Decemeber 6, 2021
HOPE is...
As we begin a season of recruiting for staff and teachers, will you join us in praying for applicants?
You can also help us by spreading the word about HOPE!

Last Day of the Semester is December 17th
Dismissal is at 12:00 pm for both PP and SR campuses
Spotlight on Students!
Congrats, Wonsang!
Wonsang Chang (G 12) got a 800 (full score) in his SAT maths, taken on August 15.

Hello, HOPE parents!
This is FROM:2023, our school's very own student-led fundraising team, made up of six Year 11 students. We hope this poster about donating to the school for social-distancing activities finds you well.
Our team wanted to start off fundraising specifically for COVID-friendly activities, as physical activity is important for student growth and well-being.
We would like students of younger grades, especially primary and middle school, to have a variety of things to do during lunch and break time whilst keeping safe.
We thank you so much for all the help!
Come Join Parent Prayer in Phnom Penh!
Wednesdays @ 8:15 am
Jars of Clay
C9 in Phnom Penh is back with Lunch Tickets!
Century 9 will be selling tickets in 10 meal increments at dropoff (secondary gate), lunch (inside campus) and pickup (secondary gate). Century 9 has 2 prices: $2.75 for small and $3.50 for large. The small meal is typically meant for ages 8 and under.
You are allowed to purchase either size meal in 10 meal increments directly from Century 9 via ABA or cash.

Well-Being Resources and Counseling Services
We are all feeling the weight and heaviness of this season.
Here are some resources to Cambodia and Thailand based centers that we recommend if you would like to seek some care:
Cornerstone Counseling Foundation
Have a great week!