February 5, 2021

Upcoming Events


11 - IGCSE / IB Pathways Parent & Student Briefing 

15 - Y10 & Y12 Parent Interview Sign Ups Open

15-19  - Camp Week  

22-23  - No School 

(Mid Term Break) 

26 - Y10 & Y12 Parent Interviews 

(2:45-4:45, Zoom)


8  - International Women's Day 

10 - International Cleaners & Maintenance Day  

11 - Parent Teacher Interviews, 1-5pm, 12pm Dismissal Day


5 - Khmer New Year (No School) 

26 - IGCSE Exams Begin 

30 - IB Exams Begin


21 -FUNformal 

24-28 - Y12 Camp Week 


10 - Celebration / Graduation 

11 - Last Day of School (12pm dismissal)

This month's Character Theme is ....


2 Corinthians 9:7

"Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."  

A Message from Miss. Glenda, the Year 4 Teacher

Hello from Year 4,

This week our class learned the story of Jonah. Growing up, I learned that this story was about obeying God and following His commands. And although that is true, I missed a bigger part of the story. I grew up thinking the fish was punishment for disobeying God—three days inside of a gross stomach—Jonah definitely made God mad and now he was paying for it. What I didn’t understand back then is that this fish was an act of God’s mercy. Even though Jonah disobeyed, God sent this big fish to save him, to make sure he did not drown. In Chapter 2 we hear Jonah praying:

But, you, Lord God,

    rescued me from that pit.

When my life was slipping away,

    I remembered you—

and in your holy temple

    you heard my prayer.

Let the story of Jonah remind you that the Lord—our merciful Lord—hears our prayer—whether we’re in the depths of the sea, or on the safety of shore.

In Christ,

Miss G 

Camp Forms


Please return Camp Week Forms to school on Monday

If your child is not attending Camp please email Mrs. Flight at principal.sec@hope.edu.kh. We hope that all students will attend as it is a wonderful and memorable part of the school year.


Parent Prayer time 8.15 -8.45am 

Monday - please contact Helen Blaxland for location details




Thank God that incoming Director, Adam Ecklund, and his family have safely arrived in Cambodia



Staffing  needs for August

IGCSE / IB Pathways Parent & Student Briefing 

Thursday, February 11th


On Campus in the Cafe Area or through Zoom (link to be shared next week)

All year 8 and 10 families and students are encouraged to attend

Semester 2 Parent Forum

If you missed this week's Parent Forum and would like a copy of the recording, please email Megan Holmes at pa.director@hope.edu.kh

Follow us for each week's new instalment of ...

The Weary Parent's Guide to Escaping Exhaustion 


Capital Campaign

HOPE International School is embarking on a Capital Campaign and will be partnering with Grace International Educational Foundation as a repository for donations. Please join us as we raise funds for the property purchase of the HOPE PP campus.

click HERE to donate & share with your community back home

Important 2021 - 2022 Semester School Dates

June 11th, 2021 - Last Day of 2nd Semester

August 9th, 2021 - First Day of 1st Semester

December 17th, 2021 - Last Day of 1st Semester

January 10th, 2022 -  First Day of 2nd Semester

June 10th, 2022 - Last Day of 2nd Semester