is what makes Hope such a pleasant school to work at.
I’ll continue with more outcomes in my next Noticeboard. Until then, God bless you
Michael Emery
It's that time of the year again folks! Parents, children and everyone in between, you have been invited to Hope International School's Christmas play! We present to you, the most exquisite, the incomparable..... (Drum roll please) ......
Our very talented thespians will be performing on the 6th and the 7th of December. It will be held in the Drama Hall where you can enjoy the magnificent air conditioning and be one with our very own actors and actresses in the one and only Narnia.
We hope to see you there. God Bless.
- Proverbs 3:5-6 -
Middle School Parents - Changed date to 12th December as the 10th is a public holiday
You are invited to a meeting on Thursday 12th December at 3pm in the hall. Mr Emery will be presenting information about the pathway between the middle school curriculum and high school exam choices. This meeting is to explain the structure of the school system, more detailed information about Year 8 choices will be given out at the end of January.
We are still lacking in volunteers to help celebrate our teachers' birthdays and Christmas parties! Please click on the specific link to find your child's class and sign up soon. December is right around the corner and that means Christmas parties are coming right along with it, not to mention there are a few teachers who have December birthdays as well.
Preschool 1 - Preschool 2 - Kindergarten - Year 1 - Year 2 - Year 3 - Year 4 - Year 5
Thanks for serving and loving on Hope School's incredible teachers!
Sport Updates
For the Season 2 games schedule, please view the school calendar or click on this link.
Inter-school Cross Country
Thanks to those students who have nominated themselves to represent HOPE at the inter-school event (Saturday 30th of November at ISPP). Permission forms have been sent home to the runners. Please contact Mrs Kime if you need a form or more information.
World Scholars Cup
Some details have been released for the 2020 competition.
The 2020 learning theme will be A World Renewed.
And... there will be a global round held in Phnom Penh next year, so this may enable our participating students to attend both the regional and Global rounds of the competition.
Students: listen out to the notices for information on getting involved.
For students or parents interested in learning more about WSC go to https://www.scholarscup.org/mission/