October 6, 2023 | N 6-23-24

Our community, Our home

HOPE's greatest strength has been its community throughout the years. The school was founded on the idea of providing excellent education and support for Christian workers' families in Cambodia and world missions. 

Today, HOPE thrives with its diverse, multicultural population dedicated to serving the Kingdom of Cambodia. We look forward to the future with optimism and determination, doing all things together in excellence. We are so blessed to have found in HOPE a community that we can make our home. This HOPE Connect is centered around the shared aspirations we work towards. 


40K for 40 Years

Board Chair, Emily Prichard, is going to run 40km for 40 years of life with a goal of raising $40K in scholarships for HOPE students! 

Join us for a birthday celebration turned community event on HOPE's campus Saturday, December 16. Emily will do eight 5K loops throughout the morning, and starting at 8:00 am will have music, vendors, and fun in the Park Plaza until 11:00 am. Would you like to join Emily for 1 or more of her 5K loops? Sign up using this form HERE!

You can also give directly to her project, as well as see a bit more as to why she is doing this HERE.

The Future of HOPE's campus

Recently the Board has been exploring different options regarding purchasing land or renovating buildings with the desire to secure a more long-term solution for HOPE. Nothing has been decided, but it is clear that whatever decision is made, HOPE will need a significant increase of funds. The Board would like to share the options before us and bring this before the community and spend some focused time in corporate prayer. Please save the date for Tuesday, October 24, at 6:30 p.m. for this school community meeting and RSVP HERE

Spirit-Filled FLAG Week

FLAG Week echoed Biblical truths in the lives of our students and God moved in our hearts!  Read more

More than devotions and activities, Forever Learning About God (FLAG) Week aims to fan the flame of our student's relationship with Jesus, our Redeemer. Our staff organized five days of devotions, prayers, and engaging activities to reflect on how essential truths impact our relationship with God.

Our guest speakers poured out into our students. One of them was Tyrone, a youth leader from Australia, who spoke to the Secondary students in the mornings. He was accompanied by his wife, Sha, and discussed various misconceptions about God, His image, His relationship, Sin, Jesus, and the Good News. Through worship, prayer, and group discussions, students were able to reflect on these talks and share how they were impacted by the topics. 

Lisa Tabor shared in the afternoons with Primary students about the foundational principles of the Unstoppable love of God. Our Primary Students were able to get a glimpse of God's love through fascinating stories and they made some colorful applications in creative ways. Our young learners had devotional times for five days, which ended in a delicious party celebrating God's love for the world. Ms. Tabor is an active missionary at the International Christian Assembly Church of Phnom Penh and her own children graduated from HOPE previously. 

There is so much to take from this week. We are encouraged by the response of our students during this time. We pray that God will continue to grow the seed of faith sowed in their hearts! 



Parents will have noticed that we have reduced the number of assemblies this semester to one per week. This was done to reduce the preparation time taken from classes and to give teachers more time each week with the students in their pastoral classes. Less is sometimes more and this change gives us time to focus on the quality of our assembly messages.

We have a whole school assembly on the first Monday of each month and primary/secondary assemblies on the other weeks on Fridays.

Drop-off and Pick-up times

Ensuring child safety for primary students is a top priority, particularly during drop-off and pick-up times, which mark the start and the end of our scheduled supervision.

Primary children should be dropped off after 7:40 a.m. and picked up after school at 2:30 p.m. or after your child’s organized sports or extracurricular club. Primary students not attending a club cannot wait at school for siblings in a club unless they have parent supervision.

We truly appreciate your cooperation in this procedure, it helps us to ensure that our Primary students are safe at school.

Book Donations and Colorful murals

We are grateful to Carmichael College who loaned us Lisa Linley during FLAG week. She brought over book donations that their students had fundraised for and painted the new mural in the primary hallway.

Adam Honeybun

Primary Principal

Promise: God promises his goodness

One of the units I teach in Primary Computing is on conditionals. The students learn about if, then statements, that is to say, if a certain action is completed, an event follows (e.g. if the ‘up’ button is pressed, the character moves up). Our verses this year are all about the promises of God and most are an ‘if, then’ statement. 

IF I keep my thoughts fixed on God, THEN, he will keep me in perfect peace. 

IF we trust in the Lord, THEN he will renew our strength

IF I take refuge in him, THEN I will taste and see that the Lord is good

It is my prayer for our children that their thoughts are fixed on God, that they trust and take refuge in him so that God will be their strength and refuge as is promised over and over in the Bible.

Weekly Verses (October)

Upcoming dates


Primary Football Friendlies

What an exciting game we had with our Primary athletes in the football field! Despite the rain, our Primary players did great against the Eagles of CIA. Last Tuesday they played at Logos. Thank you to the supportive parents! 

Basketball and Volleyball Friendlies

Good game from our four Volleyball and Basketball teams at ISPP and Logos. Follow the Koupreys account on Instagram to keep up to date with the game results!


The New C9 Menu

The new C9 Menu for school after the break is already available for your reference. Find it on our website (Parents section) and Parents Facebook Group!

Parent Handbook.pdf

Updated Parent Handbook

There are some new updates that we would like you to notice in our Parent Handbook. Check out the latest version of this document available on our website.  


Third Culture Kids Seminars

Tanya Crossman is the Director of Research and International Education at TCK Training, a leading provider of preventive care for TCKs (Third Culture Kids) worldwide. 

We're excited to have her come back to our campus and listen to what she says about two important moments in the life of cross-cultural families. Registration forms and pre-orders will come soon; for now, Save the date!

The sun'll come out tomorrow, so you gotta hang on 'til tomorrow. 

We are only weeks away from our School Production. Get excited! 


Welcome to our new section, where we aim to highlight the wonderful initiatives and opportunities taking place at HOPE, thanks to the dedication of our staff. Many of the exceptional and distinctive happenings on our campus are made possible by the extra effort and commitment of our team, who use their professional skills to cultivate faith and hope within the community.

These are the current openings! Do you know anyone who would be a great addition to HOPE? Please let them know that we are praying for more staff!


Wage War Against Unbelief

Ephesians 6:16-17

In all circumstances take up the shield of faith,

with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one;

and take the helmet of salvation,

and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God,”

Fear and anxiety can catch us in many different places and times in life.

The fear of failure can hold us back from following the Spirit's urges.

The fear of death can stop us from following where God is leading.

This life can be scary sometimes. The fiery darts of the devil are no joke to laugh at. But we need not ever fear him. We have a higher power at our side. The shield of faith takes away Satan's power. The salvation of the Lord protects us. We have a wonderful defense in Christ. We also have a weapon to battle back with, the Word of God. That double-edged sword yields the power that compels strength to rise in battle, and that strong shield and helmet provide peace for us in the storm. Unbelief is where we fall apart. We let down our defenses by not taking up faith in God. Oftentimes we find ourselves waging war against other people, rather than our own unbelief, leaving us vulnerable to the evil one. 

So take up faith, and find power in God's word, wage war against unbelief. Fight the good fight.

Chappy (Mark Kramm)

Take time to pray for...

Take the time to pray for…

Parent Resource Page

C9 Menu, calendars, SEQTA, and more! Our Parent page on the website is meant to be a one-stop-shop for most information you would need. You can access that HERE, or by going to our website and clicking on "Parents".

Have a great week!