February 1st, 2024 | N 14-23-24
Discovering the path
Education is a journey of self-discovery, marked by challenges and opportunities. In our everyday choices and actions, we catch glimpses of our future. Over the past few weeks, we've witnessed our students excelling in various activities, and it's truly inspiring to see the growth as they discover more of their interests, passions, and skills.
This picture reflects the truth found in scripture that He has created us to do the good things he planned for us from the very beginning. We were created with unique talents and purposes, waiting to be discovered and embraced, and that’s the process we aim to see in each one of our students through the diverse opportunities at HOPE.
Ellison wins the Sports Day!
Sports Day is one of the traditions at HOPE. It is a colorful day where our four houses compete in a series of races and sport activities that challenge our students’ physical strength and skills. From water games to relays, from long jumps to sprints, we make this day all about sportsmanship and participation. This year we added 400m for Middle and High school students which was completed on the Wednesday before Sports Day.
Ellison won this year's competition with a cumulative score of 1008 points. Hammond followed in second place with 977 points, Verner with 959 points, and Cormack with 943 points. All houses showed great determination, making this year's competition a picture of teamwork and fun.
Other fun distinctions were the categories of Best Dressed, where Cormack excelled with blue props and Best Cheer with Ellison's green vibrancy and spirit again!
A huge thank you to Parent Council, Formal Committee, and C9, who provided food and drinks for the day. We raised over $300 for both PE Department and Formal Committee each.
A CAS project in benefit of Prek Reang High School
Grade 11 students raised funds for Prek Reang High School located in Chroy Chong Va, on the outskirts of Phnom Penh.
Sikyung Jun, Lymeng Tang, Gabriel Han, and Robert Ridoutt initiated a fundraiser inside and outside the school based on the sale of snacks and drinks; and donations to bring a generous gift of six laptops. This is part of their service project for the Creativity, Action, and Service (CAS) requirement of the IB Diploma supervised by Eric Wolthius.
This public school has received funding from a few investors but is currently struggling to finance basic computer education programs that help students develop digital literacy, a crucial skill in today's world.
At the official ceremony, the school leadership acknowledged the reception of the computers and granted a certificate of appreciation to the students. We are encouraged by the efforts put into this noble project!
Child Safety and Protection Network workshops in Malaysia
HOPE Staff members John Phifer and Tavita Asiata attended a Child Safety and Protection Network (CSPN) conference last week in Penang, Malaysia, at Dalat International School. John, our Compliance Coordinator, focused on Program Essentials while Tavita, our Well-being Coordinator, learned about Response Team Training. These ongoing professional development seminars help HOPE to create an environment where students’ wellbeing and safety are ensured.
CAMP Week is coming!
HOPE School Camp is a time of year that students and staff look forward to. The camp program aims to achieve several outcomes outside of normal classroom learning.
Outdoor activities like the ones our students experience at camp have many benefits. They learn self-reliance, teamwork, problem-solving, and how to relate effectively as a group. Social skills, self-confidence, and personal responsibility are also built. Camp promotes personal and corporate faith development, deepens cultural understanding, and provides opportunities to experience rural Cambodia.
The camp is compulsory for all students as it forms part of the essential school curriculum. The cost of the camp is built into the overall school fees.
This year, different camp programs for specific grades are taking place from the week of February 20 to 23. Separate emails for Secondary and Primary students have been sent with details on these programs. Our Telegram Channels will be active just like last year to receive live updates on the activities.
Primary School
Preschool 1 and 2 - HOPE and a visit to Doozi
Kindergarten, Grades 1, 2, and 3 - HOPE and a visit to Garden City Waterpark
Grades 4 and 5 - Baray at Kompong Tom, HOPE, and a visit to Garden City Waterpark
Secondary school
Grades 6, 7, and 8 to Shalom Valley, Kep
Grade 9 and 10 Camp to Nature Lodge, Mondulkiri
Grade 11 Camp to Siem Reap
Weekly verses
God promises to be with us
Week 5 - Psalm 125:2
Week 6 - Deuteronomy 31:8
Week 7 - Camp Week verses
Basketball and Football Friendlies
Last week our Middle School Football Koupreys played against the Lightning of Logos in friendlies. A Boys won a close game while A Girls, B Boys and Girls were defeated. Football encounters took place yesterday at CIA First Chbam Pov for out B and C Boys teams losing but fighting hard.
Meanwhile, High School Basketball friendlies took place last Tuesday against the Bears of CIS, with 4 victories for both Teams A and B, Girls and Boys! The Kouprey engine is roaring back again, getting ready as we approach the final tournaments of Season 2. Check out the results on the Koupreys Instagram account.
Upcoming Grading Tournaments
Our Koupreys are back on the courts after Christmas break, and they are scheduled for more training and grading tournaments. High School Basketball and Middle School Football will have Grading tournaments at Northbridge, CIS, ISPP, and AISPP this Saturday. A separate email with game times and transportation information has been sent to the athletes’ families. Check out the calendar for more details so that you can come support HOPE.
Parent Lanyards
Starting Monday, February 5th, HOPE will require all adults on campus to have a lanyard. Please wear your parent lanyard and if you do not have your lanyard for drop off or pick up, sign in at the Front Office to receive a visitor lanyard. We appreciate your continued support. If you don’t have your Parent Lanyard yet, request it at the Front Office or by clicking this link.
C9 and Sahakom Survey
Century 9, the food vendor at HOPE, is seeking feedback from the community regarding the current food and drink options available at the cafeteria and Sahakom community cafe, as well as the overall service provided. Please share your thoughts by filling out this form by Thursday, February 8.
Conclusion of Drop-off and Pick-up area
The front of school construction project is finished–there are still some final touches to go, but the overall project is done. We are extremely grateful for the engineering firm Petram and their expertise in construction management–their skillful guidance of this capital improvement has increased safety for everyone at HOPE.
Next on the Calendar
Feb 3
MS Football and HS Basketball Grading Tournament
Feb 5
Whole School Assembly
Feb 10
High School Formal @ Raffles De Royal | 6:00 pm
Feb 17
MS Football and HS Basketball Final Tournament
Feb 20 - 23
CAMP Week! - Different locations
Formal Tickets raise prices
High School formal tickets are still available! Starting on Monday, ticket prices will increase by $5. So get your tickets soon!
HOPE Shop | Promotions
The Koupreys should be well-equipped for this season of Secondary tournaments. To show our support, our Kouprey waterproof drawstring bag will be only $10 dollars during February. Limited numbers are available at the HOPE shop!
Happy Valentine's Day
Our Student Formal Committee is organizing a Valentine’s Fundraising Activity for February 14! By filling out this form, you will have the opportunity to turn this Valentine's Day into a truly memorable one. Pick a gift for that special someone.
We feel extremely grateful for the story of our staff member, Lily Oh. She has been a valuable part of our community in Siem Reap and continues to make a positive impact as she serves in the classroom here at HOPE. Please help us spread the word and encourage qualified individuals with a strong sense of mission to join our team!
From our Chaplain
You become what you worship
"Those who make them will be like them, and so will all who trust in them.” Psalms 115:8
What does it mean to worship? In the most essential sense, it is a choice to submit oneself and exalt someone else. Our culture today worships famous singers, actors, and athletes. Our peers try to imitate their idol. Our culture tells us that these people are worth worshipping. Worship is not just temporary action, but an attitude reflected in a lifestyle of following and imitating.
We worship things we shouldn't, and all too quickly, we see ourselves reflecting them. It is not a coincidence but rather natural that Israel, who worshipped a cow, became 'stiff-necked' and, as Hosea later described, became like a stubborn calf. This parallel helps us to realize that if we worship the world, we will become like the world.
We must take time to examine ourselves. Where does our time go? What are we submitting ourselves to? We must take time to come before the Lord and ask him to purify our hearts. We must worship Him and Him alone. Only then can we reflect on His love, His kindness, His faithfulness, His grace, and His hope. If we are to be a light, we must look to the light.
Parent Resource Page
C9 Menu, calendars, SEQTA, and more! Our Parent page on the website is meant to be a one-stop-shop for most information you would need. You can access that HERE, or by going to our website and clicking on "Parents".
That's all!
Have a fun weekend!
Take a time to pray for
Gaby Ek
Narin Phai
Vanry Thou
Nouch Soeun
Vandy Mao
Sokhol Nou
Len Yok
Horn Nav
Dalynet Ann
Siengly Sarin
Departing Staff
Roslyn Darr
Grading Tournaments