September 22, 2023 | N 5-23-24
Of Battles and Triumphs
The Kouprey has been the National Mammal of Cambodia since a Royal decree in 2005. It is described as a Grey Ox, robust in appearance, strong, agile, resilient, and powerful, yet gentle in temperament and not abusive of other animals.
These characteristics are worth emulating and, hopefully, will be embodied by our own HOPE Koupreys as they represent our community to the wider sporting world in Phnom Penh.
Koupreys, su su! Continue fighting with power, dignity, and the right heart.
Koupreys on fire at the ASAC!
Eight of our Middle School Girls A Team Koupreys joined for the first time and finished in fourth place in the recent Basketball tournament organized by the ASEAN Sports & Activities Conference (ASAC). The tournament was held at Northbridge International School, where the athletes competed with seven other international schools from Vietnam, Thailand, and international schools in Cambodia that are part of the league.
On Wednesday morning, the girls won over Concordia from Hanoi 12 - 5; in the afternoon they beat Wells from Bangkok 33-11; and in the evening they defeated the Nagas of Northbridge 14-9. On Thursday, they won yet another game against Logos Lightning 19-11, and in the evening lost to UWC putting them in the Bronze Medal Game. Today Friday morning, they lost by 1 point (13:12) against Canadian International School, finishing in fourth place.
It's truly impressive to see the level of dedication and passion our Middle School Basketball representatives demonstrated during this tournament. What is special about this tournament is that HOPE wasn’t originally invited to the tournament, but when another team dropped out, we were given their slot, according to Lorinda Wishart, our athletic director. However, they seized the opportunity and gave an outstanding performance against other international schools in the region.
Ashley Yeap, Hadassah Williams, Ruby Staunton, Kaiya Ecklund, Brielle Wishart, Tessa Kennedy, Clare McCorkindale and Annalise Kassing embodied the essence of HOPE as they competed with dedication and reflected our community's values with grace, honor, and sportsmanship. Dr. Adam Ecklund coached and led this team with passion and experience. It was fantastic to see a HUGE group of parents and staff at the final!
Study in the USA
Over 80 attendees showed up for our Seminar last Monday on a rainy evening. Mr. Anis Qourzal - Senior Director of International Admissions at Baylor University - presented to students, families, and visitors about the different aspects of academic life, financial aid, the admission process, and cultural elements specific to studying in Waco, Texas.
Baylor University provides a variety of majors and minors in engineering, humanities, education, arts, and business for both US residents and international students, and the options are compatible with IB and IGCSE programs. Mr. Qourzal was eager to highlight the community life that makes the campus lively and sports play a significant role in it.
Mr. Qourzal also met our Secondary Staff and Guidance Counselor to hear and discuss the best ways to help International Students transition into college life, particularly in the USA. We appreciate Baylor University for taking the time to come and visit us and for helping to create a sense of excitement about the college experience. More exciting fairs in the announcement section.
Worship Retreat
A fun and faith-building retreat happened last Friday at the Guesthouse, where our 23 student worship leaders got together to bond and relearn the Why, How, and Who of worship.
Taara Portela, Rachel Meyer, David Sundaram, and Mark Kramm (Chappy) are four staff members who have made this moment possible to support the team as they prepare to lead the school in worship during assemblies, FLAG week, and other special events, including the upcoming Worship Night this Friday at 4:30 p.m. (invitation will be attached)
Student Spotlight - Kyler is awarded!
We are very proud of Kyler Hester, our Grade 12 student! In May 2023, Kyler was awarded the National Eagle Scout Service Project of the Year Award with Boy Scouts of America for the Far East Council Asia. His project was then advanced to the finals, where he also won Territory 1, spanning all of Asia and 14 Councils across the United States.
Kyler's project was called Project Tripod, where he planned, designed, and procured the materials and, with the help of the other scouts in BSA Troop 73 Phnom Penh, constructed a playground at an elementary school in Viel Thom village. He also designed and built bookshelves and ran a book drive to secure Khmer children's books to fill the shelves.
The ultimate desire of HOPE is to witness our students having an impact wherever they are, fulfilling their calling, and inspiring others positively. It brings us immense joy to congratulate Kyler on his accomplishments.
FLAG week is an important time in the school calendar. FLAG stands for Forever Learning About God and is our spiritual emphasis week when we dedicate a time to meditate on Biblical truths. Our Primary and Secondary staff have prepared lessons to help our students focus on God, with the focus this year being “Is the God news good news?” Some of these activities include worship, prayer, reading of the Scripture, discussion, and hands-on activities.
This year, we are honored to welcome our two guest speakers: Lisa Tabor for Primary and Tyrone Thomas for Secondary. Please continue to pray with us for the Lord to speak to the hearts and minds of students as they journey through this time.
Grading Tournaments
Last Saturday, we had grading tournaments for Middle School Basketball as part of the ISSAPP (International Schools' Sports Association Phnom Penh). Our basketball teams played against different school teams in three different locations: Northbridge, CIS and ISPP.
Boys A Team 1st Seed for Finals
Boys B Team 4th Seed for Finals
Girls A Team 3rd Seed for Finals
Girls B Team 1st Seed for Finals
This Saturday, Volleyball grading tournaments will take place at CIS, ISPP and Northbridge for High School. Make sure to cheer them on! Koupreys, the school is with you! Check the Koupreys Website for game times.
Friendlies with Logos, Asian Hope, and CIA for Volleyball and Basketball took place in the campus, learning from the wins and defeats earned in these matches. As with any game, winning is desired, but our athletes maintain a strong spirit even if we don't achieve victory.
Our Koupreys are now present on Instagram, and you can show some support by following the account and sharing their content!
Pick-up for Extracurricular activities
We are very excited to see our students making the most of their time on campus. Just a friendly reminder to all parents to pick up their children from the club room for their safety and supervision during departure, as different public events and activities are held during these hours.
Volunteers at ARC!
You may find joy in serving at our Academic Resource Center during the week! We mainly need volunteers for Kindergarten, Grades 2 and 3 for reading assignments. Please contact Amy Schantz to let her know you are the person she is praying for!
Two University Fairs are happening in Phnom Penh next week. The first fair will be held on September 27 at ISPP, while the second one is organized by the US Embassy and will take place the following day at the Hyatt Regency Hotel. It is important to inform our Guidance Counselor, Angel Hass, of your interest since both events coincide with our FLAG week. Do not hesitate to reach out so we can provide further details and assistance.
Ruang Studios got our new profile and class photos and they are ready to be printed if you wish! On Monday, students will get an envelope with instructions to preview your photos and order if you would like! Additionally, you will receive an email with the links, please contact Hector Anica if you need assistance with that.
Have you ever considered how complicated it is to return to your home country after living abroad? We are blessed to have Tanya Crossman back as a guest lecturer to HOPE. She has helped us navigate Third Culture Kid (TCK) issues before and on November 6th, she will be leading a seminar where we will be tackling ‘Building Healthy Intercultural Community and Preparing Well for Repatriation’. More details will be provided soon, but for now please save the date.
He Gives Rest
Psalms 73:26
Unless the Lord builds the house,
those who build it labor in vain.
Unless the Lord watches over the city,
the watchman stays awake in vain.
It is in vain that you rise up early
and go late to rest,
eating the bread of anxious toil;
for He gives to His beloved sleep.
This time of the year seems to hit harder than others. In the swing of things, the novelty has worn away, and along with it, the adrenaline of kicking things off. I, for one, have found myself pushing away proper rest at times in the hopes of getting more done and building the house faster; I was eating that bread of anxious toil.
In times like these, I can be prone to pushing things at my own pace, forgetting that Unless the Lord builds the house, I am laboring in vain. It’s times like these that I need reminders that God gives sleep to His beloved. You can glorify God with a nap. Now, this doesn’t mean to work half-heartedly, but rather, be listening to the Lord for His timing, and when the time comes, work hard, as hard as He made you to work. Again, be listening, and when the time comes to rest, rest well. He knows your capacity, and He offers rest when you need it. Don't push it away in the name of laboring more or laboring better, you will labor in vain.
You are His beloved; accept His rest, and follow His timing in labor. By embracing His rest, we honor Him by acknowledging His design for us.
Chappy (Mark Kramm) Chaplain.
Take time to pray for...
Fourth grade
Esther Payne
Peter Hwang
Rothy Mon
Sokunrath Khvek
Christian Perspectives
Austin Roden
Joe Martin
Wayne McMaster
Dougal Strahan
TJ Lee
David Sundaram
Parent Resource Page
C9 Menu, calendars, SEQTA, and more! Our Parent page on the website is meant to be a one-stop-shop for most information you would need. You can access that HERE, or by going to our website and clicking on "Parents".
Can you Bring One?
We always have room for more! Help us bring in more qualified, Christian teachers and staff to be a part of our HOPE community. All current openings can be found HERE.
Have a great week!