May 7, 2021

May & June

May 12th - Virtual Graduation Ceremony

June 10th - Last Day of School 

June 10th  - Virtual Celebration Ceremony  (4pm)

2021 - 2022 School Dates

August 9th, 2021 - First Day of 1st Semester

December 17th, 2021 - Last Day of 1st Semester

January 10th, 2022 -  First Day of 2nd Semester

June 10th, 2022 - Last Day of 2nd Semester

A Message from Phnom Penh Campus Principal, Cheryl Flight

This time of year is always incredibly exhausting for teachers. Planning for next year whilst ensuring all keeps going well for the current year. Adding the 2021 variations into the mix and school life is bringing plenty of challenges. I am sorry that 2020 and 2021 has brought social distancing and extended remote learning!

We are aware of the difficulties that you have faced.  I have received countless emails from parents ranging from ‘my child is coping and doing all the work’ to ‘I cannot get him/her out of bed’ to ‘there is too much screen time’ to ‘we need more teacher time in class’.  Some of you have even gone as far as to say that you feel helpless;  you do not understand Pythagoras’ Theorem, The Crucible or Newton’s Law. And that is also OK.  Know this: you are doing a great job. Thank you.

But some things don’t change and it is important to tell you: we love your children.

One of the more bittersweet parts of being a teacher is looking out into a classroom (or into the screen) as we head towards the end of the school year and seeing a particular group of students that will never be there together, all at the same time, again. Each year we spend 180 days gathered together.  The students work alongside one another, sometimes growing frustrated with one another, but they learn to function and grow as a group. They lift one another up, they accomplish goals, and they grow. The adage ‘the days are long but the years are short’ is true for teaching. When June arrives, my time is up. Even though there were crazy days when I wanted to pull my hair out, I can’t help but feel sad it’s over. 

As staff we’ve watched your children morph into stronger, better versions of themselves. They’ve  grown taller, braver, and wiser. They’ve struggled with challenging concepts and we’ve proudly watched them battle on. They’ve found creative ways to do their school work and interact with their friends.  They quietly extend kindness to others. We’ve seen them overwhelmed, on the verge of giving up, and have looked them in the eye and seen perseverance. We’ve seen them make mistakes, and we have called them out on it. We call them ‘our kids’.

So, in case we don’t get to talk at our Graduation or Celebration service, we really want to tell you how much we love your children. And from me personally I want to say thanks for sharing your children with me (actually us, as I speak for David also) for the last few years, some for longer, others shorter… but they have all been a joy. Please know that your children will forever be in our heart because we’ve seen those little things, those God given unique personality traits that make each of your children special, and we love them too. 

On matters school:


Cheryl Flight


Parent Prayer  on Zoom

Monday's at 2pm


Meeting ID: 938 855 0000            Passcode: HOPE 

With nearly 300 Reading Logs submitted, the results are finally in! As anticipated, it was a very close competition -- so close, we even have a tie for first place! 

With 106 hours read by each team, our champions of the Read-A-Thon are... 

🥁 Ellison and Verner! 


A close second place is awarded to Hammond, followed by Cormack in third place. 

Well done everyone!

Thank you again, to all who participated.

Until Next Year, Happy Reading HOPE School!

- Miss G

Return of Library and Text books

Year 10 and 12 students need to return all books and other school materials to school as soon as possible. These can be delivered to the guard at the gate. Returning  them now will allow students entering IGCSE and IB access to borrow them over the break if they wish.

All other text and library books must be returned no later than Wednesday 2nd June. 

ALL book returns should be in a sealed plastic bag that is clearly labelled with your name and year level.

Mount Aoral Challenge

Click HERE for Mount Aoral Challenge Launch Video 

Click HERE for Mount Aoral Challenge Google Site

Climb 1813m of elevation and run, walk, rollerblade, or ride the 98km it takes to get from PP to the base of Mount Aoral (Siem Reap friends it happens to be 351km to get to the base for you, hence sticking to the more achievable distance of 98km for all participants!). Your child may need your assistance in counting steps and measuring them to complete calculations so that they know how many stair climbs are required to complete the challenge. Likewise it might help to measure a 500m or 1km loop that your child can use to measure distance if you can get out in the area that you live.  

All the details, launch video, recording forms and warm up/cool down ideas can be found on the website Mount Aoral Challenge Website

Pre-School - Year 1 - Parents can decide whether your child wants to get involved! We definitely don't want to squash their enthusiasm for play and movement with a challenge that's too hard for them. They are welcome to have a go and just record whatever they can complete. Most likely they will get involved if others in the house are having a go. This age group love doing things alongside us adults so just enjoy it with them IF they are motivated. 

Year 2-11/Parents/HOPE Staff - Choose the Challenge that suits you/your child. You can do a full climb/travel, half climb/travel or with a partner/family member OR try and complete beyond the distance!! You don't need to register, just log your data at the end of each week. This Friday is the first week to record and we will have 7 weeks before the challenge will close. This means one week after school is finished you can climb, run and ride like mad to catch up any height or distance that you have missed.


Each Monday there will be a new video loaded to the HOPE Online PE Website for Primary kids. This is designed to support your child's learning during the lockdown and may help to provide active brain breaks and alternative focus when things are challenging. Your child's teacher may direct your son/daughter to this link, but we thought it might be helpful for you to have direct access: Primary Online PE Website

Siem Reap Campus Update

Under the leadership of the School Board, Mark, Helen, and Sophal, the Siem Reap campus is currently in process of moving locations. As we begin to see the fruits of their labor, we want to acknowledge how grateful we are for all of their hard work.  See the beautiful pictures below.  

The movable guardhouse is under construction. It will be mounted on wheels.It is expected to be finished by end of tomorrow

The playground has been relocated from CMC to the new campus and installed amongst the vegetation as much as possible giving it a fun jungle playground feel

The new bathroom is having the cubicle walls and doors fitted today.

The initial 6 walls are out and the walls are painted in the classrooms.

The pool fence and gates are fully installed.

A gate has been installed at the rear of the property ad the security of the fence line has been upgraded by adding a razor wire top

This morning the grass for the football field is being installed

The small courtyard fish pond has been converted into a sandpit.