November 2, 2023 | N 8-23-24
Energized by the spotlight
The clock is about to mark the hour of showtime!
The few seconds before that are full of energy, enthusiasm, excitement, or nervousness. When the clock strikes, energy, skill, character, passion, and personality will be unleashed.
We celebrate the power of performance, the excitement of competition, and the diversity of our multicultural community. In this issue, we'll shine the spotlight on the upcoming events that are sure to invigorate and inspire you. So get ready to be energized by the spotlight, and let's celebrate the strengths of our community!
Next week: Annie Jr. | The Musical
The days are coming so fast! Annie Jr. is next week at the theatre of Asian Hope International School. This production has been months in the making, and our cast and crew have been working hard to bring you a truly unforgettable performance. We have something for everyone, from stunning visuals to heartwarming moments to hilarious comedy.
Please come out and support our students as they showcase their talents and creativity. Tickets are on sale now or at the door on the day.
Thursday 9 November, 6 pm
Friday 10 November, 6 pm
Saturday 11 November, 1 pm
We can't wait to see you there!
Seminar of Third-Culture Kids!
This Monday, HOPE is hosting a Parent Seminar for our community. As a diverse community, we aim to create a space where everyone belongs, and we embark on transitions to new places and chapters in life with HOPE families.
In light of that, we are blessed to welcome Tanya Crossman, the Director of Research and International Education at TCK Training. She has 18 years of experience in the field of cross-cultural family care (largely in Asia). This coming week she will talk about Building a Healthy Intercultural Community and Preparing Well for Repatriation. Registration will be open until Friday! We hope to see you on Monday at the Hall!

A word from the BOARD
Emily Prichard
"Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain." Psalm 127:1
Thank you to those who attended the Community Prayer event last week! It was a sweet time of prayer as we invited the community into the very early stages of exploring a more permanent home for the HOPE campus. I want to reiterate that this is not an emergency situation. Rather, knowing that owners of the current property want to sell it in the near future, the Board is proactively researching options to either purchase the current site, or purchase and build in a new location in Phnom Penh.
The next step is to continue conversations with the current owners to gain a better understanding of timing and pricing of the sale. Soon after we will begin to price surrounding land to compare costs and benefits. In the meantime, the Board is forming a group of supporters willing to help with the business, financial, legal, and community aspects of such a major decision as this. We will continue to share updates with the HOPE community as they come.
Please pray with us that God would give us HIs wisdom, that He would make the way clear, and that we would stay unified as a community.
Together, for Him,
Drop-Off Times
In an effort to simplify things with immediate effect, we are making some minor changes to drop-off times in the mornings. Parents who are in the habit of dropping their children off at 7:40 a.m. will not notice any changes.
With immediate effect, primary students may now be dropped off at the playground and primary court area after 7:30 a.m. This is consistent with secondary students.
No students are allowed in the primary hallway or classrooms before 7:40 a.m. We will introduce a 7:40 a.m. bell and keep the primary hallway gates closed as a visual reminder.
Telegram Channel
Please join the Primary Telegram Channel to stay connected with important updates and announcements.
Grade 4 lessons Read more
Students in Grade 4A and 4B have been exploring the properties of materials through a variety of activities. For example, they have conducted experiments to test the strength of different materials, such as paper, plastic, and metal. They have also investigated the thermal conductivity of different materials, such as wood, metal, and glass.
Overall, learning about the properties of materials is a valuable experience for Grade 4A and 4B students. It helps them to understand the world around them, develop their critical thinking skills, and prepare for future science learning.
Adam Honeybun
Primary Principal
“Give me wisdom and knowledge, that I may lead this people, for who is able to govern this great people of yours?” 2 Chronicles 1:10
As a child, I remember being struck by the story of God’s response to Solomon’s request for wisdom. God appeared to Solomon in a dream and said, “Ask for whatever you want me to give you.” Solomon chose to ask for wisdom to lead the nation of Israel. Pleased that Solomon had asked for this instead of wealth, God granted Solomon wisdom as well as wealth, fame and a long life.
It is comforting to know that we serve the same God as Solomon, a God faithful to his promises. Like Solomon, we too can pray, “Give me wisdom and knowledge.”
Upcoming dates
3rd November 2:00 pm - Primary Assembly (Grade 2)
6th November 8:00 am - Whole School Assembly (Athletic Council)
6th November 4:45 pm - Third Culture Kids Seminars
9th November - Independence Day (no school)
9th-11th November - Annie
17th November 2:00 pm - Primary Assembly (Grade 4B)
24th November 7:25 am - Cross Country (early dismissal at 12pm)
Bible Verses
6 November: James 1:5 If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking.
13 November: Proverbs 30:5 Every word of God proves true. He is a shield to all who come to him for protection.
20 November: Proverbs 2:7 He grants a treasure of common sense to the honest. He is a shield to those who walk with integrity.
Primary Football Tournament
Last Saturday's Primary Football tournament was simply amazing! We had 5 HOPE teams battling it out at ISPP, CIS, and AISPP for the final football tournament. Primary tournaments are focussed on exposure to the sport rather than medals so we don’t have official placings, however we had both A Girls, B Boys win two out of three games placing them in their pool finals. Amazingly we were able to enter three girls teams which is the most primary girls footballers we’ve ever had and the largest representation of girls from any one school! We owe a huge thanks to our dedicated coaches, Andy Staunton, Tim Stewart, Ashlee Kuske, Steve Brown, Megan Holmes and Alli Mellon along with the parents, whose unwavering support made this season an unforgettable experience for our students.
Middle School Basketball Tournament
Middle School Basketball was an absolute blast! Our four teams played their hearts out in the final tournament, finishing with outstanding results. They played with determination and passion and grew as individual players and within their teams. The final results were as follows:
A Boys 2nd Silver Medal Coach Nathan Kramm
A Girls 4th Coach Adam Ecklund
B Boys 8th Coach Mark Kramm
B Girls 1st Gold Medal Coach Lorinda Wishart
The final games for each of these teams were tough! Our A boys lost by 7 in a very physical game against ISPP. The B Girls met Asian Hope for the third time this season and managed to win by 1 point to secure the trophy for Hope. The ISSAPP tournaments are always a roller coaster ride of emotions and there is much to learn on and off the court! Many thanks again to our coaching team and supportive parents on the sideline!
Staff vs Students
This week, we have two friendly volleyball matches between the staff and students. Yesterday, the ladies match took place, and tomorrow, the guys will play. It's a fun and exciting activity!
Getting Ready for Cross-Country
Our athletic department has been preparing for the cross-country race. With the nomination of captains, completion of a road check, and final training sessions both in PE lessons and on Wednesday mornings, our students are getting ready for the big event on Friday, November 24.
New Facilitiies Projects!
Starting November 6, we will begin some renovations and capital improvements around campus, thanks to generous donors. We will try to minimize the disruption that these projects will have on learning. Stay connected to official HOPE communication channels for more information as there will be some changes to drop off and pick up as we work on the Sahakom Cafe area.
The following projects will be completed in the coming weeks:
A new academic room on the top floor
A new coat of paint for the cafeteria
Shade and rain cover for the playground
Upgraded sinks, counters and shelving for the science labs
Tiling of current grass area near the secondary gate and Sahakom
Extending of the admin building roof
Seating for Sahakom Cafe to create a better community space
Calendar updates
Some dates have been updated in our calendar. We have added our upcoming events and rescheduled the High School Formal to one week later than originally planned.

40K for 40 Years
Board Chair, Emily Prichard, is going to run 40km for 40 years of life with a goal of raising $40K in scholarships for HOPE students! Join us for a birthday celebration turned community event on HOPE's campus Saturday, December 16. Sign up using this form HERE!
You can also give directly to her project, as well as see a bit more as to why she is doing this HERE.
The Koupreys bag
A new gear for the KOUPREYS! Get your waterproof drawstring bag for your trainings and tournaments! Get yours starting from Monday until they are all sold out! $15 each
We call to spread the voice and pray with us for the current openings. HOPE's staff strives to serve with integrity of heart and with skillful hands. We are opening the following positions, let them know we are praying for them! Click on the following graphics to see the Job Descriptions
From our Chaplain
Purpose in the pruning
John 15:1-2
“I am the true vine, and my Father is the vinedresser. Every branch in me that does not bear fruit he takes away, and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes, that it may bear more fruit.”
Jesus’s words here are given to his disciples knowing that no one will go without experiencing the discipline of our loving Father. Thus he encourages His disciples by displaying that the pruning is trustworthy. The vinedresser prunes for the good of the vine, though the pruning is painful, we can take up peace by believing in the goodness and faithfulness of the vinedresser. Do not despise our good Father’s good discipline. It is for your benefit that you may bear more fruit.
This is easier said than done. My encouragement to you is the example of Jesus, as He trusted the faithfulness, power, and love of God as he went through death and resurrection. Accept the Father’s will, take up faith that His will is better than yours. The pruning may last for a little while, but more fruit comes in the end.
Chappy (Mark Kramm)
A prayer list
Take the time to pray for…
Annie Jr’s Cast, Crew, and Committees
Parent Resource Page
C9 Menu, calendars, SEQTA, and more! Our Parent page on the website is meant to be a one-stop-shop for most information you would need. You can access that HERE, or by going to our website and clicking on "Parents".
That's all!
Have a great week!