May 28, 2021

May & June

June 3rd - Virtual Informational Parent Meeting (7pm) https://www.hope.edu.kh/events/ 

June 10th - Last Day of School 

June 10th  - Virtual Celebration Ceremony  (4pm)

A Message from HOPE Director, Dr. Adam Ecklund

Over the past year, our family has not been exempt from pain and sorrow.  It has been difficult to walk through experiences such as: not being able to say goodbye when leaving our home, feeling isolated during Covid, observing our kids struggle to make sense with what is happening during this time.  Disappointment after disappointment has hit us all over the past year and is still wreaking havoc at this time.  Can you identify with any of these scenarios?  Does it cause you sadness that your kids are unable to be in school face-to-face with their teachers and friends?  Maybe even some of our ministries and other things we love have been minimized or completely taken away?  Pain, sorrow, and grief can take impact us in so many ways.  Praise God that His Word addresses these issues and offers us Hope in the midst of a dark time.   


A friend recommended an incredible book called Dark Clouds, Deep Mercy: Discovering the Grace of Lament, by Mark Vroegop.  I encourage you to read the book if you identify in any way with my experiences listed above. 


Vroegop writes: When the circumstances of life create dark clouds, I hope you’ll come to embrace lament as a divinely given liturgy leading you to mercy…Lament is how you live between the poles of a hard life and trusting in God’s sovereignty.  Lament is how we bring our sorrow to God.  Without lament we won’t know how to process pain.  Silence, bitterness, and even anger can dominate our spiritual lives instead.  Without lament we won’t know how to help people walking through sorrow…Lament is how Christians grieve.  It is how to help hurting people.  Lament is how we learn important truths about God and our world.


Be encouraged today that the steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end.  (Lam. 3:22)

Congratulations Aliana Lim: Year 10 2021  YOUMUN Chair Elect

Aliana Lim has been selected to chair at this year's YOUMUN conference in August!  All students went through a rigorous process and competed against candidates from all over the world; Aliana excelled.  With this appointment, she is now a part of a diverse group of student leaders from 19 High Schools across 13 countries and 4 continents.   

Return of Library and Text books

All text and library books must be returned no later than Wednesday 2nd June. 

ALL book returns should be in a sealed plastic bag that is clearly labelled with your name and year level.

Chromebook Collection

All Chromebooks are due back no later than 10th June, along with any loaned headphones and chargers.

Students requiring a device over the holiday break may request one by submitting this form before Monday 7th June. Quantities are limited and priority will be given to year 9 and 11 students who are continuing their studies.

Personal Belongings and Pack Pickup

Friday 4th June will be the last pack pickup for our Preschool to Year 1 students. 

This is an opportunity for Preschool to Year 5 students to collect their items which will be laid out on the basketball courts.

Teachers will be there and would love to use this as an opportunity to say goodbye to students.