April 23, 2021


26 - Commissioning Service for New Director 

26-30 - Book Week 

30 - Dress Up Day

may 12 - graduation

june 10 , 4pm - celebration

june 11, morning - staff leavers 

A Message from HOPE Board Chair, Ann Greve

Today the HOPE International School Board completed two days of “extraordinary“ Zoom Board meetings.  It was great to meet together for two mornings this week to work through four important areas for the development of HOPE School.  I am so pleased that instead of a focus on shut down and quarantine, we were able to spend this time seeking the plans of the Lord for how HOPE School can move ahead in significant ways to be ready for meeting the needs of the students, staff, and families in the season ahead.  

First it was great to meet together with our new Director, Adam Ecklund.  It was good to get to know him and his heart for HOPE School in deeper ways.  We were also grateful to walk through the transition with Helen Blaxland, our Interim Director, as she is transferring these responsibilities to Adam in effective ways. We are thankful for Helen’s faithful, effective service through the past months. 

Wayne McMaster led us in a review of the HOPE Constitution to update and prepare for the season ahead. Then Emily Prichard led us in a discussion of HOPE's Vision and Mission statement.  Once again we are looking to be ready for the plans of the Lord for HOPE. Third, we walked through an Administration Review that Alli Hodges prepared over the past few months. She advised us in ways to improve our administrative policies and structure. Finally, Adam Ecklund presented a review of policy areas where we need to make some updates and improvements.

We are grateful for the Lord’s guidance through these important areas. As the HOPE School Board, we look forward to the amazing days that the Lord has planned for Hope School, for the Hope community and for the leaders, educators and most of all His plans for the students of Hope.  As we have walked through the struggles of Covid and quarantine, it is wonderful to know that we are now headed into the Hope of God and His wonderful plans that await us!

Ann Greve, Board Chair

Director Commissioning Service

HOPE International School is pleased to formally welcome Adam and the Ecklund family. Adam officially commences as HOPE's new Director on Monday 26th April. The Board will host a Commissioning service at 2:45pm via Zoom on Monday 26th. At this date Adam will be taking over from Interim Director, Helen Blaxland, who has faithfully led the school since David Ware's departure. Please join us in thanking Helen and welcoming Adam during this commissioning service. 

We are disappointed that we cannot host this in person, but since we have no indication as to when we will be able to gather together in person, we want to not miss the opportunity for you to join us online. The event will be recorded so you will be able to view it later at the same link if you are unable to join live.

Monday, April 26th, 2:45pm


Welcome Lorinda and Andrew Wishart!

This was the first week at HOPE for the Wishart family, who have spent the last year working to get into Cambodia from Australia. 

We are glad to have you with us in Cambodia and look forward to meeting you in person!

Lorinda Wishart

IGCSE & IB Sports Health & Exercise Teacher

& Athletic Director

Andrew Wishart

MIddle School Deputy Principal & Classroom Teacher

Lorinda is keen to jump in as the new Athletic Director and is looking for your input. Please click on the following link to help her understand how she can support your family during lock down. AND find out a little more about Lorinda and Andrew

Parent Feedback - Physical Education & Staying Active in Lockdown

The HOPE International School Board would like to express  special gratitude for the work of our teachers during the Lockdown.  All teachers are dealing with the stress of lock down along with the rest of us, while adjusting their educational offerings to a quality online and pack free setting.


We invite all parents and students to take time this week to send a special thanks to your teachers

Book Week

Book week is on next week!

For the most up to date and detailed information information, please see https://sites.google.com/hope.edu.kh/bookweek2021/home

For security, Zoom links will be sent in a separate email to primary students and families.

Go to the Book Week website to submit your Read-a-thon reading log to earn house points. 

GL Testing 

Y2- Y5, the week of April 26th

 Y6 - Y8, the week of May 3rd

Our GL testing is a useful tool for knowing what our students are capable of, any improvements that can be made to our programmes and how best to focus learning, particularly as students transition to a new academic year. Expect to receive an email before Monday morning with details on when and how to log in for students to complete their GL tests. For the integrity of our testing data, parents are asked to maintain test conditions (please don’t help students to answer questions!). Instructions can be found here

Primary Parents: look out for an email from Elizabeth Shin with your unique test link. This will be sent on the weekend.



Parent Prayer, starting again on Zoom

Monday's at 8:15am


Meeting ID: 938 855 0000

Passcode: HOPE 

Interested in an artificial intelligence education program for middle and high school students taught by MIT and Stanford graduate students.

Applications for the summer program close on April 30th

High School and Middle School AI + Social Good Programs by Stanford PhD Students

Inspirit AI offers live online (25 hours) enrichment programs that expose high school students (Grades 9-12) and middle school students (Grades 5-8) to fundamental artificial intelligence concepts and the opportunity to build socially impactful projects in areas including art, journalism, education, and more. Taught by our team of graduate students from Stanford and MIT, students receive a personalized, interdisciplinary learning experience with a student-teacher ratio of 5:1. Students of all backgrounds may apply here for our high school program and here for our middle school programs by April 30th. For detailed course information, check out our high school website and brochure or our middle school website and flyers. Please contact Aidan at arg2198@columbia.edu with any questions.

Click above to download the Family Selfie Scavenger Hunt instructions


Click below to visit Big Life Journal for more insights on how to keep a Growth Mindset during Lockdown

Important 2021 - 2022 Semester School Dates

August 9th, 2021 - First Day of 1st Semester

December 17th, 2021 - Last Day of 1st Semester

January 10th, 2022 -  First Day of 2nd Semester

June 10th, 2022 - Last Day of 2nd Semester