March 26, 2021
Upcoming Events
2 - Good Friday
5-16 - Khmer New Year
(No School)
26 - IGCSE Exams Begin
26-30 - Book Week
30 - Dress Up Day
30 - IB Exams Begin
A Message from HOPE Campus Principal,
Cheryl Flight
We know that school and learning is not ideal at the moment. It might be causing you stress… it certainly is us. We are reviewing and re writing programs, trying to balance academic progress with eliminating the extras, providing depth and detail for some whilst modifying and reframing for others. We are learning and applying all we can to improve our craft for this time, but it is a bit like building the plane when it’s already in the air. We will continue to strive to give our best to your children and their learning.
We care deeply about our students, and we want them to succeed—not just academically but in every facet of their lives. If a student is struggling, we’ll do whatever we can to help turn things around. Sometimes, helping students calls for additional one-on-one support. If the need arises, we’ll contact our Student Support Team (SST), as well as you, the parent, to create a plan of action. In whatever scenario, know that we’ll be wondering if your child is feeling better. We’ll follow up to make sure the student knows how much we care, beyond the subject we teach.
We want your child to succeed. No teacher likes seeing a student struggle endlessly. In an ideal world, we would love it if every child excelled in every subject without difficulty, which would also make our jobs easier and less stressful. However, meaningful learning seldom comes without effort for anyone. Therefore, it’s critical to avoid demonizing stress, struggle, and anxiety, which in healthy amounts are essential ingredients of lifelong learning. At certain times, it’s true that teachers want students to experience pressure, but not out of a twisted desire to see them squirm—we want them to gain resilience and resourcefulness in the face of adversity.
We know that learning is difficult. When your child encounters difficulty or anxiety with a unit of study or an assignment, please resist contacting the teacher right away—intervening may deprive your child of a chance to develop resilience, self-advocacy, and trouble-shooting skills. Instead, encourage your child to advocate for themselves. This could include seeking help from a classmate or initiating a one-on-one meeting with a teacher. Having said that, we do want to hear from you if your child experiences sustained struggles or there are things happening outside of school that are impacting on their life
We appreciate that students have other classes and commitments beyond what we teach and expect of them. To the best of our ability, we work hard to ensure that we’re assigning appropriate amounts of school work. Currently this is a bit harder to judge as we don’t have the benefit of the face to face daily interaction. Again, encourage students to contact us, or for younger students, please contact us on their behalf. Your child’s well-being is actually more important to us than missed work.
Lastly, know that we love what we do, and we work hard every day to make sure that students know that. We pray for you and your children, and trust in our God.
“For I am the LORD your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.” Isaiah 41:13
- Cheryl Flight
During this season of so much uncertainty let us take time to focus on the power of the Easter message'. Below are some ideas from Enfield Baptist Church for you and your family
This month we celebrate 6 years at the HOPE North campus and thank the Lord for His provision and the opportunity to be His Light in this part of Phnom Penh
Congratulations to Thomas Ashmead and Kristi Ralston on their engagement
Yr10 and Yr 12 students still facing uncertainty regarding exams
Staffing needs for August (view needs HERE)
John Kershaw and family - John's mother passed away this week.
Recent changes now require that HOPE parents/caregivers who want to make a deposit through ABA need to visit this link to understand new requirements from ABA.
Follow our Y10 students on Instagram @globalshelter as they work on a project to address global housing poverty
Library books are available to be borrowed. The library catalogue is available here: http://koha.hope.edu.kh/ . Books can be borrowed using this form. Please submit your requests before 10:00am on Friday and collect library books from the front gate during pack pickup time. Library books can be returned to the front office, or dropped off at pack pickup time.
Please note that all borrowing limits remain, and only 4 books will be loaned at a time. If you wish to check out new books you will first be required to return previously check out books. If you have unused books at home please return them to HOPE at your earliest convenience.
Primary Online Learning Survey
We would like your feedback - please take a few minutes to fill out a survey that will help us to deliver the best remote learning experience that we can.
Pack Pickup Days
A reminder that packs are available weekly on Fridays from 2:30pm-4:00pm
It's finally here! HOPE's 2021 Camp Week video for Middle School and High School is ready for viewing. Share with family but please note that you will only be able to access this video if you are logged into your HOPE email account. Please do not share this video beyond HOPE community families: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OloGwSBY8OU
Follow us for each week's new instalment of ...
The Weary Parent's Guide to Escaping Exhaustion
Capital Campaign
HOPE International School is embarking on a Capital Campaign and will be partnering with Grace International Educational Foundation as a repository for donations. Please join us as we raise funds for the property purchase of the HOPE PP campus.
Important 2021 - 2022 Semester School Dates
August 9th, 2021 - First Day of 1st Semester
December 17th, 2021 - Last Day of 1st Semester
January 10th, 2022 - First Day of 2nd Semester
June 10th, 2022 - Last Day of 2nd Semester