March 12, 2021

Upcoming Events


2 - Good Friday

5-16 - Khmer New Year  

(No School) 

26 - IGCSE Exams Begin 

30 - IB Exams Begin


14 - King's Birthday 

(No School)

Dear HOPE Family,


I am finishing my first week in my transition and have had an incredible start.  I am thankful to the HOPE Board and staff, as well as Helen, for the warm welcome.  They have done a fabulous job of caring for our family and ensuring a smooth landing.  Our three daughters (Gianna 14, Selah 12, and Kaiya 9) have started their courses at HOPE, and after a few weeks of class, they are sure looking forward to meeting their classmates and teachers in person.  


My wife (Emily) is starting language learning next week.  She would covet your prayers as she begins this journey.  Our family feels honored and blessed to be in this country and to be in community with each one of you.  Covid-19 has created some momentary distance when it comes to us connecting more deeply, but I am sure that the Lord is using all of this for His good.  In fact, I was reminded earlier this week that Jesus remains strong when His people are weak.  During this season of Covid, social distancing, online education, and other areas that make me weak, I have had to lay at His feet to absorb His strength.  


Several administrators in our school met this morning to pray and discuss how to support your family's holistic well-being.  We care about any difficulty you are experiencing during this season and want to provide an avenue to hear from you.  If you have questions about HOPE, needs we can help address, or prayer needs during this time, please email us at: covid@hope.edu.kh. I will personally be overseeing these emails and our administrators will respond accordingly. 


Again, the HOPE administration and teachers are regularly praying for each one of you during this time.  Please also remember to lift up our teachers who are having to constantly adjust to an alternate way of educating our children.  Thank you for being a part of HOPE schools during this unique time. 



Dr. Adam

Thanks for participating in Crazy Hair Day!

Stay tuned for the Camp Week video coming out next week 


Parent Prayer time - Postponed due to covid restrictions



The welcoming of Dr. Adam Ecklund to our staff as Incoming Director



Staffing  needs for August (view needs HERE)

For wisdom as the HOPE Board meets Thursday, March 18th

Physical and mental wellbeing for the greater HOPE community

Follow us for each week's new instalment of ...

The Weary Parent's Guide to Escaping Exhaustion 


Capital Campaign

HOPE International School is embarking on a Capital Campaign and will be partnering with Grace International Educational Foundation as a repository for donations. Please join us as we raise funds for the property purchase of the HOPE PP campus.

click HERE to donate & share with your community back home

Important 2021 - 2022 Semester School Dates

August 9th, 2021 - First Day of 1st Semester

December 17th, 2021 - Last Day of 1st Semester

January 10th, 2022 -  First Day of 2nd Semester

June 10th, 2022 - Last Day of 2nd Semester