April 30, 2021

May & June

May 12 - Graduation

June 10 - Celebration (4pm)

2021 - 2022 School Dates

August 9th, 2021 - First Day of 1st Semester

December 17th, 2021 - Last Day of 1st Semester

January 10th, 2022 -  First Day of 2nd Semester

June 10th, 2022 - Last Day of 2nd Semester

A Message from HOPE Director, Dr. Ecklund

Thank you for trusting HOPE with your child’s education.  As I drive around Phnom Penh, I notice there are many choices when it comes to international schools for your family.  We are grateful for your continual commitment to HOPE.  I have spent my first week as your Director interviewing many potential staff and teachers to come and invest in your kids next year.  Hiring is one of the most important aspects of my role as we seek to find teachers who are committed Christ followers, as well as experts in their discipline.  Please continue to pray for our team as we discern the applicants.  If anyone has connections with math and science teachers, we could use a few more for the 2021-2022 school year


My wife and I are in constant prayer for the HOPE family and for Cambodia as we maneuver through these uncertain days.  I for one am grateful that we serve a God who is not shaken by Covid and is ever present in our lives.  



Book Week

Lions and tigers and (panda) bears, oh my! These were just some of the curious creatures we saw during Book Week this year. Thank you to all who participated and helped make it a success! The Book Week Team loved getting a chance to read stories with you and it was exciting to see some beloved former staff members, Mr Kime & Ms Kristi, join us as special guests.

We've had over 200 reading logs submitted already and it's looking like a tight competition! Be sure to submit yours by midnight tonight. As well, we'd love to see you at our final Primary Bedtime Story at 7pm with Mrs Jeanine: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82162963820?pwd=THd4TmsyaWpweGRScHBOVU5DTUlPdz09

Interested in seeing some more photos? Head on over to the Book Week website for a look at some of this week's highlights.

As always, Happy Reading, HOPE School!

- Miss Glenda

GL Testing 

Our GL testing is a useful tool for knowing what our students are capable of, identify any improvements that can be made to our programmes and learning how best to focus learning, particularly as students transition to a new academic year. Expect to receive an email soon with details on when and how to log in for students to complete their GL tests. For the integrity of our testing data, parents are asked to maintain test conditions (please don’t help students to answer questions, but please assist your child to be organised in time).  

Primary year levels are completing their testing this week.  Instructions can be found here.

Our schedule for testing is outlined below, including lessons that will be affected:

MS Schedule for GL tests next week: 3rd - 7th May

Year 6  Tuesday 8.20 - 9.20 English  (missing language and first part of science)

             Wednesday  8.20 - 9.20 Maths (missing CL and first part of english)

             Friday 8.20 - 9.20 Science (missing CS/ Music and first part of CS/ Art)

Year 7   Tuesday  9 - 10 English (missing end of maths and language class)

              Wednesday 9 - 10 Maths (missing end of english ahd music/art)

              Friday 9 - 10 Science (missing end of CP and CL lesson)

Year 8   Monday 10.20 - 11.20 English (missing PE and start of Geography)

             Tuesday 11 - 12 Maths (missing end of Science and CL)

             Friday 11 - 12 Science (missing end of science and PE)


*** Chrome is a more reliable browser for this testing and is recommended ***

Director Commissioning Service

This week we had a great opportunity to celebrate the service of Helen Blaxland as well as to commision Director, Adam Ecklund. 

You can view the recording here:




Parent Prayer  on Zoom

Monday's at 8:15am


Meeting ID: 938 855 0000            Passcode: HOPE 

Invitation For Parents: 

Success Beyond School

Free, expert advice on guiding your child to a successful career

We are delighted to announce the latest in our Success Beyond School series; free-of-charge, 'Live Online' seminars designed to help parents supercharge their children's career potential.


Tuesday 11th May: Own The Room

Power up your child's public speaking skills; vital for any career

Wednesday 9th June: Success in the City

How to land a top job in the City: law, finance, consultancy and more

These events are for parents of students aged 12-18 and free to attend

Register Now