September 11, 2020

Upcoming Events


16 - 18 - No School, Pchum Ben Holiday

23 - Thursday Time Table

24 - No School, Constitution Day


15 - No School, Mourning Day of Late                King Father

29 - 30 - No School, Coronation Day


9 - No School, Independence Day

** The WHEN and HOW of parent teacher conferences are still under review. We will update parents on these in the week after Pchum Ben.

Welcome Back

A Word from Our Secondary High School Deputy, 

Jane Lim

Hello HOPE school. I trust that the return to school has been exciting for all of you. What a delight it must be to be back to your friends and teachers. For those (like me) who are still waiting on our final Covid test, we shall remain hopeful despite the delay!

‘What are you really good at?’ is a question that we are confronted with from time to time. It could be an attempt to break ice among a group of strangers or a question we ask ourselves in quiet reflection. We can conjure humorous responses – I am the best at getting ready and leaving the house in 3 minutes! – or far more serious ones. This question can pierce into our understanding of ourselves.

One thing I am really good at is being curious. As a child, I was always buzzing with questions about all that going on around me. My parents have an embarrassing collection of stories of how my curiosity got the better of me at inappropriate times. While the questions I ask now are better orchestrated, I have not lost that desire to know more. I am still constantly probing  deeper. Perhaps it is no surprise that I sought Geography as my academic pursuit seeing that there is always more to learn and more dots to connect together.

In this school year, I would like to challenge you to work at being really good at some special things. Practice your kindness and generosity, your patience and creativity, your grit and courage. Cultivate the fruit of the Spirit in you. Be intentional in loving those who you might not naturally feel affinity to. Hone your many talents; however quirky they might be. Do this because you know that you are fearfully and wonderfully made by God who knows what He has divined for you to be great at.

Jane Lim

An Update from Our Director, Helen Blaxland

"Rejoice with those who rejoice and mourn with those who mourn."

Well it finally happened- The Phnom Penh campus is abuzz with the sound of children this week. I've enjoyed reading some of the great feedback from families and teachers. 

Mr Twine and the Siem Reap staff have completed their MOEYS application to reopen, so we await with anticipation the news that the Siem Reap campus will also be open before too long.

But as that scripture says, we are to mourn with those who mourn, so we do join our families and staff who are STILL waiting for news that they can return. Ephesians 6:12 reminds us of where the battle really lies and at this time of year we are even more aware of this.

As we look into the next few months of on campus education, please note that the student council had planned several events for this semester but they  are now having to rework these to meet our MOU requirements. We look forward to ways in which we can find expression for celebrating the wonderful community at HOPE.

May you know the Father's presence  over the coming week of Pchum Ben break.

Helen Blaxland, Director

2019-2020 Year Books are available for pick up from the Cashier

Each family can take one free year book.  

Families who have signed up  to pay for additional year books can purchase additional year books with the Cashier

Immersive Career Experiences.

We give students aged 12-18 a head-start in their futures through our immersive career experience programmes

Experiences in:

Architecture — Art — Computer Science — Dentistry — Engineering — Entrepreneurship — Fashion Design — Filmmaking — International Development — Investment Banking — Journalism — Law — Management Consultancy — Marketing — Medicine — Music — Politics — Psychology — Publishing — Veterinary Science

Click HERE to learn more about our weekend, half term, and online internship opportunities. 

CLICK HERE to view / print Calendar

***Please note: 2021 holidays will be confirmed by the government towards the end of 2020

2020-2021 School Calendar

Though Water Festival has been canceled we are required to observe Coronation Day

Thursday & Friday, October 29th-30th - school closed

Monday, November 2nd - teaching day


Please assist our staff in this process. If your temperature tests at above 37.5 degrees you will be asked to wait 10 minutes to do a second test. If your temperature is still high you will not be able to enter the campus.

Thank you for your continued support.


Wearing masks will be required for all who enter the campus the whole time they are on campus. 

Identification Cards / Lanyards

Student and Parent ID cards are available for pickup in the HOPE office 

Monday - Friday, 8am-4pm

These ID cards are required for entry to campus and are to be worn by everyone on campus at all times

Parent - Teacher Connection

Due to the various health and safety standards we are currently required to keep, we ask that all parents needing to connect with a student's teacher do so through email or written note. In the rare case an immediate connection is necessary, then  you may discuss such matters with one of our admin staff who will be present during Drop Off and Pick Up times.

Arrangements for ICT and Devices when school returns:

*BYO devices must have Google Chrome installed (Windows, macOS, Chrome OS laptops) or have the required Google apps installed (iPadOS and Android tablets). Please ensure you are signed in to Chrome or those apps using your school email address and are able to access Classroom, Meet, Gmail, Google Drive, etc.

Model United Nations

What is MUN? Model United Nations allow students to roleplay as diplomats representing their assigned countries to simulate the process of the UN General assembly and other important UN organizations. Delegates are expected to collaborate with each other to create resolutions to solve the world's most pressing issues today. 

This year, due to the global health pandemic, majority of the Model UN competitions opted to go remote. Hope MUN Club has also decided to launch online training sessions to best prepare students when doing MUN online. 

If you are interested in participating, please fill out THIS FORM HERE

HOPE MUN Secretary General, Justinia

HOPE MUN Deputy Secretary General, Sarah "

Options for Paying School Fees

To see the school fees, please visit http://www.hope.edu.kh/admissions/#schoolfees.  Then you can scroll down a little to see our Payment methods.  If you choose to pay to our ABA account, please send to:

In the bank memo please include your Family name and Sycamore number and include which invoices you are paying.  Please also remember to add $10 if you are transferring from a bank outside of Cambodia (to cover the $10 inwards bank fee).  If you prefer to pay on campus, you can come to the cashier between the hours of 7:45 and 3 pm on school days.  If you have any questions related to the fees please review the attached document of additional school fee details for 2020-21.