HOPE Connect

May 24, 2024 | N 21-23-24

The Graduates Feature

Our Grade 12 students are all set to start something new! They have completed their high school education and the Lord has richly blessed them with formative experiences throughout their time at HOPE. They've spent years learning and developing, and now it's time to celebrate their accomplishment! This special issue of HOPE Connect is about their journey, what they've learned, and what lies ahead.

Shaleem Abid

Passport Country


Grade started at HOPE

Grade 3

Next Steps

Plans to attend La Trobe University Melbourne, Australia. Bachelors of Commerce or Health Science.

Favorite Memories at HOPE 

One of my favourite memories as a HOPE student has to be middle school as a whole, excluding Covid-19.

Abigail Bryce

Passport Country


Grade started at HOPE

Preschool 1

Next Steps

Either Global studies or Politics, Philosophy and Economics in Melbourne 

Favorite Memories at HOPE 

There's so many, but especially formal this year was so much fun 

Toya Furuyama

Passport Country

Cambodia - Japan

Grade started at HOPE

Grade 6

Next Steps

Not decided but probably major in mechanical engineering.

Favorite Memories at HOPE 

Spending time with friends.

Kyler Hester

Passport Country

United States of America

Grade started at HOPE

Grade 1

Next Steps

Plans to attend Abilene Christian University, Abilene Texas, major in engineering, and minor in entrepreneurship. 

Favorite Memories at HOPE

Tri-Sport Tournament for Asia Christian School Conference (ACSC)

Matthias  EnXiang Kok

Passport Country


Grade started at HOPE

Preschool 1

Next Steps

In the next two years, he will be fulfilling Singapore's mandatory military service. Upon completion, he intends to pursue studies in computer science or engineering. However, a positive experience during the service could lead him to consider a career in the military itself.

Favorite Memories at HOPE 

I've been here awhile so maybe the old campus where we would play handball, or the volleyball and basketball seasons in high school. 

Su Min Lee

Passport Country

South Korea

Grade started at HOPE

Preschool 1

Next Steps

University in South Korea

Favorite Memories at HOPE 

Playing volleyball with other grade levels 

Jacob Logan

Passport Country

United States of America

Grade started at HOPE

Grade 9

Next Steps

Plans to attend Union University in Jackson, TN, pre-med with a major in chemistry.

Favorite Memories at HOPE

My favorite memory would be our Grade 11 camp to Siem Reap where I was able to connect with my classmates and enjoy many fun activities.

Sokhawin Ly

Passport Country


Grade started at HOPE

Grade 7

Next Steps


Favorite Memories at HOPE 

Siem Reap Camp

Juan Alonzo Mora

Passport Country

United States of America

Grade started at HOPE

Grade 2

Next Steps

Plans to attend Berea College in Kentucky, United States in business management or economics.

Favorite Memories at HOPE 

Playing the B-team basketball tournament.

Johnson Oh

Passport Country

United States of America

Grade started at HOPE


Next Steps

Plans to attend Baylor University in Texas, United States. Leaning toward studying Biomechanics.

Favorite Memories at HOPE

Playing basketball with my friends.

Giryeong Park

Passport Country

South Korea

Grade started at HOPE

Grade 5

Next Steps

Plans to attend the University of Monash, Australia, majoring in Sciences.

Favorite Memories at HOPE 

Tri-Sport Tournament in Malaysia (ACSC) - Got to try McDonald's and Subway (for the first time).

Daeun Park

Passport Country

South Korea

Grade started at HOPE

Preschool 1

Next Steps

Major undecided.

Favorite Memories at HOPE 

High School Formal 2024

Yeawon Ryu

Passport Country

South Korea

Grade started at HOPE

Grade 8

Next Steps

Plans to attend University in South Korea.

Favorite Memories at HOPE

Finishing IB assessments and exams

Heng Oudom Touch

Passport Country


Grade started at HOPE

Grade 1

Next Steps

Either taking a gap year or going to Shoreline Community College, Washington to get an associate degree in Arts and Sciences. 

Favorite Memories at HOPE 

Class Minecraft server during COVID.

Soyashin Yim

Passport Country


Grade started at HOPE

Grade 11

Next Steps

Not applied yet but is planning to go into a major that is Law related

Favorite Memories at HOPE 

Grade 11 Camp was my favorite memory 

Join the celebration

We are excited to invite the entire school community to celebrate the graduation ceremony of our Grade 12 class! 

The ceremony will be held at the International Christian Assembly Auditorium on Thursday, June 6th at 4:00 p.m. 

This is an event open to the public. Doors will open at 3:30 p.m. for a prompt start at 4 p.m. Seating is first come, first serve.

We'll also be offering a Facebook live stream of the ceremony for those special ones who are unable to attend physically. Please visit the Facebook Page of the school at the appointed local time.