January 15, 2021

Upcoming Events


23 - Final HS Basketball Tournament

29 - Sports Day 

30 - Final MS Football Tournament


15-19  - Camp Week  (Details TBA)

22-23  - No School 

(Mid Term Break)


8  - International Women's Day 

10 - International Cleaners & Maintenance Day  

11 - Parent Teacher Interviews, 1-5pm, 12pm Dismissal Day

A Message from our Campus Principal, Cheryl Flight

Week 1 of Semester 2 and we are excited to be on campus. It has been a wonderful week and the energy has been palpable!

Welcome to our new staff: Adam Honeybun as Primary deputy and Middle school SOSE teacher, Jeanine Gooch in Art for Primary and Middle school, Maria Rada teaching Computer Science, Ernest Mogire teaching middle school Science and senior Chemistry, Heather Korm teaching Middle school Christian Perspectives and SOSE and Katri Sannelvou teaching Primary Music.

We also welcomed Sarah Moon returning to the Languages department, are thankful that Mike Emery is staying on for a semester to cover our Middle school science gap and appreciate Paul Hodges continuing to support the Sport and athletics department whilst we await the arrival of Lori and Andrew Wishart. Until Andrew arrives I will cover the role of Middle School Deputy Principal.

We also welcomed a number of new families along with 14 new students. We trust that all feel welcome and make a smooth transition into our community. 

Please continue to share our 2021 staffing needs through your networks. We know that word of mouth, whether in person or through social media, is one of the most powerful recruiting tools that we have, so please help us to get the word out. Please pray for our current staff and for those who are yet to come. We have been encouraged by the number of applications we continue to receive!

This semester brings many exciting opportunities for our students. We are planning for a number of on campus activities

School ‘learning’ is not just a classroom event. As I meet with the Year 11’s and they reflect on their Creativity, Activity and Service (CAS) plans and experiences, it is clear that it is through a multitude of avenues in addition to the subject learning within the classroom that students learn and grow as human beings. As my own children grew through school I saw that the ‘highlight moments’ so often came through these ‘extra’ activities and that they, in fact, are an integral part of an all round education. I encourage you to support your child’s participation in the breadth of activities that HOPE has to offer. We know the importance of these for health and wellbeing and as the campus is open we are looking for ways to offer the opportunities in a safe manner.

I shared with staff at one of our opening meetings four key attributes and skills associated with resilience (a life skill always but ever so important in this current time):

• higher levels of social competence

• problem-solving skills

• sense of autonomy or self-efficacy

• sense of purpose, hope or meaning

What a blessing it is for us as teachers to partner with you in growing your young people into who GOD has created them to be.

Cheryl Flight

Campus Principal

INCOMING DIRECTOR UPDATE -  several people have been asking about the incoming Director. Adam Eckland and his family (wife and three daughters)  will arrive in Cambodia on 4 February. An exact date for Adam's commencement as Director is yet to be confirmed.

Please pray for the Ecklands as they make final preparations to leave the USA.

Helen Blaxland

A Message from the HOPE Health & Safety Committee 

The HOPE Health &  Safety Committee is always looking to improve our health and safety protocol. For this reason we request that parents support our effort to track illness here at HOPE by defining the reason for a students absense if they are sick as follows:

** Sick with stomach trouble

** Sick with acute respiratory symptoms

** General sickness

** Other sickness (define)

Come visit the Director in the office for a treat when it is your birthday! 

Bus Service Restarting

HOPE has worked to re-open our school bus service starting next week. Stops and seats are limited. COVID restrictions will be applied. If you are interested in the bus service from South or from TK, please contact Upin at front.office@hope.edu.kh.

Capital Campaign

HOPE International School is embarking on a Capital Campaign and will be partnering with Grace International Educational Foundation as a repository for donations. Please join us as we raise funds for the property purchase of the HOPE PP campus.

click HERE to donate & share with your community back home

Extra-Curricular Clubs and Sport

This semester we are eager to offer the extra-curricular clubs’ program as soon as possible. I have already had a few parents offer their time and ideas, but I am in need of some more volunteers (for the primary school age in particular) to help with this program. With this in mind, we are seeking parent volunteers to be ready to help with coaching and offering after school clubs.

If you have an interest, skill, passion or are just willing to support with your time, our Extra-Curricular Clubs and Sports program needs you!  

Please let us know by sending me an email at: athletics.director@hope.edu.kh  or giving me a call on 012 354 771.


Paul Hodges

Athletics Director  


Parent prayer meeting

 Mondays @ Jars of Clay 2 

8.15-8.45 am  






After School Sport Schedule - Season 2

We will be starting training next week for all players at HOPE

Please check this schedules carefully to ensure you are able to attend training this season:

HS Boys and Girls Basketball

Monday afternoon 2.45 - 4.15pm. 

Thursday afternoon 2.45 - 4.15pm. 

Boys Coaches: Mr Tim Hatch and Mr James Brand 

Girls Coaches: Ms Sumi Leanard and Ms Mahiera Kasumaputri

MS Boys Football

Tuesday afternoon 2.45 - 4.15pm. 

Wednesday afternoon 2.45 - 4.15pm. 

Coaches: Mr Mike Emery, Mr Matt Linndfield and Mr Johnathon Sor 

MS Girls Football

Wednesday afternoon 2.45 - 4.15pm.   

Thursday afternoon 2.45 - 4.15pm

Coaches: Mr Sean Collier and Mr Daniel Hatch 

More information will come out in the next few weeks regarding season length, whether we will have a tournament or any inter school games. 

Thanks so much for your involvement in sport this season at HOPE 


Paul Hodges

Coming Alongside Families Living Cross-Culturally And The Agencies Who Serve Them 

Follow what our Y9 Design class has been working on 

& consider ordering one of their products.... see below

Click HERE to learn how to play Kalaha

Send order requests to creativefair2020@hope.edu.kh