a new and convenient way to connect the HOPE community
October 25, 2019
Important Dates
15th ~ IGCSE Exams Begin
17th ~ School Photos
23rd ~ No School - Paris Peace Agreement Day
29th ~ No School - King’s Coronation Day
(NOTE: Family Carnival has been Cancelled for 2019)
1st ~ IB November Exams Begin
8th ~ Cross Country
11-12th ~ School Closed - Water Festival
14th ~ IGCSE Exams End
14th ~ TUESDAY Timetable
22nd ~ IB November Exams End
30th ~ ISSAPP Cross Country @ISPP (AM)
6th ~ First Performance of 'The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe' at 6:30pm
7th ~ Second Performance of 'The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe' at 1:30pm and 6:30pm
10th ~ No School - International Human Rights Day
11th ~ Volunteer Celebration
14th ~ High School Formal
16th ~ Christmas Celebration
19th ~ Last day of Semester 1 - finishes at 12pm
A message from our Campus Principal
Our HOPE teachers wear many hats! Thank you for working in partnership with us in ‘growing your young people’.
We are:
Providers of information we build on students' prior knowledge and move them toward a deeper understanding of the subject at hand.
We role model: being an adult; being a christian; being a human being. Many students often have more contact with their teachers than their own parents, so we try to always reflect a positive image and teach children things like respect, trust, and responsibility.
We must assess each student's growth and mastery of the lesson objectives. We are able to recognize patterns through assessing our students and then plan our lessons to meet our students' needs.
We must be expert planners, both on paper and in our heads! We never know what may happen that will derail a current lesson plan, so we need to have backup plans available to pull at a moment's notice.
We are developers of resources - making worksheets, designing assignments, creating PowerPoint presentations to go along with lessons. We work hard to provide differentiated learning opportunities and deliver learning in an authentic and meaningful manner.
In addition teachers are also event planners, rule enforcers, ‘travel agents’, ‘tour’ guides, resource purchasers, counsellors, first aid givers, sport coaches, team co-ordinators, shoulders to cry on, production managers, learners… the list goes on.
We are ‘called’ to HOPE to support the mission of the school, each playing our part as we strive to provide an excellent Christ centred education.
I am blessed to work with a team of educators who are committed to their craft, are humble and real, who ‘teach for the heart’, and who choose to love your children (even on the days when they may not be acting very ‘lovable’.) I believe that I can speak on behalf of all of our staff in saying that one of our prayers is for God to work in each of us to develop the following traits, so that we can have a significant and lasting impact in the hearts and lives of the young people that you entrust into our care.
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering (patience), gentleness (kindness), goodness, faith, meekness (gentleness), temperance (self-control): against such there is no law. Galations 5:22-23
But, Learning isn’t just influenced by teachers, the classroom, the tools, or curriculum. While teachers are responsible for creating a productive learning environment, parents play a critical role in ensuring a child shows up at school ready to learn. As parents you can support us in our work by: Normalising and supporting the challenges that come with learning; Keeping your relationships with your kids strong; Helping your children adapt to the expectations and structures that ‘are’ school; keeping your own relationships with teachers on track; supporting the school schedule, routines and expectations; helping create routine, structure and play time out of school hours; supporting your children with challenging peer interactions and keeping the lines of communication open between school and home.
Cheryl Flight
“Prayer isn’t an activity apart from the work of ministry; prayer is a primary element of the actual work of ministry. And the only thing that can really get in the way of my engaging in this ministry is . . . me.” -- Alan Fadling, An Unhurried Leader: The Lasting Fruit of Daily Influence
Friday 8th November at 8.00am -10.00am
Wear your house colours and running shoes (and be prepared to get a little muddy)
Season 2 Training days
Next week is the final week to join one of the teams. Please come to training at 2:45pm on Monday if you plan to play Basketball or Football this season.
High School Basketball
Girls: Monday, Tuesdays, Thursdays
Boys: Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays
Middle School Football
Girls: Mondays and Thursdays
Boys: Mondays and Wednesdays
Please remember that email is often the best way to contact staff but please allow time for us to respond. Speaking personally, often my day does not allow time to address emails until the end of the day, and for classroom teachers there are even less opportunities. We do not expect our staff to respond to emails sent after 4pm on a school day until the following work day. (whether the email is from a parent or a colleague)
Cheryl Flight