November 22, 2021

Meet the Teacher with Mrs. Schantz

Close Contact Quarantine Update

Unvaccinated: 14 day quarantine with a test on day 7 and 14. 

After a negative test on day 14 and free from symptoms, then they are cleared to return to campus on day 15.


Vaccinated: 10 day quarantine with a test on day 5 and 10.

After a negative test on day 10 and free from symptoms, then they are cleared to return to campus on day 11. 


Positive Case: 10 days in isolation.

Here is a link to our COVID-19 Resource page with charts, policies, and more. 

Last Day of the Semester is December 17th

Spotlight on Students!

Speech Competition

We have two high school students who placed First and Third in the annual speech competition of the Korean Embassy.

The speech competition was for Korean high school students  in the country to discuss the message of hope and diplomacy in celebration of Korea and Mekong countries' continual relationship. 

Wendy Park, G12 (middle) - First place

Anne Chung, G11 (right) - Third place

IB Geography

World Climate Simulation

For IB Geography, students have a unit on Global Climate and therefore learn about our changing climatic patterns. 

Ms. Lim ran an activity at the end of the unit where the students model negotiations to manage the impacts of climate change.  The activity was for G11 and G12 students!

The students worked in groups representing different countries or different roles. The activity was an excellent way to engage critical thinking and fun! Check out a few photos from the event.  

Come Join Parent Prayer in Phnom Penh!

Wednesdays @ 8:15 am

Jars of Clay

Our Secondary students in Phnom Penh held an outdoor assembly, lead by the student worship team.

Well-Being Resources and Counseling Services

We are all feeling the weight and heaviness of this season.

Here are some resources to Cambodia and Thailand based centers that we recommend if you would like to seek some care:

Living Well

The Well International

Cornerstone Counseling Foundation

Have a great week!