March 19, 2021

Upcoming Events


2 - Good Friday

5-16 - Khmer New Year  

(No School) 

26 - IGCSE Exams Begin 

30 - IB Exams Begin


14 - King's Birthday 

(No School)

Thank you for your prayers for the board who met via Zoom from Cambodia, New Zealand and the USA this week.

 Board Chair, Ann Greve, encouraged us by reading Proverbs 3:5,6: Lean on, trust in and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight and understanding. In all your ways know, recognize and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make plain your paths.” Proverbs 3: 5-6 (Amplified Bible). 

The board discussed several strategic issues and was conscious of God's leading throughout. A Board update will be sent out next week.

Adam Ecklund and I are working together to ensure a full handover by the end of April.

The school campus is having some external touch-ups and staff are enjoying the opportunity to be creative with paint. Staff on campus have appreciated being able to purchase and enjoy eating a lunch meal prepared by C9. We can't wait for the campus to reopen so you also can enjoy these options.

We continue to monitor the Covid situation as it affects us both in Phnom Penh and Siem Reap. There is no change to report today.

In the words of James Brand - "we are in this together" 

Enjoy the weekend 


Dear Students & Families,

The Athletics Council would like to invite you to show us how you are keeping active during online schooling and having to isolate at home.

SO, to do this in a FUN way we have decided to create a whole school video challenge.

We would like it to look something like THIS – but with sports and not as violent!  We would love you to film a short clip of what you are doing to keep active. 

Please follow this format when recording a video of up to 5 seconds:

1.      Start the clip by RECEIVING an object or ball thrown/kicked/passed from your RIGHT

2.      PASS off to your LEFT (so we can easily edit the video)

3.      Use something to show you are being active.

4.      Use your imagination.

5.      Record in LANDSCAPE view

6.      Make sure you upload your video here by Friday 27 March

7.      Have FUN!

 Keep active during COVID!!

Many thanks

Athletics Council 

It's finally here! HOPE's 2021 Camp Week video for Middle School and High School is ready for viewing. Share with family but please note that you will only be able to access this video if you are logged into your HOPE email account. Please do not share this video beyond HOPE community families: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OloGwSBY8OU

Paul Hodges 

Athletics Director 

John 16:33 (NLT)

I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. 


Wth the Covid-19 virus causing chaos it is easy to sink into depression and suffer from anxiety and stressing out. Here are a few ideas to help you get through the day:


Have a routine that starts the day as if you are going to attend the school campus:


Parent Prayer time - Postponed due to covid restrictions



the opportunity to complete many projects around the campus while we are closed



that campus will be open in time for IB and IGCSE exams by the end of April

Staffing  needs for August (view needs HERE)

Recent changes now require that HOPE parents/caregivers who want to make a deposit through ABA need to visit this link to understand new requirements from ABA.

These times bring us challenges, but also opportunities. Let's use online learning as an opportunity for our community to have open conversations about child safety and media use. To jump into this journey with your family, check out Protect Young Minds for free resources. 


Library books are available to be borrowed. The library catalogue is available here: http://koha.hope.edu.kh/ and books can be borrowed using this form. Please submit your requests before 10:00am on Friday and collect library books from the front gate during pack pickup time. Library books can be returned to the front office, or dropped off at pack pickup time.

Primary Maths Challenge

Thank you to the entrants we had for the first maths challenge! Well done to Samuel, Luke and Seth from Year 2 - the first challenge winners.

<<Is it possible to embed a video?? here is the link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13LddKBlsB_QluVPkbAazHI0E8xbFF6vX/view?usp=sharing>>

The next challenge is open to students from Year 2 - Year 5. See here for more information. 


Primary Online Learning Survey

We would like your feedback - please take a few minutes to fill out a survey that will help us to deliver the best remote learning experience that we can. 


Pack Pickup Days

A reminder that packs are available weekly on Fridays from 2:30pm-4:00pm

Thank You!

Thank you to the numerous teachers and administrators who have managed their regular responsibilities while also participating in professional development opportunities this last week, some at 1am! 

No matter the challenges we face, we are happy to serve the families here at HOPE!

Follow us for each week's new instalment of ...

The Weary Parent's Guide to Escaping Exhaustion 


Capital Campaign

HOPE International School is embarking on a Capital Campaign and will be partnering with Grace International Educational Foundation as a repository for donations. Please join us as we raise funds for the property purchase of the HOPE PP campus.

click HERE to donate & share with your community back home

Important 2021 - 2022 Semester School Dates

August 9th, 2021 - First Day of 1st Semester

December 17th, 2021 - Last Day of 1st Semester

January 10th, 2022 -  First Day of 2nd Semester

June 10th, 2022 - Last Day of 2nd Semester