June 4, 2021
June 8th - Y5 Graduation (4pm)
June 10th - Last Day of School, Preschool Graduation (8:30am), Virtual Celebration Ceremony (4pm)
A Message from our Siem Reap Principal, Mark Twine
The banana plant is quite an incredible one. I wonder if, like me, you have ever had cause to try and remove some from a garden. They have very strong, complex roots and if you don’t remove them all, what will happen is that while things may, for a time, look cleared on the surface, fresh shoots will eventually spring up and the banana palm will regrow. People are not always aware or sensitive to what is happening below the surface. We may see desert and barren where there is hidden life waiting to burst forth. We may see something that looks good superficially but when we break the skin or surface, we find rot within. God sees straight to the heart. He sees through flesh and bone and is not caught by surprise.
It has been my incredible honor and privilege to have returned to the Principal position for the last two years in HOPE:Siem Reap and I have been so richly blessed during my time here in Siem Reap. One of the great blessings God has provided during the last 6 months has been the provision of a new campus for HOPE in Siem Reap. We no longer need to share with a second organisation, we have room to grow and if you see the pictures, it is an incredibly beautiful place. The search for this home has taken a long time and many years. Many times, it seemed nothing was happening, at least not on the surface. But God knew better. God saw and heard everything. He knew every whispered prayer. He saw every scouting trip, every meeting, every dream board. And in the fullness and rightness of his time, He grew something wonderful and amazing and surprising.
I am blessed to have seen God’s incredible blessings and provisions during my time in Cambodia. I have seen incredible growth, breakthroughs, and miracles. But I know I have missed so much too. I have not seen everything, I have missed things, overlooked things, forgotten things, misinterpreted or read things, but God hasn’t. God has seen, God has heard, God knows and God cares. How wonderful it is that we are fully known and loved by God. That he doesn’t miss anything. And that even when people can’t see it, God knows and sees and He is tending to that wonderful life and hope that is budding just below the surface.
Psalm 139: 1 -2 O Lord, you have examined my heart and know everything about me.
You know when I sit down or stand up. You know my thoughts even when I’m far away.
A resilient plant resprouting in our new playground
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) in 2021-22
Commencing 9th August 2021, students in years 6 - 12 will be required to bring their own computing device to school.
For more details, please visit our BYOD mini-site.
If you have any questions about this program please email byod@hope.edu.kh.
Chromebook Collection
All Chromebooks are due back on Thursday.
Students requiring a device over the holiday break may request one by submitting this form before Monday 7th June. Quantities are limited and priority will be given to year 9 and 11 students who are continuing their studies.
Library - Holiday Borrowing
To borrow a library book for the holidays:
Please see the library catalogue here
Fill out the online borrowing form here (at least one full working day before picking up)
Monday 7 - Thursday 10 - collect library books from the front gate.
The form will close on Wednesday 9th at 10:00 am