January 19, 2023 | N 13-23-24
Standing firm together
The echoes of prayer and fasting still linger, a potent reminder of the call to continued reliance on God as a new semester gets underway. Just as Jesus faced 40 days of trials, so do these coming months stretch before us as a testing ground.
Receive the invitation to deeper life in Christ: a call to rise, stronger and more steadfast. Stand firm on the foundation of faith, facing each challenge with the strength of His word.
Let us embrace these tests as opportunities to forge our resolve, sharpen our focus, and deepen the roots of our faith.
MUN Delegates Debate in South Korea
Harvard Model Congress Asia (HMCA) is a government simulation conference run entirely by Harvard students passionate about international relations, government, and teaching. Organized by Harvard College Model Congress Asia, a student organization at Harvard University, HMCA has provided an immersive educational experience for high school students around the globe since 2004.
Along with participants from more than 20 countries, the HOPE Model United Nations (MUN) Club was represented by eleven delegates last week in Seoul, South Korea. They engaged in one-on-one communication with Harvard students, debated pressing global issues, and made cross-cultural connections with other delegates from Asia and different parts of the world.
To enhance the educational and experiential learning from the HMCA, students also had the opportunity to visit the Korean War Museum and tour the DMZ (De-Militarized Zone), walk through a traditional Korean village, and of course, try a variety of local foods. (We also enjoyed Starbucks and McDonalds!) We appreciated having several Korean students on the trip to help navigate, translate, and make reservations.
New School Front Area + Parent Lanyards
The school's front is now open to welcome the community, with an improved pick-up and drop-off area. The local engineering firm Petram designed the redevelopment to ensure safe and organized arrival and departure from campus. The construction will be completed within a week with minor works including paint and signage.
With the completion of this construction, we are entering a new season of safety in our school. We are concluding the season of major capital improvements which were made possible thanks to the generous donors and the HOPE Board and Director's commitment to ensuring the well-being of the entire community. We would like to express our gratitude for your patience throughout the project.
If you missed it, look at the instructional video and leaflets. We appreciate your cooperation and compliance with this procedure. Parents are requested to wear their parent lanyard anytime they are on campus before and after school. The procedure of signing in at the Front Office during school hours (8:00-2:30) is still in place for all visitors and volunteers. If you haven’t requested yours, please do so here. Parent Lanyards can be picked up from the Front Office.
Prayer and Fasting Week
Parents, students, and staff gathered around purposeful stations across the campus. There was a guided prayer station, a colorful praise station at the HOPE lawn, and a repentance station near the cross at Park Plaza that provided a contemplative space for consecration.
HOPE values the prayers of the community. Join us for Parent Prayer every Wednesday at 8 a.m and lift up our regularly updated requests at the end of HOPE Connect.
Primary CAMP Week is coming!
Only 32 sleeps until camp week! This year our primary school will run separate programs for our lower primary (Preschool - Grade 3) and upper primary (Grades 4 and 5).
The camp theme for Preschool - Grade 3 is Monumental God. Through Bible stories, songs, drama, and hands-on activities, students will learn that God is good through all circumstances.
Our Grade 4 and 5 theme is The Power of Influence. Through Bible studies and hands-on activities, students will learn about positive and negative influences and how to positively influence others.
Please watch your emails for further information.
Secondary Students Punctuality
As we enter the second semester, we would like to emphasize the importance of punctual arrival at school for our secondary students. Arriving between 7:30 and 8:00am is crucial to set a positive tone for the day, giving students time to be fully prepared for their classes. School attendance is directly linked to academic achievement and to reinforce this connection, we will be including attendance records in the final semester reports this year.
To encourage punctuality, we request your support in ensuring that your child arrives at school on time. Arriving at school after 8:05 means that a student is late, and students who arrive late more than five times in the semester will have consequences. For grades six through ten, they will spend a lunchtime period in the Academic Office working through some reflection questions and setting targets for improvement. For IB students, this means losing the privilege of working in their IB study room; instead, they will be asked to work in the Academic Office for a time.
Instilling a sense of responsibility for time management benefits the students and also fosters a respectful learning environment. We value education and want our students to respect their time and the time and preparation put forth by their teachers. We appreciate your cooperation in this. Please contact the Academic Office if you have further questions or concerns.
Weekly verses
Week 3 - Malachi 3:6 I am the Lord, and I do not change. That is why you descendants of Jacob are not already destroyed.
Week 4 - Job 26:36 Look, God is greater than we can understand. His years cannot be counted.
Sports Day 2024
We are looking forward to holding our annual Sports Day next Friday, the 26th of January. The day will be slightly shortened and run from 8am-1pm followed by an early dismissal. We look forward to all students participating. There are several opportunities to serve and volunteer! Contact lorinda.wishart@hope.edu.kh if you would like to help on the day. If you would like to get involved in bringing food for the snack shack that will help raise money for school projects and equipment, we will gladly accept your food donations. (Due to students who have peanut allergies, we are unable to accept donations that have peanuts.)
Homeschoolers who would like to join in this day, please complete this form.
Look at the overview of the day here. Don’t forget to wear your house color and dress up!
Friendly Basketball Tournament
Last week, the Koupreys played a friendly basketball tournament against the Lightning of Logos, the Eagles of CIA, and the Geckos of Asian Hope. The A & B Girls teams won two games and lost one. These games were invaluable experience for our teams as we look ahead to the Grading and Final Tournaments. The A Boys and B Boys teams had three strong wins each on Saturday. Please continue to encourage your high school athletes to balance their workload and make time for trainings. Their success is a credit to how hard they are working in training! The Grading Tournament is just a couple of weeks away and schedules will be posted on the Koupreys Website in the coming week.
Our Koupreys to Kuala Lumpur
From February 27 to March 3rd, a HOPE Koupreys team of 29 High School Athletes and 6 staff will fly to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to compete in the first Asia Christian Schools Conference Division II (ACSC II). ACSC II aims to provide students in Asia International Evangelical Christian high schools with opportunities in sports, ministry, culture, and relationships through a Tri-Sport tournament featuring volleyball, basketball, and soccer at Oasis International School.
As we prepare for the tournament, our athletes are undergoing additional training following mock exams. This is a significant event for HOPE as it marks our first time participating in an international sporting competition. It is not only an excellent opportunity to promote sportsmanship, but also a chance to deepen our faith and connect with the international Christian community around Asia.
School Calendar 2024-2025
We are excited to share the School Calendar for the Academic Year 2024-2025. This simplified calendar includes important dates such as school holidays, term dates, some major HOPE events, and public holidays only. We encourage you to refer to our live school calendar on our website for detailed information on-campus events, parent meetings, and other activities occurring during the academic year.
Note that the School Calendar is released every year by March for the following year.
Re-enrollment season
We would like to remind you that re-enrollment forms are due on Monday, 22 January. It is crucial parents finish this process to ensure that your child's place is secured for the upcoming year.
If you are planning a home leave/furlough for part or all of the 2024-2025 academic year, please submit the Home Leave/Furlough Form. If you are planning for your children not to return to HOPE in August 2024, please submit the Departing From HOPE Form.

Next on the Calendar
Jan 26
Sports Days (1:00 pm dismissal)
Feb 1
Half Day (Staff in-service)
Feb 3
MS Football and HS Basketball Grading Tournament
Feb 10
High School Formal @ Raffles De Royal | 6:00 pm
Feb 17
MS Football and HS Basketball Final Tournament
Feb 20 - 24
CAMP Week! - Different locations
Our High School Formal is coming on February 10 and tickets are already available at the school. Visit the itinerant booth at Park Plaza or stop by the Front Office. The price will increase after February 1, so get your ticket now!
This year’s theme is The Secret Garden and it perfectly blends classic and fine dining in a romantic atmosphere at the enchanting and iconic Raffles Le Royal Hotel.
Students' Fellowship
Fellowship is a weekly Bible study with dinner and worship every other Wednesday night from 5:30 - 7:30 pm. Dinner and Worship are at Park Plaza on HOPE’s Campus. The studies are in the ground floor classrooms. They are split into four groups, guys and girls, as well as Middle School and High School. Come hang out and study God's word with us!
HOPE Shop | Promotions every Friday
Our HOPE Shop is back with Every Friday Promotions! Find the HOPE Shop by the Sahakom Community Cafe and get your gear with a different promotion every week.
From our Chaplain
The Lord is at hand
Philippians 5 - 7
The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
He is not far off. This new semester has met us with new challenges and obstacles. The world has a way of creating storms in our lives. These past two weeks have been filled with prayer and peace as well as difficulties and distractions, and I found this verse took on a new light as I noticed more prominently the very first line of a very famous sentence. The Lord is at hand.
I can reach out and find Him. He is not far off; He is within reach, right next to you. There is no need to worry, the creator of the universe, who made you and loves you, see’s beyond your storms. He asks that you reach out and meet with him in prayer and supplication with thanksgiving. His peace passes all understanding. It’s stormproof.
If the Lord is at hand, then reach out and take hold. He will guard your heart and mind.
Take a time to pray for
Take the time to pray for…
Preschool 1
Max Bui
Social Studies
Eric Wolthius
Nathan Kramm
Hilde Phen
Michael Henderson
New families at HOPE
New staff at HOPE
Puttheavy Ket
Hilde Phen
Vuthry Eng
Kelsi McGillivray
Sarah Cooper
Grades 10 and 12 Mock Exams
Parent Resource Page
C9 Menu, calendars, SEQTA, and more! Our Parent page on the website is meant to be a one-stop-shop for most information you would need. You can access that HERE, or by going to our website and clicking on "Parents".
That's all!
See you at school!