January 22, 2021

Upcoming Events


29 - Sports Day 12:30pm Dismissal Day

25-29 - IGCSE Trial Exams


1-5 - IB Trial Exams

11 - IGCSE / IB Pathways Parent & Student Briefing

15-19  - Camp Week  

22-23  - No School 

(Mid Term Break)


8  - International Women's Day 

10 - International Cleaners & Maintenance Day  

11 - Parent Teacher Interviews, 1-5pm, 12pm Dismissal Day

A Message from our Primary Deputy Principal, 

Adam Honeybun

Dear Hope Community,

It has been a joy these past two weeks to meet students, families, and staff. To be thrown into a new culture with new and different foods, routines, patterns of thoughts, and ways of doing things. 

As I write this, I have been working at HOPE for a little over two weeks. In the few working days that I have been here, through orientation, and while making decisions that affect our staff, students and families, I have heard the school’s mission statement at least a dozen times. 

Sometimes it is stated in full and sometimes summarised, but we are constantly reminded that our school exists to support global missions. 

HOPE is a school with a clear purpose. Similarly, I think it is important to daily ground ourselves as individuals by reminding ourselves and viewing the world through the lens of our purpose. The Bible makes it clear that we were created by God for his glory. We were created to worship God. For each of us, that worship may look different, but we are united in this common purpose. 

1 Corinthians 10:31 says "So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." 

Let us approach all that we do, whether mundane or profound through the lens of bringing glory to God.

Adam Honeybun

Primary Deputy Principal

Important 2021 - 2022 Semester School Dates

June 11th, 2021 - Last Day of 2nd Semester

August 9th, 2021 - First Day of 1st Semester

December 17th, 2021 - Last Day of 1st Semester

January 10th, 2022 -  First Day of 2nd Semester

June 10th, 2022 - Last Day of 2nd Semester


Parent prayer meeting

 Mondays @ Jars of Clay 2 

8.15-8.45 am  







It is with sadness we let you know that our Student Wellbeing Co-ordinator Elske Schutten has resigned her position . We are so thankful to Elske for the amazing support she has been to students, families and staff during her time with us. Elske leaves primarily as she identified that school counselling is not where her giftings are best suited . We honour her for this . Leaving this role will also allows her time to attend to some other extended family matters over the coming months.

Elske's last day at HOPE will be 5 February.

Please join us in praying for God's blessing to go with Elske as she seeks HIS purpose for the future.

Elske we will miss you.

A Message from the HOPE Health & Safety Committee 

The HOPE Health & Safety Committee is always looking to improve our health and safety protocol. For this reason we request that parents support our effort to track illness here at HOPE by defining the reason for a students absense if they are sick as follows:

** Sick with stomach trouble

** Sick with acute respiratory symptoms

** General sickness

** Other sickness (define)

2021 Camp Week 

We would like to invite you to attend an information meeting on Wednesday 27 January at 3pm about 2021 HOPE Camp Week. 

At this meeting we will share with you the theme for Camp Week this year, outline the program and discuss some of the activities planned for this event. We would also like to give parents an opportunity to ask any questions they may have about the planned program. 

During Camp Week our Year 4-11 students will not be attending regular classes but will be participating in a range of different activities each day. Lunches during Camp Week will be catered and students will be provided with a morning snack and lunch time meal. We are also proposing that all students be given the opportunity to select an off-campus activity for one of camp days. They will also have the opportunity to participate in a sleepover (lock-in) in year level groups on the school campus for one night during Camp Week (dinner will be provided to students on that night). 

Please indicate your availability to attend the Camp Week parent meeting via this Google form

If you are unable to attend in person, but would like to participate in the meeting a Zoom link can be made available to you. Please complete the Google form survey (link above) to indicate that you would like a Zoom link emailed to you. 

We hope that as many parents as possible are able to attend the meeting and I look forward to talking with you more next week. 

Warm regards,

Paul Hodges 

Athletics Director 

Sports Day

Friday 29, January

Starting Time: 8 am 

Finishing Time: 12:30 pm, buses depart 1.15 pm 

Clothing: Wear your House Colour 

Food: Mike's Burgers will offer food on a preorder basis (see menu HERE).  Complete the online survey HERE by Tuesday to order food

Parent Council will be selling light refreshments and drinks 


All students are to bring their hats, sun cream, water bottles and appropriate shoes/clothing for competing

It is expected that all students attend and participate on the day

If you would like to volunteer and assist the parent council in selling light refreshments at HOPE on Friday next week then please contact Sean Collier, Parent Council Chair (sean.collier@novo.org or 012 660 935). Any parent volunteers will need to have approval before entering campus.

Please note that all COVID safety protocols will be adhered to. Staff will be ensuring equipment is cleaned between events and students will be regularly cleaning hands before handling any sports equipment. 

Businesses and Organisations... We Need Your Help!

Would you like to get some free research specific to your business whilst also helping our IB Business Management students?

As a part of the IB Business Management Course for Higher Level students, they are required to research a real business issue within a real business or organisation for their Internal Assessment.  To assist our students, (most of whom don't have large organisational networks) we are requesting assistance from any HOPE families with connections to business / organisations.  

Why? One of the key aspects of the Business Management course is to have a relevant context to apply the content and concepts of the course to.  By having to research a real business, students gain real-world experiences in communicating professionally and discovering the challenges of real business. Students will then be able to contribute to you their research and data for the purpose of your organizations continuous improvement. 

What's involved?  An initial interview with a relevant manager to determine potential areas that the student could research on behalf of the organisation (eg. market research, determining effective promotional activities, investment appraisal research, location analysis, examining operational efficiencies etc).

This may be done either in person or online through Zoom or email.  

Generally at least one further follow up interview and sharing of relevant information from the organisation is required - the information required will vary according to the issue chosen and the research question the student develops (in conjunction with their teacher).

If you or someone you know is a manager of an organisation or business that could assist our students learning it would be greatly appreciated!  If you have any further questions regarding the process, requirements and expectations please feel free to ask me.

Mrs Gina Polley

IB Business Management Teacher


Applications for SSI 2021 are now open, and I thought your students may be interested in applying. The program consists of three main parts:

Students and families can learn more about SSI and apply through the program website here: https://www.summersteminstitute.org/

Coming Alongside Families Living Cross-Culturally And The Agencies Who Serve Them 

Capital Campaign

HOPE International School is embarking on a Capital Campaign and will be partnering with Grace International Educational Foundation as a repository for donations. Please join us as we raise funds for the property purchase of the HOPE PP campus.

click HERE to donate & share with your community back home

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