August 24, 2023 | N 3-23-24
Moving forward together
August has been a month of new beginnings. New groups, new projects, and new journeys!
Sometimes, finding all the right pieces can be tough, but with a bit of creativity and effort, you can bring together some wonderful things. This month, we have witnessed how those efforts have happened at HOPE from students, parents, staff, and the wider community. Here are some important highlights and information that reflect the process.
Meet the Teacher | Open House
Every semester, we meet as a community to facilitate a time when parents and staff can get to know each other, look at the facilities, and experience something else about HOPE. Yesterday, excitement and curiosity filled the campus as many of our families visited our HOPE’s Open House Day. It was an afternoon with nice weather, happy voices of kids playing, and the screams of the sports training. Before the event, the teachers diligently prepare their classrooms so that the parents would get a better glimpse of what the class is about and who the teachers are.
We are grateful for the continued involvement and support of our parents and the community to make this day not just another school event, but a day where we can rediscover how God’s mission brought us together at HOPE School.
Sports Season began!
Our Sports Season 1 has officially started! Over 200 students from different levels registered for volleyball, basketball, and football - all clamoring to get into the game.
Last Tuesday, our Koupreys had a kick-off meeting at the Hall. It was a great opportunity for our student-athletes to gather and for the coaches to share their expectations for the upcoming competitions. Their enthusiasm was contagious, leaving everyone excited and optimistic about what is to come: three seasons of games, sports events, tournaments, and more excitement lying ahead for the Koupreys!
Our teachers and coaches are all set to go extra mile with great expectation and enthusiasm. A few more volunteers are needed for the boys' football training. If you want to join us, please contact the athletic director, Lorinda Wishart.
Parents at HOPE
Primary has new parent class representatives (PCR)!
PCRs play a vital role in fostering community among classes and welcoming new families to the grade level. HOPE Primary School is blessed to count on nine new parents who willingly took the challenge of serving the classrooms represented in their groups.
Preschool 1: Rebecca Oh
Preschool 2: Becky McLaughlin
Kindergarten: Grace Park
Grade 1: Jiyoon Yi
Grade 2: Ping Chang
Grade 3: Linda Tong
Grade 4A: Youmi Park (Kim)
Grade 4B: Ashlee Kuske
Grade 5: Cintia Romero
We deeply appreciate the Parent Council's efforts in caring for our school.
Wesleyans visit our campus!
We had a visit with our land-owning partners, the Wesleyans. It brings us joy to cultivate connections with people who honor the work of the Kingdom. Please continue to ask God to move mightily through these partners for His Kingdom's sake.
Photo renewal
Make sure to attend Wednesday, September 6th at school! We are taking new individual photos! Make sure to get ready for the show.
Upcoming tests
Grades 8 to 10 will take The Cognitive Abilities Test Fourth Edition (CAT4), a suite of tests developed to support schools in understanding students' abilities and likely academic potential.
ELL students in middle school and Primary students will also be completing the NGRT (New Group Reading Test) to help us assess their reading and comprehension levels and compare them with national averages. These tests will take place during the school day next week between August 28 - 31. If you need more information, don't hesitate to contact Ms Taara Portela.
Table Tennis opportunity
A missionary team from Korea will use ping pong to bless others and share the Gospel. One of the leaders on the team is an Olympic gold medalist.
Eight tables are reserved at the new Kei La Park Sports Club for HOPE community on Saturday, September 2, from 8:30-11:30 am. If you want to be part of this time, find more details and sign up here. It will be fun!
Primary Playtime!
Our wonderful Parent Council is organizing after-school play times for Primary classes! Starting next week, parents can choose to stay with their kids from 2:30 - 4 p.m. to play and meet other families in the class. Class dates are listed below.
Monday 28th - Grade 4 (A & B) & Grade 5
Tuesday 29th - Preschool 1 & Preschool 2
Wednesday 30th - Kindergarten & Grade 1
Thursday 31st - Grade 2 & Grade 3
Enjoy refreshments from C9 (for purchase) and hang out with us!
Student’s ID Request
If you need a student ID for use around Phnom Penh, stop by the Front Office to request it or email Please allow 48 hours for your request to be processed.
It’s time to vote!
We are thrilled to present our shortlist of potential names for our Coffee Shop, carefully selected from the 48 suggestions we received. We can't wait to see which one will become the new name for our new favorite spot on campus!
What do you think? We will keep this vote open until next Week and announce the winner on our next HOPE Connect! We are excited! Let’s vote!
Tradition says that Fridays are a great day to wear your HOPE gear! If you don’t have yours yet, note that HOPE Shop will be available every Friday from 2:30 to 3 p.m. at the Secondary gate, near the coffee shop.
He is Mindful of Me
Psalms 8:4
What are mere mortals that you should think about them,
human beings that you should care for them?
How wonderful is it that He is mindful of us! How amazing is it that He cares for us! This was an encouraging reminder to me recently as I found myself searching for strength in the whirlwind that life can toss us into sometimes. The same God who formed the stars, notices when a sparrow falls. The same God who laid the foundation of the earth would listen to and answer the struggling Job. The same God stitched the very fibre of my being together, not only knows me and thinks of me, but also cares about me and what I am going through today.
This is the truth, we are not worthy, but He thinks of us. We do not deserve it, but He listens to us. We cannot earn it, but He gives us salvation. He died for the mere mortals that betray Him, that we may have life and live abundantly with Him.
My prayer for you is that as you journey through life, the knowledge that the Creator of the universe is mindful of you will give you peace that passes understanding, bring you joy that overflows, and empower you by His Spirit to glorify His Kingdom and Jesus’ name above all.
Mark Kramm, Chaplain.
Parent Resource Page
C9 Menu, calendars, SEQTA, and more! Our Parent page on the website is meant to be a one-stop-shop for most information you would need. You can access that HERE, or by going to our website and clicking on "Parents".
Can you Bring One?
We always have room for more! Help us bring in more qualified, Christian teachers and staff to be a part of our HOPE community. All current openings can be found HERE.
Have a great week!