September 4, 2020

Upcoming Date: 

September 7 & 8 - In Person Start Dates (refer below)

September 16 - 18 - Pchum Ben Holiday

An Update from Our Director, Helen Blaxland

It is so exciting to be able to announce that HOPE PP 

has been approved to reopen on campus next week!!!


*** Monday 7th September - Pre school. K, 1, 2, 3, 4 and Year 11 and 12 

*** Tuesday 8th September - Everyone including 5, 6,7, 8, 9 and 10

... Please read your email for more details ...

A Message from our New IT Manager, Matthew Lindfield

Last week my wife Melissa and I found ourselves bumping down an unsealed track, trying not to fall out the side of our tuk tuk as the driver navigated around and through what I can only describe as craters. Somehow we'd ended up in a field behind our Borey, with an 8 metre concrete wall on one side of us and a scary looking stray dog trotting towards us on the other. We weren't too worried but I think we were both asking ourselves "How on earth did we end up here?"

Melissa and I first met at a Christian and Missionary Alliance church in suburban Sydney when we were about 12. We've known each other for 26 years and for the most part everything more or less went to plan... finish school, go to uni, get a job, get married, find a church, play sports, have kids (Naomi, 13 and Ben, 10.85), buy a house, find a school, live comfortably.

There were a few little twists along the way (a miscarriage, 6 months apart when I was deployed to Afghanistan when the kids were 0 and 2, and occasional bouts of depression for me) but overall life has been comfortable. We've never really sought out adventure (I didn't even try sushi until I was 33) and adventure has never come looking for us.

So how on earth did we end up in a bumpy tuk tuk, in a foreign country and in the middle of a global pandemic? The answer, of course, is that God's plans are bigger and oh-so-much more certain than ours. 

The church we grew up in had a banner of the 10 commandments on the left, a cross in the centre and a banner of Matthew 28:18-20 on the right:

Then Jesus came to them and said, 'All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.'

I've had that verse memorised since I was 12 but I know God is still teaching me and my family what it means. Step, by little step, God has been pushing us out of our comfort zone. I praise God for the way he has worked in our lives so far, the "good" and the "bad", and I am very much looking forward to what we will learn and how God will re-shape us in our season here at HOPE. We don't have formal Bible training, we aren't bold or adventurous and we only know about three words of Khmer between us but we are keen to use what little we have to help HOPE support Christian families who are on the frontline of God's mission here in Cambodia.

So today, in the busyness of raising kids, preparing lessons, fixing printers, sweeping floors, or typing numbers into spreadsheets, can I encourage you to pause and reflect. You could start with our question, "How on earth did I end up here?", but don't stop there. Take some time to think about how God is currently using you to make disciples of all nations... and then ask God to show you what the next step is, big or small, and for his help in actually taking that step.

Matthew Lindfield

CLICK HERE to view / print Calendar

***Please note: 2021 holidays will be confirmed by the government towards the end of 2020

2020-2021 School Calendar

Though Water Festival has been canceled we are required to observe Coronation Day

Thursday & Friday, October 29th-30th - school closed

Monday, November 2nd - teaching day


Please assist our staff in this process. If your temperature tests at above 37.5 degrees you will be asked to wait 10 minutes to do a second test. If your temperature is still high you will not be able to enter the campus.

Thank you for your continued support.


Wearing masks will be required for all who enter the campus the whole time they are on campus. 

Identification Cards / Lanyards

Student and Parent ID cards are available for pickup in the HOPE office 

Monday - Friday, 8am-4pm

These ID cards are required for entry to campus and are to be worn by everyone on campus at all times

Personal Computer Not Functioning Well...

We are not able to fix the wifi, but if your camera or sound is not functioning properly, then the student cannot fully engage in class. Please ensure your student makes arrangements to collect a school chromebook.

Faces On the Screen...

Though not on this shore, these staff are working hard to serve our kids from around the world. Thank you very much!

John Kershaw

Computer Sciences

Grant Cuthbert

Librarian and Teacher

Lorinda Wishart

Physical Education

A special welcome to Lorinda, who has joined HOPE for online teaching during her first semester while still in Australia! Lorina and her family plan to join us in person in January


To  Facilities Staff member, Ra Ouy, for the birth of his new daughter, Sa Sa. 

To Library Assistant, Sophal, for the birth of his twin daughters, Hannah and Esther. 

ENCOURAGING WORD I am so thankful to my HOPE family. I truly feel like I am part of a family right now. I am thankful for families who are working together to support our students. I am thankful to those who are helping my kids with online schooling while I am teaching. And I know many other families have similar arrangements.  It is so encouraging to see everyone working together to make online school work while we look forward to the day when we can be together at campus. I am also thankful to teachers who are supporting my own children right now. They are so understanding. Thank you to the HOPE School Community Family.  - Thressa Brand

Arrangements for ICT and Devices when school returns:

*BYO devices must have Google Chrome installed (Windows, macOS, Chrome OS laptops) or have the required Google apps installed (iPadOS and Android tablets). Please ensure you are signed in to Chrome or those apps using your school email address and are able to access Classroom, Meet, Gmail, Google Drive, etc.