June 10, 2021
A Message from our Director, Dr. Adam Ecklund
You did it! The end of the 2020-2021 school year has come to a close. Transition and change is ever upon us as we enter a season of rest and restoration. I would like to challenge our community to reflect on the lessons the Lord has taught us in this past year and seek how He can use those moments for His glory in the future. St. Augustine wrote the following prayer and I would like to encourage everyone to offer these words to the Lord.
Give me yourself, O my God, give yourself to me. Behold I love you, and if my love is too weak a thing, grant me to love you more strongly. I cannot measure my love to know how much it falls short of being sufficient, but let my soul hasten to your embrace and never be turned away until it is hidden in the secret shelter of your presence. This only do I know, that it is not good for me when you are not with me, when you are only outside me. I want you in my very self. All the plenty in the world which is not my God is utter want. Amen.
I am honored to serve as your director,
School Summer Office Hours
The school office will be closed Thursday, June 17th - Monday, July 5th
Summer hour will be Monday - Wednesday, 8am - 2pm
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) in 2021-22
Commencing 9th August 2021, students in years 6 - 12 will be required to bring their own computing device to school.
For more details, please visit our BYOD mini-site.
If you have any questions about this program please email byod@hope.edu.kh.
ALL Reports will be emailed out Monday, June 14 (or earlier)
Note for Secondary Reports: you will see that individual subjects show the tasks completed, and your child’s score relative to the average class score for a task. (unless the class is very small in which case this would not be valid information)
If there is an average but no grade for a task for your child this means that they did not complete the task for some reason (for example illness or extended absence) and therefore the task does not contribute to their final grade. If they did not submit the task by the deadline, or failed to complete it satisfactorily, then they will have received a non passing grade.
We have tried to be accommodating in our assessment requirements this year in consideration of the challenges of home based schooling and offsite assessment completion.
If you require a hard signed copy of your child’s report, please email pa.principal@hope.edu.kh
Thank you HOPE Parent Council for raising $521 during the 2021 Sports Day. This money has been donated to the HOPE sports department and will be used to purchase some new equipment.
Farewell to Our Leaving Students and Families
Hye A Bae
Naomi and Judah Butler
Alice and Hannah Chhin
Johannes and Lisa Christensen
Haoxuan Ding
Kirstin and Abigail Hunt
Ye Lean Jeong
Jianwei Caleb and Aliana Zhenyi Lim
Joshua Morrison
Vilma Saarni
Eemeli and Senni Salminen
Vivian Van Dijk
Nadia Winthrop
Tobias and Esther Prins
You will be missed!!!!
2020-2021 Celebration Service
Announcing Next Year's Primary Teachers
Preschool M - Mrs. Max Butson
Preschool B - Miss Mhay Banget
Kindergarten - Mrs. Gabrielle Ek
Year 1 - Mrs. Charlene Caput
Year 2 - Mrs. Amera Gardose
Year 3 - Mrs. Sarah Kennedy (Mrs. Melissa Lindfield-Seager while Mrs. Kennedy is away in August)
Year 4 - Miss. Rebekah Watson
Year 5G - Miss Glenda Willcock / Mr. Adam Honeybun
Year 5S - Mr. Tim Stewart
Staff Leavers Celebration
Thank you to our leaving staff for serving at HOPE. We wish you the best as you each go in new directions:
Cheryl and David Flight
Mike Emery
Upin Chhun
Sumi Leonard
Heather Gage
Eslendy Gonzalez
Maaike Prins
Ben and Jannida Van Dijk
Destinee Sauve
Gary Bevan
A special thank you from Parent Council to Helen Blaxland, David Flight and Cheryl Flight for leading us this past year. Please view the Parent Council appreciation HERE