February 16, 2024 | N 15-23-24

Shining Before Camp!

There's a lot of excitement and celebration happening before embarking on an adventure somewhere in Cambodia!

The students' amazing attitudes during recent activities have been inspiring. It's not their clothes or outfits that are shining bright, but their outstanding actions. We believe that God is at work in their hearts and minds. Let's celebrate our students as they get ready for camp!


The Secret Garden: High School Formal

Last weekend, around 120 HOPE students and staff gathered at the iconic Raffles Le Royal for their High School Formal, one of the student-led events at HOPE. Dressed to join the night in stunning attire, they enjoyed a delicious buffet and danced the night away to Jun Sikyung's amazing song mixes.

Awards were given for King and Queen, Bromance, Sisterhood, Moonflower, Best Dancer, and Best Dressed which added to the merriment, while a heartfelt song about friendship and love capped off the evening. This formal was fun and memorable!

Watch the amazing video by RUANG Studios

Buddy Groups are connected!

The 'Buddy Groups' is a regular activity that is held between students of Primary and Secondary levels. The program aims to foster a sense of community, mentorship, and connection among the students. 

During the semester, students are grouped into cross-age buddy groups, where they engage together in activities such as reading, games, or devotion times. 

Throughout the school year, we have organized several 'Buddy Group' moments during pastoral classes, and we are incredibly inspired by our students' response in building a more united community.

The United States Gold Congressional Award to Kyler Hester

Kyler Hester, a Grade 12 student, has been honored with the United States Gold Congressional Award and is set to be presented with the prestigious accolade at the United States Capitol in Washington, D.C., in June 2024. 

The Gold Congressional Award is a prestigious honor presented to young Americans who have demonstrated outstanding initiative, service, and achievement in various areas of their lives. The Congressional Award program is the United States Congress' award for young Americans.

The specific hour requirements for each area that Kyler completed is:


CAMP Week is coming!

Next Tuesday, our students will be out of their regular classrooms for Camp Week. This week is dedicated to providing them with an opportunity to reflect, bond, and explore different cultural aspects of Cambodia. We believe that through this experience, we can help our students achieve spiritual awakening while broadening their horizons through exposure to new things.

Camp week information has been sent via email. We encourage our parents to keep in touch with live updates in our Telegram channels and chats. These are the chats where our staff will be streaming updates.  Please click on the links and join them if you are not yet part of them.

All chats and channels will be one-way communication channels. Our staff won't be able to respond there. If you need to communicate with us, please contact Elizabeth Shin in the Academic Office.

Weekly verses

God promises to be with us

Week 7 - Camp Week verses

Week 8 - 2 Timothy 2:19a 

Week 9 - Isaiah 43:2 


At the edge of Season 2

Two weeks ago, our Koupreys battled across the city in grading tournaments for Middle School Football and High School Basketball. The results are encouraging, and we trust in the thriving performance of our players for the upcoming Final tournament that will mark the end of Season 2 for these sports.  

Upcoming Tri-Sport Tournament

The week after the Camp, our 29 HOPE Koupreys delegates, and 6 coaches will fly to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to compete in the first Asia Christian Schools Conference Division II (ACSC II) Tri-Sport Tournament. There is training and excitement, and we invite our community to cover our participants in prayer for good health and safety. 


Upcoming pipeline renovation in front of the school

The Government Phnom Penh Water Supply Authority informed us late yesterday evening about an upcoming renovation project of the underground pipelines on the main road. Starting today, this project will impact the Front of the School Area for an unknown duration. From the communication we've received from PPWSA, we anticipate that the only impact today is on staff parking. Stay tuned with official communications via email and Telegram for more details. We appreciate your flexibility and understanding in this very fluid situation.

Primary Gate closed

The Primary Gate will remain closed from Tuesday to Friday due to the low number of students at school during Camp Week.

Signing in on weekends 

During weekends, HOPE community is welcome to come to campus. In order to ensure everyone's safety, we kindly request that you sign in at the Secondary gate upon arrival.

Extracurricular Clubs

We have opened registration for Extracurricular Clubs for the second semester. Please fill out the registration form available here.

Next on the Calendar

Feb 17

MS Football and HS Basketball Final Tournament

Feb 20 - 23

CAMP Week! - Different locations

Feb 26 - 27

Midterm Holiday

March 4

Start of Extracurricular Clubs


HOPE Shop | Promotions 

The Koupreys should be well-equipped for this season of Secondary tournaments. To show our support, our Kouprey waterproof drawstring bag will be only $10 dollars during February. Limited numbers are available at the HOPE shop!

The Yearbook is coming!

Be excited! The yearbook is coming! Our Yearbook team has officially begun the creative pages of this year’s edition. More information to come soon.


Do you know someone who would passionately serve alongside us? These are the current opening positions! Spread the news and pray for more qualified staff to come serve HOPE! 

Parent Resource Page

C9 Menu, calendars, SEQTA, and more! Our Parent page on the website is meant to be a one-stop-shop for most information you would need. You can access that HERE, or by going to our website and clicking on "Parents".

That's all!

Have a great weekend!

Take a time to pray for