December 18, 2020
Upcoming Events
17 - Last Day of 1st Semester
11 - First Day of Semester 2
Merry Christmas from all of us at HOPE
We look back over 2020 with gratitude that Jesus was with us - Immanuel. Turning our focus to His birth, we come in repentance before our Savior and lift our gaze to seek Him as Mighty God for the year ahead.
Thank you for all your support throughout 2020. Enjoy your Christmas break and we will see you in the New Year.
Blessings from Helen, Cheryl, Mark, James, Elizabeth, Matt, David and Megan
Congratulations to this year's HOPE House Captains. This year we have a fantastic group of young people looking to represent and support their House.
House Captains play a vital role within our school to encourage students, role model school values and promote House Spirit at all school events!
Some of the things House Captains do include:
Run House meetings and lead team chants, organize relay teams on Sports Day, and help to organise inter-house competitions.
Please congratulate our Captains when you see or connect with them.
Josiah Teece
Gaye Justinia Delos Santos
Gabrielle Omondi
Samuel Wong
Matthieu Peduzy
Wendy (Kyungrim) Park
Megan Brand
Ji Sung Lee
Academic Resource Centre
We wish you a joyous Christmas season amidst the hardships of the past semester. Through the difficult times we sometimes gravitate towards negative thoughts or hopelessness. This Christmas will probably look different to those in the past. Remember the importance of positive thinking and self-talk to uplift. Let the joy of the Lord be your strength. Here are some tips from the Big Life Journal:
Creative Fair 2020
Thank you everyone who participated in this years Virtual Creative Fair, especially Mrs. Jannida Van Dijk and Mrs. Gina Polley.
Not only was this a great applied learning opportunity for many of our students and a fun community event, the Creative Fair raised about $150 towards the Building HOPE capital campaign. Another $200 has also been raised through staff caroling during last week's pack pick up. Thank you all for your generosity
Follow the Noticeboard each week to learn more ways that the HOPE community is coming together to fundraise