March 5, 2021

Upcoming Events


8  - International Women's Day 

10 - International Cleaners & Maintenance Day  

11 - Parent Teacher Interviews, 1-5pm, 12pm Dismissal Day


2 - Good Friday

5-16 - Khmer New Year  

(No School) 

26 - IGCSE Exams Begin 

30 - IB Exams Begin


14 - King's Birthday 

(No School)

Pack Pick up from 2.30pm Monday

Packs will be available for all Primary classes. 

For those students studying MS Art, there may also be materials available for pick up. 

Mrs. Jeanine has emailed the children and classes directly with details.

If you would like to pick up any library books you can email Mr. Sophal (sophal.oeun@hope.edu.kh) before 10am Monday, and we can include those books in your pack to collect. He will need to know the specific title and author.

The character theme for March is..... Forgiveness

A Message from HOPE Director, Helen Blaxland

I must confess it is hard to be writing this message today, knowing I won't get to see many of you for several weeks. It could be acceptable for us all  to ask the WHY question, BUT  there have been many times in my life when confronted with not so great situations that the WHY question doesn't serve me well.

 I reached out to our homeschool community this week and asked for some helpful hints we could share with families who are  "over" doing  school from home.

So here some helpful tips I received for managing your new reality:

Oh my, your asking for our tips? Hahaha I think we are all just keeping our head afloat.  Although nothing has changed for us with school, all of the extra activities have come to a full stop. Co-op, Dance, Piano, and all outings are off. This means that we are also being greatly affected and turned upside down. I wanted to leave the city and our org is not letting us travel right now. So, I think we can all say that this is hard stuff.  When I see my HOPE teacher friends struggle I know that we really do have it easy by comparison. 

Off the top of my head here are some things :

If school is on line, then all other computer use is very limited. My kids use video classes, so I limit all other computer time, because I believe too much screen time makes them grumpy and dissatisfied. I can literally tell when they have been on too long and their brains are fried. So we must give plenty of grace, and be firm in our decision to not use the computers / games after school . 

I choose "theme" days at home. Today is Book Day, and I will read to them extra and let them read or listen to audio books. Yesterday was Card Game day, we played lots of Dutch Blitz and focused on math and competition. 

Have friends over, we had a few girls over for a water fight on a school day and it was great. Everyone rushed through their school work with great attitudes so they could hang out with friends. 

Outdoor time, We try to get out every day, walk the dog, bike around the neighborhood, whatever you can. You don't have a pet? I'm sure you could borrow one from a friend for a day or two... they would be happy to share. 

I need breaks! So when we have a break time I lock the door. My kids are old enough and there are other adults in the house. Break time is for mommy too. I keep timers so the breaks are short but absolutely NO kids can talk to me. Today I used the time to take a shower :) Normally I use the time to read.  I need this time for my own sanity . Also NO work during this time.  I do my work during work time and take a break during break time.  If I am behind on work, I do it during a school video. If your kids are online and your break is the time you all see each other, focus on the kids and having a laugh together. 

Be predictable, snacks are always fruit at my house. No one needs to ask me what is for snack, they know its fruit and I don't have to stress. Lunches are made by the helper, or PB&J. Americans all grew up on PBJ and none of us died from it. 

i need to ask my kids for forgiveness... not apologies 

Lastly, my tip is to start the day with prayer and end it with prayer. The kids need to see you ask God for help. This is so hard!! And at the end of the day I always need to ask for apologies, and pray because sometimes I lose my cool. 

I appreciated reading this as it is raw and candid. Remember we are all in the same boat of uncertainty and need to keep the connections as community.

What has been running through my thoughts all morning are the words of the song based on Psalm 23: your goodness is running after me.. from the moment I wake up until I lay my head I will sing of the goodness of God. 

I am challenged to continue to make this my response to what is happening around me. My prayer for us all is that even in the valley we can still look up and know God is sovereign in all and every circumstance.

On another topic: Next week Adam Ecklund starts orientation. Again it is sad for me that you won't have the opportunity to meet him even at the gate. We will keep you posted about any meet and greet opportunity in the coming month, which will be dependant on the Covid situation.

Adam and I will transition the Directorship roles over the come month.

For those of you concerned about how the campus closure will affect IGCSE and IB exams, Mrs Flight is in regular contact with the international boards of these organisations and will keep updating students and families of any changes. To date there is no change in plans for exam dates but contingencies are being worked on. Our school calendar is as published. Plans are underway for the end of year Graduation ceremony and we will likely have split ceremonies for Primary and Middle and High school. Again more information will come out over the coming months and anything we plan now will be subject to the COVID situation at the time.

Thank you!

Have some  screen free, family fun times this weekend!


The FBI states that the greatest risk factor for kids being exposed to sexual content online is related to how much time they spend online, not that they are looking for sexual content online. To learn how to better partner with your kids and empower safe practices online, learn more at www.protectyoungminds.org

Funky Hair Friday

March 12

Let's have some fun next Friday and show us your best Funky Hairdo!

Show up for online classes with your funky hair and send photos to pa.director@hope.edu.kh


Parent Prayer time - Postponed due to covid restrictions



Continued grace and provision in these challenging times



Staffing  needs for August (view needs HERE)

Follow us for each week's new instalment of ...

The Weary Parent's Guide to Escaping Exhaustion 


Capital Campaign

HOPE International School is embarking on a Capital Campaign and will be partnering with Grace International Educational Foundation as a repository for donations. Please join us as we raise funds for the property purchase of the HOPE PP campus.

click HERE to donate & share with your community back home

Important 2021 - 2022 Semester School Dates

August 9th, 2021 - First Day of 1st Semester

December 17th, 2021 - Last Day of 1st Semester

January 10th, 2022 -  First Day of 2nd Semester

June 10th, 2022 - Last Day of 2nd Semester