November 20, 2020

Upcoming Events


23 - Return to Campus

30 - 4 - Dec ACSI Virtual Accreditation


1 - World HIV Day 

18 - Last Day of 1st Semester  (HALF DAY)

Return to Campus Monday... Again

***We are so thankful that we can return to campus next week*** 

We will reconvene under the same requirements and restrictions observed prior to the Ministry of Education's recent 2 week school closure




It is the time of year when colds and flu begin to go around, so we wanted to send a reminder to please keep your child home if they exhibit any of the following symptoms/conditions. Please do NOT send your child/ren to school if he/she has or has had: 

Fever over 37.5 C or 100 F within the last 24 hours 

Vomiting in the past 24 hours. 

Diarrhea in the past 24 hours

Continuous coughing

Severe cold, especially with greenish/yellow nasal drainage

Strep throat (must be on antibiotics 24 hours before returning to school)

Announcing the Appointment of HOPE's New Director

Finance Update from HOPE CFO, James Brand

NEW INVOICE PROCEDURE - HOPE will be creating invoices each month instead of each academic quarter.  In the past, HOPE sent groups of invoices four times during the year.  But now, starting with the December invoice, HOPE will be sending invoices once per month (at the beginning of the month).  This change is because of new requirements from the tax department and we also hope it will be more clear for our families.  HOPE can also provide estimates of invoices for the entire semester or year as needed.

RENEW LATE FEES - HOPE is restarting our $10 per month late fee for invoices not paid by the end of the month.  This is a maximum of $10 per month per family.  Please pay on time to help us with paying our staff and vendors on time.

REMINDER OF CAPITAL FEE - Please remember that if you have not paid your annual capital fee for this year, it is due by 1st January.  The late fee is $50 for Secondary students and $30 for Primary students. Thanks to those families that have already paid.

For questions about invoices please email Phanna Rum accounts@hope.edu.kh

For questions about payments or receipts please email cashier.north@hope.edu.kh

For setting up payment plans please email cfo@hope.edu.kh

HOPE Photo Day 

Friday December 4th

We will be offering student, sibling and family photos. There will not be any class photos at this time, but we hope to schedule them at a later date. 

Please return the money and form to the front office or to student's teachers in sealed envelope by December 2nd.


School re-opening

Welcome new PA to the Principal, Mr. Ho Vorleak

Welcome new Office Assistant,  Mrs. Chan Soren


ACSI Accreditation visit the first week of December



Reminder from the Campus Principal

Please encourage your children to speak English at school. We love the diversity of our student population, but we want to make sure no one feels excluded during the school day. English is our common language and we expect all of our students to speak English during the school day.

Exceptions may be made in academic classes where we recognise that progress in academics is sometimes supported by first developing an understanding of concepts with the support of first language explanation. Teachers may therefore give guidance or permission to students to work with other students in their first language for specific tasks or activities. Outside of these times we want our students to develop their reading, writing, listening and speaking skills in English as a priority.   


It is important that parents keep sick children at home to prevent spreading the flu virus to others


The best way to keep yourself and your family safe and healthy during flu season is to:

Wash hands frequently

Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth

Keep sick family members home

Contact your health care provider if you or your child are experiencing flu-like symptoms

Follow your doctor’s guidance on treatment

Get the flu shot for you and your family

Children must be symptom free for 24 hours, without the use of medication, before returning to school.

Summer Internships 2021

The Ultimate Work Experience.

Ages 15 -18 | Join us in-person or 'Live Online' this summer. 

Medicine | Psychology | Engineering | Law | Computer Science | Investment Banking | Entrepreneurship | Politics | Architecture

In the present environment, work experience is crucial yet almost impossible to secure. Students can solve this NOW by registering for one of our ground-breaking 2021 Summer Internships. Up to 10 days of life-changing, immersive experiences in 9 of the most sought-after industries. Students can attend either in-person in London or 'Live Online' from home.

Gain once-in-a-lifetime experiences

We are the only work experience provider to run in-person in Summer 2020

Our COVID-19 Policy 

Due to strict social distancing measures, places are HIGHLY limited, students can register before 31st December and receive a 15% discount by using the code SUMMERINTERN15.

Please forward this email to students and parents so they can register now. 

In-Person (London)                     Live Online