a new and convenient way to connect the HOPE community

September 6, 2019

Important Dates


9th ~ Extracurricular clubs start

16-20th ~ FLAG Week

21st ~  Final Deadline for November IGCSE (retakes)

23-27th ~ School Closed 


2nd October ~ YAPP 4on4 Basketball @NISC  

3rd ~ Parent Teacher Interviews

4th ~ International Teacher Day @HOPE

11th ~ IGCSE Certificate Ceremony

15th ~ IGCSE Exams Begin

17th ~ School Photos 

23rd ~ No School - Paris Peace Agreement Day

29th ~ No School - King’s Coronation Day - Family Carnival


1st ~ IB November Exams Begin 

8th ~ Cross Country

11-12th ~ School Closed - Water Festival 

14th ~ IGCSE Exams End

14th ~ TUESDAY Timetable

22nd ~ IB November Exams End

30th ~ ISSAPP Cross Country @ISPP (AM)

A message from our Deputy Principal

A couple of years ago, following our first IB Diploma review, one of the recommendations that we were asked to do was to review and expand our Hope Mission and Vision (obviously you know these), with some School Outcomes linking our philosophy and the IB’s philosophy of education. The board spent some time working on this and came up with our School Outcomes. 

I am aware that for many this type of thing won’t appeal to everybody (including myself at one time) but actually the more I have been involved in the school leadership, the more I can see the value in these statements. 

They are:

HOPE students will be Global-minded by, and reflecting on International-mindedness and Intercultural Understanding and Respect

HOPE students will be Servant-Leaders by Active Involvement and being Caring and Compassionate

HOPE students will have Biblical Understanding through Inquiry and Reflection

HOPE students will be able to Apply their Knowledge by Challenge, Lifelong Learning and being Knowledgeable

HOPE students will have the potential to impact the world for Christ

In the School Outcomes document, we have clarified these statements a little more. 

Ultimately, these statements are important because these are the characteristics we hope our students will have when they leave this school. We want them, obviously to achieve well academically, but we also want them to grow spiritually, with solid biblical understanding, to be involved in the school community and beyond and to be critically aware of the culture they are in and of the big global picture, so that they may leave here with all the tools needed to make an impact wherever they end up. We would then hope to see them growing in these areas as they progress through the school, and hopefully you will notice the development of these characteristics too. 

My aim in my noticeboard segments over the rest of this year is to look in more detail at the statements above, explore them and reflect on them. Please take the time to check out the document above and hopefully you will come and do this with me too. 

Please keep our Year 10 Additional Mathematics students in your prayers as they look to taking the first of their exams in November, along with a couple of resit students. Feel free to pray for them and bless them over this potentially stressful period.

If you want to read them, please go to the Hope website, go to the ‘About Us’ tab and scroll down until the link ‘Download Full Position Statements’

Michael Emery


FLAG WEEK is coming soon!

Upcoming Basketball and Volleyball games

Please follow this link to view the games for this season. 

New ISSAPP events for this year

Cross Country: Saturday 30th November at ISPP

This will be a team event (minimum 4 per team), we will enter teams from Primary (1.5km), Middle School (3km) and High School (4.5km). Please register your interest with Mrs Kime. 

Track & Field: Friday 17th January at ISPP

The event will include:

Sprints: 100m, 200m and 400m

Hurdles: 70m

Long jump

Shot put

Track & Field will be open for all Middle and High School students.

Access to the HOPE Campus

The moto's parking lot for dropping off or visiting is almost done. Thank you the maintenance team for your hard work.


The Graduating Class of 2023 … Year 9s!

Student wrote down personalized superhero names and superpowers for themselves. 

Can you guess which superpower belongs to which student?

Bitter Sixteen - Never grows old

Fast Talker - annoys people to death

Panda - throws bamboo shoots at people

Berry - makes all kinds of berry ice creams by just moving her hands

Captain Ginger - always hungry

The DilEmma - not good at maths, it’s a dilEmma

Yee Man - wears a sombrero, excellent sickick, sole purpose is to improve the movie plot.

Tele Thinker - rogue mind reader with telekinetic abilities

Captain Tired -  teleportation and can remain still for 12hrs without doing anything

Ha-ha-ha-Hamilton - driving people insane with fangirling

Jaybzee - powers of ASMR, distract enemies, makes enemies fall asleep, does incredible mukbang

Buwan - vampire hybrid, gains strength and agility powers from the moon.

Teletobbie - has absolutely no powers. Are you even a superhero?

Dr. T(teletobbie) - controls time

Dr. Stranger - able to calculate the mass of the universe for fun.

Sir Skinny legs - cannot gain weight

Pesto girl - love pesto, can stun her enemies with ridiculous amounts of pesto.

Dairy Free Queen - having the will power to reject all the chocolate cupcakes and yummy treats that are placed in front of her.

Midnight menace - staying up all night without watching kpop videos

Writing Mafia - writing MUN position papers while fuelled solely by chocolate bard and caffeine.

Little Giant - able to through any kind of small holes.