October 25, 2021
Meet the Teacher with Mrs. Mhay
Pack Pickup for PP & SR
Thursday, October 28
2:30 pm - 4:00 pm
NO School on Friday
for Coronation Day
Preorder extended to Wednesday!
Items available:
Short sleeve T-shirt $8
Long Sleeve T-shirt $12
Water Bottle $7
Round Waterproof Sticker $2
Check it out and Order HERE!
If you have any questions, contact Kate Roden.
Are you interested in volunteering to help on either campus?
We have several opportunities for parents to help in non-teaching related areas.
Contact our Enrollment Coordinator, Sina, for more information and details!
In Science, Year 6 students have been learning about energy and energy transformations.
Students used their knowledge to make Rube Goldberg machines (complicated machines to carry out a simple task) demonstrating energy transfer.
Well-Being Resources and Counseling Services
We are all feeling the weight and heaviness of this season.
Here are some resources to Cambodia and Thailand based centers that we recommend if you would like to seek some care:
Cornerstone Counseling Foundation
Just in case you missed it!
World Teachers Day video from the Students
We are preparing all the documentation needed to apply for reopening Primary-Year 6 in PP and all levels in SR. As soon as we have firm information, we will send an update.
Thank you for your continued support for HOPE School!
Have a great week!