January 10, 2022

Spread the word about HOPE!

We are busy recruiting staff and teachers for next Academic year.  Will you continue to join us in praying for applicants? 

You can also help us by spreading the word about HOPE!

 Share the video above or PDFs below with your friends, neighbors, organizations, churches, and support communities.

HOPE Flyer.pdf
2022 VACANCIES Flyer and updates-2.pdf

Photo Day is on Thursday in Phnom Penh

If you want to pre-order digitals or prints, please fill out this Form.

If you would like to see the photos before purchasing, please send a special request email to Kate Roden.

Spotlight on Students!

Congrats, Juliana!

Juliana, G10, received a scholarship to attend the Harvard Model Congress Asia and WON AWARDS this past weekend! Applicants had to submit a 3-minute video essay  about a topic in their country, 3 short essays and a recommendation letter from one of their current teachers.

Juliana is one of the senior trainers for the HopeMUN club. The club registered 5 delegates for either the Yale Model United Nations or HMCA in mid January 2022.

Her committee was the International Parliament under the Domestic Programs. Her awards:

1. She won Honorable Mention in HMCA 2022

2. Her resolution on Powering Japan Act (Nuclear Option) was adopted by the Executive Board of HMCA 2022.

The countries in HMCA 2022 were countries in Asia and the Pacific (because a high school in Guam participated). 

She was also a scholar, which means registration fee for both Hope school and Juliana was waived! To be a scholar, you must also submit submit a video essay, a recommendation letter from a teacher and answer 5 essay questions set by the HMCA committee. 

The Middle School Students in Siem Reap! 

Grade 6-8 students have written some fantastic pieces this semester, which they would like to share with the wider community.

Grade 6 and 7 are particularly proud of their work in poetry (and one student even plans to become a poet in the future!). 

Grade 8  has some excellent writing that they have completed that you can find here!

Come Join Parent Prayer!

Phnom Penh:

Wednesdays @ 8:15 am

Jars of Clay

Siem Reap:

First Tuesday of the Month @ 8:15 am

Common Grounds

C9 Lunch Tickets in Phnom Penh!

Century 9 will be selling tickets on Fridays at dropoff and pickup (secondary gate).  

Century 9 has 10 meal increment at 2 prices:  $2.75 for small and $3.50 for large.  The small meal is typically meant for ages 8 and under. 

You are allowed to purchase directly from Century 9 via ABA or cash.

The Ministry of Education is encouraging students and staff to get a booster shot if it has been more than 6 months since your 2nd dose.

If you have any questions, or would like some resources, please email the COVID inbox.

Well-Being Resources and Counseling Services

We are all feeling the weight and heaviness of this season.

Here are some resources to Cambodia and Thailand based centers that we recommend if you would like to seek some care:

Living Well

The Well International

Cornerstone Counseling Foundation

Have a great week!