February 12, 2021

Upcoming Events


15 - Y10 & Y12 Parent Interview Sign Ups Open

15-19  - Camp Week  

19 - 2pm Release

22-23  - No School 

(Mid Term Break) 

26 - Y10 & Y12 Parent Interviews 

(2:45-4:45, Zoom)


1 - Season 3 Sports Starts

8  - International Women's Day 

10 - International Cleaners & Maintenance Day  

11 - Parent Teacher Interviews, 1-5pm, 12pm Dismissal Day


2 - Good Friday

5-16 - Khmer New Year (No School) 

26 - IGCSE Exams Begin 

30 - IB Exams Begin

***Friday, February 19th will be a 2pm release ****

The School Office will be closed ...

... for an Administration Workshop on Friday, February 19 until 1pm. 

Please plan your business accordingly.

A Message from Jane Lim, 

Secondary Deputy Principal 

Hello HOPE school, 

Today is the first day of the new lunar year, a festival commemorated by many peoples and countries of East-Asian heritage. In Cambodia, it is getting more popular as well - evidenced by the splashes of red everywhere. The whole festival actually lasts 2 weeks but it's usually the first couple of days when the activity is really intense. 

The way my family does it, the first 2 days of the new year are a noisy whirl of feasting, large gatherings and traditions. It reminds us that we are family (however distantly) and celebrates that we have all made it through to another year. It is definitely subdued this year but perhaps more significant. Missing Chinese New Year is when I most acutely feel the distance between me and all whom I call mine. And I know that this is a feeling that so many of us have in our time here; albeit with different catalysts. 

Yet I am reminded that HOPE often steps to be our family for this season. This evening, I will get to enjoy a meal with some friends and families from HOPE in honour of the new year - a beautiful example of this stepping in. From the fun things of laughter, games and vacations together to the heavy ones of sorrows and sickness, the HOPE community always comes alongside. The faithful presence of the collective body and its individuals continues to encourage and improve me. I hope it has been (or will be) the same for you too, as a student, staff, parent or a friend of us.

新年蒙恩 (xing nian meng en - May you experience God's grace in the new year) 

Jane Lim

High School Deputy Principal 

This month's Character Theme is ....


2 Corinthians 9:7

"Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."  

Camp Week 2021

'I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.’ John 16:33

Camp Week for Y4 - Y11

Throughout Camp Week students will be participating in four themed days culminating in an Ultimate Survival Challenge on the Friday.  Students will compete in tribes to complete a range of different and exciting challenges in their teams concluding on the week with some water games coordinated by our Year 12 students.


Please see below for a schedule and what to bring for each themed day:

Offsite Day – wear shoes and socks as you will need these for your activity

Sports and Games Day –bring a hat and wear sunscreen as you will be outside

Team Building Day – wear comfortable clothes that you can move freely in

Creative Arts Daybring an apron to protect your clothes or wear work clothes you are happy to get paint on

Ultimate Survival Challenge – please bring a hat, wear sunscreen, spare change of clothes, towel and a plastic bag for wet clothes

Lockdown - bring: a pillow, sleeping bag or bedding, sleeping mat (optional), flashlight, sleepwear, toiletries (toothpaste, toothbrush etc.), small towel, change of clothes for the following day, breakfast for the morning (pastoral classes will discuss this and plan together), mosquito net (optional)


Please note lunch and a snack will be provided each day for Y4-Y11 students, but please bring your water bottle as you normally would. Lockdown evenings will be catered as well.


Any questions, please contact:

Paul Hodges (Camp Coordinator): athletics.director@hope.edu.kh

Cheryl Flight (Campus Principal): principal.sec@hope.edu.kh

Camp Week for PS - Y3

We are excited and looking forward to our Preschool-Year 3 camp starting next week. The theme of our primary camp this year is Survive and Thrive with God’s Help. Camp offers students an opportunity to be together outside of their normal school routine, to enjoy extra-curricular activities and to learn more about themselves and God.

We will follow normal drop-off and pick-up times except for Friday with an early pick-up time (2:00pm). 

On Friday 19th, we will do some messy games and water games with students. Please can students come to school with sunscreen on and wearing their swimsuits underneath their clothes. They should have a spare set of clothes. Pizza lunch will be provided on Friday.

Please see below for a schedule and what to bring each day.

Monday 15th Feb – Thursday 18th Feb

Drop off time: 7:40-8:00am

Pick up time: 2:30pm

Bring: snack, water bottle, packed lunch

Wear: comfy clothes, hat

Friday 19th Feb

Drop off time: 7:40-8:00am

Early pick-up time: 2:00pm

Bring: snack, water bottle, spare change of clothes, towel, plastic bag for wet clothes

Wear: hat, swimsuit underneath clothes, sunscreen (apply at home)

Any questions, please contact

Amera Gardose (Camp Coordinator): amera.gardose@hope.edu.kh

Adam Honeybun (Primary Deputy Principal): pri.deputy@hope.edu.kh

NIKE Basketball Camp

Over the past three (3) weeks some of our High and Middle School boys and girls (including some home school students) have been involved in an afterschool intensive basketball training program. 

Students committed themselves to training for two (2) hours twice a week for three weeks after school and additionally on Saturday mornings to improve their basketball skills and fitness. 

Well done students, thanks to our coaches Mike and Anthony who designed and facilitated this special training program. Also a HUGE THANK YOU to Mr Tim Hatch for organising this program which would not have been possible without his drive and commitment to see our young athletes improve. 

Mr Hodges 

Athletics Director

School Lunch Service 

HOPE has partnered with Century 9 to provide school lunches and catering for the Phnom Penh campus.

We are very excited about this partnership and we hope your children will enjoy eating school lunch.

Event catering by Century 9 will begin during Camp Week, but school lunch services will not begin until after Khmer New Year

 Stay tuned for additional details and another school lunch survey. 


Parent Prayer time 8.15 -8.45am 

Monday - please contact Helen Blaxland for location details




Continued protection from the community spread of COVID in Cambodia



Students and Teachers during Camp Week

Staffing  needs for August (view needs HERE)

Follow us for each week's new instalment of ...

The Weary Parent's Guide to Escaping Exhaustion 


Capital Campaign

HOPE International School is embarking on a Capital Campaign and will be partnering with Grace International Educational Foundation as a repository for donations. Please join us as we raise funds for the property purchase of the HOPE PP campus.

click HERE to donate & share with your community back home

Important 2021 - 2022 Semester School Dates

August 9th, 2021 - First Day of 1st Semester

December 17th, 2021 - Last Day of 1st Semester

January 10th, 2022 -  First Day of 2nd Semester

June 10th, 2022 - Last Day of 2nd Semester