April 2, 2021

We join Christ followers throughout the world in the celebration of Christ's death and resurrection.

This year we can maybe identify in a small way with his suffering, due to the ongoing Covid pandemic, however it is the knowledge that He is RISEN which give us HOPE for the days ahead.

Have a Blessed Easter    

Upcoming Events


5-16 - Khmer New Year  

(No School) 

26 - Commissioning Service for New Director 

26-30 - Book Week 

30 - Dress Up Day


There will be no IB or IGCSE exams this year. All Y10 and Y12 families, please refer to your emails for more information.


A Message from HOPE Director, Adam Ecklund

How will you spend your break?

Being on campus these past several weeks, I can attest to the amount of work that is happening in and around HOPE.  Fresh paint is being applied to the walls, annual audits are taking place, teachers are diligently working on their lessons and delivery, and the administration team continues to position HOPE for your successful return to campus.  This season of life has uprooted the majority of us from our normal routines and daily expectations.  For many, these changes can be draining.  They are physically, socially, mentally, and spiritually exhausting.  Whether this narrative resonates with you or not, I want to challenge us all to be intentional with our time during the upcoming break. One of my favorite pastors, David Platt, offers some great advice for our community as we step into a Sabbath and head into an extended time of rest.

·       The gospel secures our salvation, freeing us to rest in Jesus’ finished work. This is the gospel: there is no amount of work you can do to save you from your sins and make you right with God. Salvation from your sins and a relationship with God comes through resting in Christ’s finished work on your behalf. 

·       The gospel secures our satisfaction, freeing us from the idolatry of work. Will you experience frustration, discouragement, and despair at work? Sure you will. It’s the reality of work in a sinful world. But just as soon as you do, those realities will remind you that your work is not your source of meaning, not your source of joy, not your source of satisfaction, not your identity. Jesus is, and He alone can provide all the greatest needs and desires of your soul.

·       The gospel secures our significance, freeing us from idleness in work. There is a God who loves you and has designed you and your work for His glory. Christ has made a way for you to experience His eternal purpose in your day-to-day work. 

o   By the grace of God, work diligently to display the character of God.

o   By the grace of God, work diligently to advance the mission of God.

o   By the grace of God, prioritize God-glorifying rest over the course of every week (and during extended breaks).

o   By the grace of God, look forward to the day when everyone and everything will work perfectly, when we will rest fully and forever in God’s great love.

Matthew 18:28-30 ”Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

I am praying for each one of you that you are restored this break through the Gospel and that your whole being is refreshed.

Dr. Adam Ecklund


To view a recent Q&A interview with Dr. Adam Ecklunch, click HERE

Relaxing During the Holidays

a message from Student Well-Being Coordinator, Gary Bevan

Hooray! The end of semester is here. Make the most of it. At this time things are uncertain day to day, which drains us of energy, physically and emotionally. Here are some ideas for you to recharge your batteries and be ready to face the uncertainties of the remaining school year

Given the restrictions currently in place some of these suggestions may need to be modified, but the main point is to RELAX!

If you have young children try to find someone to care for them while you take it easy. Even if it is only for a couple of hours. 

Just read for fun

Even an hour or so each day being left alone will bring down the stress levels. Reach for something that you’ll be able to finish over break. There is nothing worse than starting a book and not finishing it. 

Binge watch you favourite shows and serials

If you have Netflix or a heap of DVD’s, spend a day binge viewing. Also spend a day with the kids watching their favourite shows. Don’t forget to have plenty of popcorn and have lunch as a picnic on the lounge room floor. 

Video chat with loved ones

By now you most probably abhor Zoom and similar platforms. When was the last time you made a video call and didn’t have to immediately command everyone to mute their mics? You may be excited to spend break as far away from a video camera as possible. Keep up with friends and family while practicing COVID safety protocol, set up some fun meetings with your friends! Make time with friends for a virtual meet up for coffee or even dinner, and catch up on what’s been happening with those you love. Nothing beats spending some quality time with friends or family, and it’s a great opportunity to recharge and receive some much-needed social time.

Have “me time”

Take a day to completely devote to yourself over the break. Banish all distractions, and sleep in until noon or play video games for hours, or start that passion project you’ve been putting off. Remember, you don’t have be productive or “doing something” to relax. If watching paint dry makes you happy, then do it. The important thing is that you feel recharged afterwards. Taking time for yourself not only benefits you, but it can also positively benefit your those around you!

Get outside

Enjoy the morning, if you haven’t slept until midday. Go out and have a walk in the cool morning air. Play outside with your children or take them for a walk with you. If you are not energetic, sit outside with a coffee and admire what God has created. Simple as that.

Start planning for next year

If you are the type of person who finds planning and organizing relaxing, start looking ahead to the next semester, as a treat. Develop a new lesson, research new classroom activities, or complete some professional development. Take time to set goals and resolutions for yourself. The kickoff of the new semester will be much sweeter if you’re prepared and armed with new ideas to try in your classroom. 

BEWARE: Remember you are supposed to be unwinding. Do not let this planning stop you having time for yourself 

Keeping HOPE COVID Active 

Click HERE to see what we have been doing to keep active!  

What have you been up to? 

A big thanks to Eliza Ramage in year 11 for putting this together for us. 

Please enjoy.   

Athletics Council 

PS Stay tuned for more opportunities to share what you have been doing after the Khmer New Year break. 



Parent Prayer, starting again on Zoom

Monday, April 19th at 8:15am


Meeting ID: 938 855 0000

Passcode: HOPE 



Two week break!!!

Staffing  needs for August (view needs HERE)

Primary Online Learning Survey

We would like your feedback - please take a few minutes to fill out a survey that will help us to deliver the best remote learning experience that we can. 

Library books are available to be borrowed. The library catalogue is available here: http://koha.hope.edu.kh/ . Books can be borrowed using this form. Please submit your requests before 10:00am on Friday and collect library books from the front gate during pack pickup time. Library books can be returned to the front office, or dropped off at pack pickup time.

Please note that all borrowing limits remain, and only 4 books will be loaned at a time. If you wish to check out new books you will first be required to return previously check out books. If you have unused books at home please return them to HOPE at your earliest convenience.

Recent changes now require that HOPE parents/caregivers who want to make a deposit through ABA need to visit this link to understand new requirements from ABA.

Follow us for each week's new instalment of ...

The Weary Parent's Guide to Escaping Exhaustion 


Capital Campaign

HOPE International School is embarking on a Capital Campaign and will be partnering with Grace International Educational Foundation as a repository for donations. Please join us as we raise funds for the property purchase of the HOPE PP campus.

click HERE to donate & share with your community back home

Important 2021 - 2022 Semester School Dates

August 9th, 2021 - First Day of 1st Semester

December 17th, 2021 - Last Day of 1st Semester

January 10th, 2022 -  First Day of 2nd Semester

June 10th, 2022 - Last Day of 2nd Semester