a new and convenient way to connect the HOPE community

September 13, 2019

Important Dates


9th ~ Extracurricular clubs start

16-20th ~ FLAG Week

21st ~ Final Deadline for November IGCSE (retakes)

23-27th ~ School Closed 

30th ~ Primary Parents' afternoon tea with Damien (new Primary Principal) and his wife Leisa


3rd ~ Parent Teacher Interviews

4th ~ International Teacher Day @HOPE

11th ~ IGCSE Certificate Ceremony

15th ~ IGCSE Exams Begin

17th ~ School Photos 

23rd ~ No School - Paris Peace Agreement Day

29th ~ No School - King’s Coronation Day


1st ~ IB November Exams Begin 

8th ~ Cross Country

11-12th ~ School Closed - Water Festival 

14th ~ IGCSE Exams End

14th ~ TUESDAY Timetable

22nd ~ IB November Exams End

A message from our Middle School Deputy Principal

Next week I have asked parents of years 6 and 8 students if they would like to come into school to discuss the recent assessment taken by their children. To some people testing and assessment is not the most exciting part of school life but I must be in the right place as I find it really interesting. 

The purpose of this particular test is not to see how well our students have learnt their subject material but to analyse their underlying strengths and weaknesses as a learner. Analysing the results of these tests gives us a window into a few aspects of how your child works and learns. We can then be better informed about our students to develop and personalise our teaching methods. 

Tests cannot describe a person. They are a measurement of specific aspects and we must be careful not to over-rely on simplistic ways of knowing a unique character. They are however a useful tool in our toolkit. Compare this to how deeply the Lord knows his children in the Psalm below:

The CAT4 assessment tests do, however, contain a rather significant idea. They give an indication of likely potential in terms of IGCSE grades; likely potential, not certain. 

I like that even this test acknowledges that outcomes are not fixed. Our students, your children, have amazing potential; they are unique and complex individuals and human measurements cannot fully capture who they are. Potential gives us the idea that problems can be overcome, circumstances can change, skills develop and understanding improves. 

This summer when I was home catching up with friends, I heard wonderful stories about what some of my ex-students were now doing. Their tests many years ago could not begin to describe the fullness of who they were then, nor who they are now.

Thank you for entrusting your children to HOPE school so that we can partner with you, your children and the LORD and see that potential develop.

Cath Kershaw


This is a reminder: there will be school on Monday 30th September

Government Pchum Ben holiday is 27-30 Sept but based on the agreement with staff, parents and families we have moved this holiday back to the week before so Monday 30th September will be a school day. 

FLAG WEEK is next week!

Library Hours

Dear parents and staff,

We would like to inform you that the library hours have been extended to stay open until 4pm. So current hours are now 7:30am - 4pm, Monday - Friday.

Thank you,

Megan Holmes

Interim Librarian 

Dear Parents,

We would appreciate your support in ensuring that your child is collected promptly at the conclusion of Sport or Club activities. Staff have a duty of care to wait until the parent or organised transport has arrived. In the past week on more than one occasion staff have waited an extended period of time before children were collected.

Thank you in anticipation of your support in this matter. 

Basketball and Volleyball

Please follow this link to view the games for this season or go to HOPE Parent calendar.

YAPP 4vs4 Basketball Wednesday 2nd of October

This is a friendly event where mixed teams play 4 vs 4 Basketball with simplified rules on a smaller court against other International Schools. Students from Years 4-5 will form mixed teams. We are able to take as many teams as we like, so please return the permission form to register and your child will be placed in a team. The form needs to be returned to Mr Kime by Wednesday the 18th of September.

Forms have been handed out to interested students, or can be downloaded here

Extracurricular Clubs

Monday Primary Football

Tuesday Arts and Crafts

Tuesday Robothinks

Wednesday Karate

Wednesday Model United Nations

Thursday Khmer Traditional Dance

Access to the HOPE Campus

The moto's parking lot for dropping off or visiting is finally done.  Please make sure you park your moto at our new parking lot when you drop off your children or visit HOPE.

Thank you.

Summer Arts Camp in Interlochen

Arts Camp application will open October 1 and the priority application deadline is January 15. You will find a post-able flyer HERE. 

Below are some helpful links from Interlochen:

Our Programs

Our Faculty

Admission and Financial Aid

Immersive Career Experiences

For Ages 15-18 

InvestIN Summer Internships 2020

London. Oxford. Silicon Valley. Amsterdam. Bologna. Frankfurt. Prague.  

Please click the link here for the information. 


The Graduating Class of 2020 … Year 12s!