a new and convenient way to connect the HOPE community

October 4, 2019

Important Dates


3rd ~ Parent Teacher Interviews

4th ~ International Teacher Day @HOPE

11th ~ IGCSE Certificate Ceremony

15th ~ IGCSE Exams Begin

17th ~ School Photos 

23rd ~ No School - Paris Peace Agreement Day

29th ~ No School - King’s Coronation Day

(NOTE: Family Carnival has been Cancelled for 2019)


1st ~ IB November Exams Begin 

8th ~ Cross Country

11-12th ~ School Closed - Water Festival 

14th ~ IGCSE Exams End

14th ~ TUESDAY Timetable

22nd ~ IB November Exams End

30th ~ ISSAPP Cross Country @ISPP (AM)


6th ~ First Performance of 'The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe'

7th ~ Second Performance of 'The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe'

10th ~ No School - International Human Rights Day

11th ~ Volunteer Celebration

14th ~ High School Formal 

16th ~ Christmas Celebration 

19th ~ Last day of Semester 1 - finishes at 12pm

A message from our Deputy Primary Principal  

To our wonderful community, 

We’re on a rescue mission. I’m not one to volunteer for anything too dangerous. But I do love the stories of those who go into danger for the good of others. 

Most of the world was gripped by the story last year of the Thai boys who were stuck in the cave. There were so many stories of what might need to be done to get them out; of how the rescue could be possible. I loved seeing and hearing jubilation and overwhelming joy when all were recovered. 

Or, what about the book, ‘The Martian’.  A man stranded after an emergency evacuation from a futuristic team performing experiments on Mars. I can’t think of a more lonely place or where you’d feel in more need of rescue that being stranded on another planet. The team of astronauts returns to bring him back with them and rescue him from certain death.  

Growing up on the beaches in Australia, I’ve seen plenty of people who think they can take on the waves, and are suddenly met with the knowledge that they can’t do anything to save themselves. They need rescuing. 

There’d be countless movies that come to mind, and maybe you even have your own stories to go with the idea of rescuing or being rescued. 

Christ is the great rescuer: The one who came to save those who were in peril and to bring us back! Really, all rescue stories are based on this, yet fall into insignificance compared to the gospel story. 

Colossians 1:13-14

For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, 14 in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. 

The ultimate goal of Christ was to enable God to bring us back to himself. In every rescue story, the goal is the same: Bring the boys back, bring the team back, bring ourselves back. 

Christian Education has a big part in furthering the rescue effort. In Colossians 1 Paul makes this statement: 19 For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, 20 and through him to reconcile to himself all things. 

One of our goals as teachers at HOPE school is to bring all things back to God; to rescue and bring ideas, concepts, curriculum, disciplines, current trends, creativity and emotions back to Christ. 

My wife and I have enjoyed nearly a decade in Christian Education. We love HOPE school, we love teaching your children about Christ, about his world, and who they are in him. I’m so encouraged in Monday morning assemblies especially to see the mix of younger students declaring that they know God, and older students starting to act upon knowing God. 

I believe HOPE tries to deliver a complete education... one that includes God. 

The model of Christian education aims to  grow students that are not obsessed with job satisfaction, high paying careers or so-called 'success'. Rather, Christian education develops students who want to be part of the rescue mission. Using the skills that they’ve been given through education, critically thinking through a Christian worldview, they see the world differently. They see the true story of God’s relationship with humans, and partnering in the ongoing rescue of bringing all things back to Christ. 

In Christ, 

Tim Kime


Workplace Hosts and Service Opportunities needed for Year 11 IB Students 

As a part of their final two years of study, students include a program known as CAS (creativity, activity and service). The goal is to engage in learning opportunities not easily embedded into a regular academic program.

Ideally part of the experience takes our students outside HOPE to serve others and see more of the 'real world' of work and service. One of the learning outcomes of the program is for students to 'demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance and show involvement in projects addressing these issues in a local, national or international context' and 'demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.'

If you, your church, your workplace or your organisation has any short term projects or job shadowing or service opportunities, please contact me cheryl.flight@hope.edu.kh 

As CAS coordinator I am keen to see our students engage in real and authentic opportunities, where they can learn whilst serving others.

Photo Day

Oct 17, 2019

Order form was sent out to parents on September 30, 2019.

Basketball and Volleyball

Please follow this link to view the games for this season or go to HOPE Parent calendar.

The Immerse Education Essay Competition

As a high school student are you interested in attending the Immerse Cambridge Summer School?

We offer a variety of summer programmes, from Architecture to Physics, and if you’re looking to showcase your academic skills then this is the essay competition for you! The Immerse Education Essay Competition offers applicants the opportunity to win a 100% scholarship to participate on an Immerse summer programme.

Details of the competition, the guidelines, the prizes and important competition dates for your diary are outlined at


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