November 13, 2020
Upcoming Events
23 - Anticipated Return to Campus
30 - 4 Dec ACSI Virtual Accreditation
1 - World HIV Day
18 - Last Day of 1st Semester
A Message from HOPE Board Chair, Ann Greve
Dwelling in the Shelter of the Most High God
A few months ago, a friend sent an email suggesting that in this season of COVID, isolation, struggle and fear, that we read Psalm 91 everyday. She and her husband had both been afflicted with COVID as they ministered in missions. Hers was less serious than his but as she stood by him through many weeks of suffering, she said Psalm 91 became increasingly important. Her husband has miraculously returned to health and strength and they are ministering in missions again, but now with a greater vision and much higher trust in the Lord.
As I started reading through Psalm 91, I realized how meaningful it was in addressing the basis of the struggles we deal with during times of sickness or other overwhelming problems. I decided to share some with you and hope that it will encourage and free us during this time.
Psalm 91:1-4 “Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” Surely He will save you from the fowler’s snare and from the deadly pestilence. He will cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you will find refuge; His faithfulness will be your shield and wall. (NIV)
Psalm 91:1-4 “You who sit down in the High God’s presence, spend the night in Shaddai’s shadow, Say this: “GOD, you’re my refuge. I trust in you and I’m safe!” That’s right—He rescues you from hidden traps, shields you from deadly hazards. His huge, outstretched arms protect you— under them you’re perfectly safe; His arms fend off all harm. (MSG)
Rest – dwelling in His shelter and resting in His shadow
We sit down and abide in the hiding place or the safe place of the Most High God. There we find rest, we trust Him, and can spend night after night with Him. Our God’s shadow protects and defends us because He is Almighty God and He loves us! We can have rest!
Refuge – trusting and relying on God with great confidence
During this strange season with many questions and few answers, we have the opportunity to grow in trust. We can have growing confidence in Him. He is the One Person in our lives Who will never leave us. He is our place of absolute Refuge. We can have peace!
3. Protection – guarded by the amazing God Who loves us so much
We find the analogy that says, the Lord covers us with His feathers and we can hide under His wings. This describes the intimacy of His protection, a safe place close to His heart. We are not cared for by a hired guard but by our Father God, Who wants us close to Him. God’s faithful care for us means that no matter what the source of the fear and stress is, God is our shield and wall of protection. We are safe!
Let us walk into the growing rest, peace and safety of our wonderful, loving Lord Jesus.
Ann Greve
Finance Update from HOPE CFO, James Brand
NEW INVOICE PROCEDURE - HOPE will be creating invoices each month instead of each academic quarter. In the past, HOPE sent groups of invoices four times during the year. But now, starting with the December invoice, HOPE will be sending invoices once per month (at the beginning of the month). This change is because of new requirements from the tax department and we also hope it will be more clear for our families. HOPE can also provide estimates of invoices for the entire semester or year as needed.
RENEW LATE FEES - HOPE is restarting our $10 per month late fee for invoices not paid by the end of the month. This is a maximum of $10 per month per family. Please pay on time to help us with paying our staff and vendors on time.
REMINDER OF CAPITAL FEE - Please remember that if you have not paid your annual capital fee for this year, it is due by 1st January. The late fee is $50 for Secondary students and $30 for Primary students. Thanks to those families that have already paid.
For questions about invoices please email Phanna Rum accounts@hope.edu.kh
For questions about payments or receipts please email cashier.north@hope.edu.kh
For setting up payment plans please email cfo@hope.edu.kh
Update on School Closure
We know learning is online for at least two weeks. We hope to return to classes on campus on November 23, we trust there will not be an extension SO Please continue to follow the directions of the MoEYS.
When we are allowed to return to classes on campus, we may be subject to additional or different MoEYS requirements. As we receive information, we will keep you updated.
Thanks for your patience and flexibility during this time.
Please encourage students to wear their masks, wash/disinfect their hands, and practice social distancing when they are out in the community.
Please read the email attached for more information
For relatively smooth transition back to online class
Great applicants for several positions for coming year
The opportunity for maintenance team to put up shade structures over the playground while school is closed
that Covid-19 will not spread wider in Cambodia
The Property Task force as they progress fundraising strategies
Staff Comings & Goings
Welcome back Elske ( Student Wellbeing ) and family after your recent bereavement
Farewell to IT Technician, Dara and to PA to the Principal, Mongkul
Welcome to the world baby Gabriel, who was born to Mrs. Hany on Monday
Summer Internships 2021
The Ultimate Work Experience.
Ages 15 -18 | Join us in-person or 'Live Online' this summer.
Medicine | Psychology | Engineering | Law | Computer Science | Investment Banking | Entrepreneurship | Politics | Architecture
In the present environment, work experience is crucial yet almost impossible to secure. Students can solve this NOW by registering for one of our ground-breaking 2021 Summer Internships. Up to 10 days of life-changing, immersive experiences in 9 of the most sought-after industries. Students can attend either in-person in London or 'Live Online' from home.
Gain once-in-a-lifetime experiences
Shadow doctors in a hospital; argue a case before a judge in the Supreme Court; enter the Airbus ExoMars facility; trade at the London Stock Exchange; meet MPs in the House of Commons and much more.
We are the only work experience provider to run in-person in Summer 2020
We've done it before and we'll do it again. We ran in-person with strict social distancing measures in place and received outstanding feedback, averaging 9.2 out of 10!
Our 'Live Online' Internships also received phenomenal feedback, averaging 9.1 out of 10.
Our COVID-19 Policy
In the unlikely event the in-person Internships are completely cancelled due to COVID-19, students will receive a FULL refund.
Due to strict social distancing measures, places are HIGHLY limited, students can register before 31st December and receive a 15% discount by using the code SUMMERINTERN15.
Please forward this email to students and parents so they can register now.