May 13, 2021
May & June
May 14 - Holiday, No School
June 10th - Last Day of School
June 10th - Virtual Celebration Ceremony (4pm)
2021 - 2022 School Dates
August 9th, 2021 - First Day of 1st Semester
December 17th, 2021 - Last Day of 1st Semester
January 10th, 2022 - First Day of 2nd Semester
June 10th, 2022 - Last Day of 2nd Semester
A Message from HOPE Facilities Manager, David Flight
As I reflect on this last year and these last few months I cannot quite settle on what I think or feel. I don’t want to hear the words unprecedented, the new normal or Covid 19 again. I experienced the pandemic in Australia for 2 ½ months and here in Cambodia and clearly things have changed. What has not changed is God’s grace and presence.
I have been able to be at the HOPE School property for many days while others are stuck at home and I make sure that everything’s ok and secure. The school is a very strange place without children, no yelling, laughing shouting or running children playing tag. However at the right times the bells and music still play just for me and I do sing along.
I left school 45 years ago which, for many, sounds so long ago. When I left school we could only write letters to our friends by hand or call on a phone connected to the wall. What we did do was get in the car, get on your bike and go and visit our friends. Today we use so many forms of communication from Facebook, Zoom, Telegram and Instagram and so many other I don’t know of. So with so many options to connect with others what this pandemic has actually shown us is that we all need, in fact crave for, is real face to face in the flesh connections. Don’t mis-understand me I am grateful for technology, for without it I would not have been able to talk with my father who grew very deaf over the last 3 1/2 years
I am not advocating breaking restrictions to meet people because we need to help each other and the whole community stay virus safe. By all means use all the electronic platforms to connect with people, but when this is over let us re-learn to art of communication in the flesh. Listening and talking laughing and crying, hearing each other’s heart making connections that keep us connected and healthy.
The nurturing Christian environment the school provides has impacted students in profound Christ-like ways. Some of those ways are very ordinary and simple and some very perceptive. One morning young students without prompting from an adult came and asked me if I was ok. I may have wanted to say I was having a bad day but I didn’t say anything. My little friends said its ok Mr Flight we prayed for you this morning so your day is going to be great. This story is not as cute it might initially sound but it really embodies what we all need - less digital and more real face to face. A lesson from the very young to very old.
I have enjoyed my time at HOPE and all the relationships I have made, the conversations deep and ordinary that I have had with the students and staff. Leaving and saying goodbye is a little hard and strange but I am so glad to have had the opportunity to part of this great place to meet you all.
David Flight
Return of Library and Text books
Year 10 and 12 students need to return all books and other school materials to school as soon as possible. These can be delivered to the guard at the gate. Returning them now will allow students entering IGCSE and IB access to borrow them over the break if they wish.
All other text and library books must be returned no later than Wednesday 2nd June.
ALL book returns should be in a sealed plastic bag that is clearly labelled with your name and year level.
Chromebook Collection
The ICT team will be collecting all school-owned Chromebooks before the end of the school year. More details will follow but if you're leaving early, please make sure you return the school's Chromebook before you leave. Devices and chargers should be wrapped in a plastic bag, clearly labelled with the student's name, and can be left with the guard.