January 29, 2021
Upcoming Events
1-5 - IB Trial Exams
11 - IGCSE / IB Pathways Parent & Student Briefing
15 - Y10 & Y12 Parent Interview Sign Ups Open
15-19 - Camp Week
22-23 - No School
(Mid Term Break)
26 - Y10 & Y12 Parent Interviews
(2:45-4:45, Zoom)
8 - International Women's Day
10 - International Cleaners & Maintenance Day
11 - Parent Teacher Interviews, 1-5pm, 12pm Dismissal Day
5 - Khmer New Year (No School)
26 - IGCSE Exams Begin
30 - IB Exams Begin
21 -FUNformal
24-28 - Y12 Camp Week
10 - Celebration / Graduation
11 - Last Day of School (12pm dismissal)
Thank you to everyone who helped make this year's Sports Day a great success!!!
Mr. Hodges
Mr. Hatch
Athletics Department
Parent Council
House Captains
Parents, Teachers, Staff & Students
Mike's Burgers
Parent Prayer time 8.15 -8.45am
Monday - please contact Helen Blaxland for location details
Thank God for a great time for the children at Sports Day
Our incoming Director, Adam Ecklund, and his family fly out to Cambodia on February 4th
Ongoing staff recruitment needs
Semester 2 Parent Forum
Come and hear updates from the Director
Wednesday, February 3
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 872 1058 5423
Passcode: HOPE
Camp Week Parent Update
If you missed this week's Campm Week Parent Update and would like a recording of the meeting, please email our Athletics Director, Paul Hodges, at athletics.director@hope.edu.kh.
IGCSE / IB Pathways Parent & Student Briefing
Thursday, February 11th
On Campus in the Cafe Area or through Zoom (link to be shared next week)
All year 8 and 10 families and students are encouraged to attend
Six of our HOPE Model UN team joined Yale Model UN based in the US (January 21-23) defying time zones and debating and collaborating with other delegates from 40 different countries to come up with a solution to the world’s most pressing issue.
With in-competition and various events prepared by the Yale Model UN team, HOPE delegates were able to join YALE Day, experiencing lessons with Yale Professors and World Leaders/NGO Leaders, attending college panels, meeting other international delegates, and also having the chance to learn more about living and studying as an international student at Yale University.
Also, last November 2020, four HopeMUN members (Justinia, Juliana, Sarah, and Sieun) joined the Yale Social Impact Challenge (SIC). The theme for this Social Impact Challenge (SIC) is “Empowering. Great Leaders seek to empower others”. Headed by Justinia, who served as Hope’s head of delegation, they collaborated and worked together to come up with a solution to solve an issue affecting our Hope community. Students worked together to propose and plan a Google app that tackles and promotes financial literacy within the HOPE Community. The team believed and identified that the issue that is significantly impacting our community right now is the lack of funding as a result of the economic crises attributed to the global pandemic (COVID-19). The team then identified that the best way to truly empower our HOPE community (students) is helping them with basic money management skills such as budgeting, understanding debt, and investing even if it’s just their allowances to be prepared for the future.
This week, the HOPE team came as finalists for this Social Impact Challenge (SIC) after reaching the third in the final round. First-round requires an abstract, the second round a lengthy project proposal, and the third a video pitch.
As a finalist, Kouprey’s Money will be featured on YALE/Yale Model UN’s social media and website.
CONGRATULATIONS HOPE Students- we are proud of your achievement
Businesses and Organisations... We Need Your Help!
Would you like to get some free research specific to your business whilst also helping our IB Business Management students?
As a part of the IB Business Management Course for Higher Level students, they are required to research a real business issue within a real business or organisation for their Internal Assessment. To assist our students, (most of whom don't have large organisational networks) we are requesting assistance from any HOPE families with connections to business / organisations.
Why? One of the key aspects of the Business Management course is to have a relevant context to apply the content and concepts of the course to. By having to research a real business, students gain real-world experiences in communicating professionally and discovering the challenges of real business. Students will then be able to contribute to you their research and data for the purpose of your organizations continuous improvement.
What's involved? An initial interview with a relevant manager to determine potential areas that the student could research on behalf of the organisation (eg. market research, determining effective promotional activities, investment appraisal research, location analysis, examining operational efficiencies etc).
This may be done either in person or online through Zoom or email.
Generally at least one further follow up interview and sharing of relevant information from the organisation is required - the information required will vary according to the issue chosen and the research question the student develops (in conjunction with their teacher).
If you or someone you know is a manager of an organisation or business that could assist our students learning it would be greatly appreciated! If you have any further questions regarding the process, requirements and expectations please feel free to ask me.
Mrs Gina Polley
IB Business Management Teacher
Applications for SSI 2021 are now open, and I thought your students may be interested in applying. The program consists of three main parts:
Research and data science bootcamp: Students learn how to design and conduct data science research projects. Students learn about the research process and how to apply statistical and machine learning methods to address scientific questions with real-world impact.
Masterclass lecture series: Students are connected to accomplished young adults around the world. Students have the opportunity to learn about entrepreneurship from Forbes 30 Under 30 recipients, science research from International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) grand prize winners, and other topics from speakers with diverse backgrounds and experiences.
Mentored research project: Students complete a research project through a rigorous, hands-on learning experience under the guidance of mentors. Previously, students have worked in a variety of fields, from computational biology to quantum physics.
Students and families can learn more about SSI and apply through the program website here: https://www.summersteminstitute.org/
Capital Campaign
HOPE International School is embarking on a Capital Campaign and will be partnering with Grace International Educational Foundation as a repository for donations. Please join us as we raise funds for the property purchase of the HOPE PP campus.
Important 2021 - 2022 Semester School Dates
June 11th, 2021 - Last Day of 2nd Semester
August 9th, 2021 - First Day of 1st Semester
December 17th, 2021 - Last Day of 1st Semester
January 10th, 2022 - First Day of 2nd Semester
June 10th, 2022 - Last Day of 2nd Semester