a new and convenient way to connect the HOPE community

October 18, 2019

Important Dates


15th ~ IGCSE Exams Begin

17th ~ School Photos 

23rd ~ No School - Paris Peace Agreement Day

29th ~ No School - King’s Coronation Day

(NOTE: Family Carnival has been Cancelled for 2019)


1st ~ IB November Exams Begin 

8th ~ Cross Country

11-12th ~ School Closed - Water Festival 

14th ~ IGCSE Exams End

14th ~ TUESDAY Timetable

22nd ~ IB November Exams End

30th ~ ISSAPP Cross Country @ISPP (AM)


6th ~ First Performance of 'The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe'

7th ~ Second Performance of 'The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe'

10th ~ No School - International Human Rights Day

11th ~ Volunteer Celebration

14th ~ High School Formal 

16th ~ Christmas Celebration 

19th ~ Last day of Semester 1 - finishes at 12pm

A message from our Director

The church community that I come from back in Australia has both a Christian  P-12 school (1700 students) and a Retirement village (112 independent units) on the same site. This was intentional as our church sought to engage both the younger and older generations. The reality is that one gets to be a part of those who are beginning their life journey and those who are approaching the end of their life journey. Two aspects of this community stand out. Firstly, you get to see those who are starting well and those who are finishing well. Secondly, you get to see the Christian faith passed on to the emerging generations or dropped between them. 

Starting and Finishing Well

Working in a school environment you get to see so many young people starting their journey of life.  But as we know with a marathon race, it is not how we start the race but how we finish that really counts. A Christian school is about preparing students for both life and for eternity. While Maths, English and Art are important aspects of school life and achievement they are not the only outcomes. Yes, we are preparing students for colleges and careers, but we are also should be preparing them for loving God and loving their neighbour which Jesus’ affirmed as the most important outcome. We want to not only see our students start well but have the resources and resilience for life so as to stay in the race and finish well. I have been leading Staff Devotions through the characters of the book of Judges. Many of those characters started well but finished poorly. By having a Retirement Village as part of a church community I got see those residents who were finishing their race well while others not so well. 

Passing the Baton

Now that I am a grandparent, my desire is to see my Christian faith passed not only to my children but now also to my grandchildren. So often the baton of faith can easily get dropped between generations. As a grandparent my finishing well may be an important part of this faith transfer. As we live out our Christian lives our children, our students and our grandchildren are all witnesses to our faith journey. What do they see? What do they hear? What do they observe? While the stresses of schooling, subjects, exams & colleges are valid ultimately I want to share eternity with my family and those who have been part of my journey. That’s my end goal, that’s my “well done good and faithful servant”. That’s how I want to finish but it’s how I am running now that will determine that. 

I want to run my race consistently and finish well and to effectively pass the baton of Christian faith on to the emerging generations. Being involved in Christian schooling and being a parent/ grandparent has given me a wonderful opportunity to engage in both.  

David Ware



Dear HOPE Families,

We have noticed that many of you are choosing to pay your invoices into our new ABA accounts which is great.  May I please remind you to include your Sycamore code or family name in the Remarks or Memo lines as you make bank transfers.  HOPE has received three payments recently with no names and we have no idea who to credit the payments to.  If you think this might be you, please contact accounts@hope.edu.kh and show us the bank receipt or tell us the amount, date, and bank you paid the money into.

Also, please make sure your payments are going to the correct HOPE account:

Phnom Penh student payments go to ABA account # 804878 or JTrust (ANZ) account # 2157427.

Siem Reap Student payments go to ABA account # 804877 or JTrust (ANZ) account # 2157438.

HOPE's Payment Method instructions have been updated on our website.

We really appreciate those families that make their payments on time.  We will be enforcing late fees (maximum $10 per month per family).  If you need an account statement or if you want to check your balance you can email accounts@hope.edu.kh

Thanks for your support of HOPE School.

HOPE Finance Team

Announcing Parent Council Nominations 

Do you want to enhance community at Hope? Do you want to be a voice for the parents? Do you want to help shape the learning environment for our children? Join Parent Council!

We will be holding Parent Council Nominations from October 11 to October 25.  

If you are interested in serving the Hope community in this way, or would like to suggest someone else please click on the link and print out the nomination form. Nomination forms need to be returned to the front desk by 3pm Friday October 25.

Basketball and Volleyball

Please follow this link to view the games for this season or go to HOPE Parent's calendar.

Coaches Needed for Season 2

Dear parents and teachers, we are in need of 2 assistant coaches for the upcoming season:

Middle School Girls Football team assistant coach

High School Boys Basketball team assistant coach

This will be a 2-3 afternoon per week commitment and will run from the end of October until the start of February.

Please contact Mrs Kime if you are interested or know someone who is suitable for the roles. rebecca.kime@hope.edu.kh 

If we do not have assistant coaches it will limit the number of students who will be allowed to join the team.

Thanks for your help,

Mrs Kime

ISPP Mountain Bike Race

On Sunday 20th October, ISPP are organising a Mountain Bike Race, starting at 8am.

The course will involve several laps of the school field and bike track. There will be races for boys and girls in the following age groups; 8 and under; 9 and 10 year olds; 11 and 12 year olds; 13 and 14 year olds (age on the day of the race). Riders will need a bike and helmet. 

If you are interested please complete the online entry form online entry form (http://tiny.cc/isppbike). 

For more information please contact: benwiggins@ispp.edu.kh

Photo Day

17 October, 2019

Immerse Education's Cambridge Summer School 

Are you interested in entering the  Essay Competition?

This offers the opportunity for students to win a place at our Cambridge Summer School with a scholarship covering 100% of the participation fee. Last year, ten full scholarships were offered to winning entrants from leading schools around the world to attend our award-winning enrichment programmes in the UK. The programmes, including Medicine, Law, Computer Science and Engineering, are designed for high performing students; alumni have proceeded to study at leading institutions including Harvard University, Stanford University, Cambridge University, and Oxford University.

Students aged 13 - 18 can find more details about the competition  at this link. 


Greetings from the Graduating Class of 2029 … Year 3s!